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Why does the dog's eyes fester?

One of the most common problems that cause pet owners to go to a veterinary clinic is eye disease in a pet. Many owners complain that animals periodically or permanently fester, water or curdle their eyes. The reasons for this state can be many - these are traumas, and the ingress of foreign bodies into the eyes or dirt and dust, allergic reactions, infections, anatomical features, systemic diseases. In some cases, the eyes of the dog blush, there are abundant secretions or lacrimation. However, purulent discharge from the eyes is more characteristic of conjunctivitis of different nature.

Conjunctivitis in dogs
This disease in dogs is very common. Conjunctivitis refers to the inflammation of the membrane lining the inner surface of the eyelid. The disease is both acute and chronic, as well as symptomatic, or independent. Distinguish also purulent and catarrhal conjunctivitis. The dog's eyes fester, as a rule, with purulent conjunctivitis, which is characterized by yellow discharge, sometimes having a greenish tinge. In this case, the owners of dogs often note that the pet has swollen eyes.

Suppuration of the eyes in a dog can be one of the first manifestations of viral diseases, such as plague. In addition, the dog's eyes fester in the presence of various helminthic invasions. In this case, conjunctivitis is a manifestation of the body's allergic reaction to the presence of parasites. The cause of purulent conjunctivitis in animals can be infection with viruses and bacteria. For dogs, infection with cocci is more common, while eyes fester in a cat and in infections caused by mycoplasma and chlamydia.

It is important not to miss acute conjunctivitis in the dog, to avoid complications and prolonged chronic course of the disease. In the acute course of the disease, the eyes of the dog often swim, pus accumulates along the edges of the eyelids, which forms crusts, the general condition is depressed and, as a rule, the body temperature is increased. In this case, the dog can squint and avoid bright light. Acute process, as a rule, lasts several days. If there is no recovery, the disease acquires a chronic form, which is more characteristic of follicular conjunctivitis. In this case, the follicles become inflamed on the inner surface of the third century, the dog's eyes are festering almost constantly. The disease can last for years.

How to help a pet
If you notice that the dog's eyes are festering, do not postpone the visit to the veterinary clinic, and in this case it will be necessary to consult an ophthalmologist. This is important first of all in order not to miss an animal life-threatening infectious disease, such as a plague. In this case, treatment must begin immediately. In addition, only a doctor will be able to understand the causes of conjunctivitis. The type of disease, as well as the severity of the process, will depend on the treatment. With bacterial conjunctivitis, in order to determine exactly what the eyes are dying from the dog, it is necessary to sow the purulent discharge to nutrient media. This will help to identify the causative agent of the disease and determine its sensitivity to various antibiotics.

For treatment, drops and ointments with antibiotics, in particular, erythromycin, oletetrine ointment, solutions of kanamycin and levomycetin, furacilin are usually prescribed. In the allergic nature of the disease, antihistamines are used. To reduce edema in chronic conjunctivitis, locally used drugs with hydrocortisone or dexamethasone, prescribe a therapy to increase the protective forces of the body of the dog. In the presence of helminthic invasions, anthelmintic drugs are prescribed . In addition, at home, you can wash the dog's eyes with tea or decoction of chamomile and calendula.

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