Arts & Entertainment, Films
Actor Juan Fernandez
Juan Fernandez de Alarcón - so it sounds the full name of the Dominican actor, in the professional coin box of which there are almost sixty cinematographic projects. Despite the fact that he was shot in a lot of films, he has not so many main roles, he usually plays minor or episodic characters.
Fernández Juan. Biography
The actor was born on 13.12.1956 in the capital of the Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo.
Almost all of his life is an escape from the oppressive reality of his native country, where poverty, banditry and ruin reign everywhere. The Dominican Republic of the second half of the 20th century is just such a place. Today, fortunately, the situation has somewhat improved.
Today he is a rather famous actor, who appeared in a lot of films. Most of his works differ in that he plays negative characters, which are usually called villains. In many respects this is due to his appearance, which gives the impression that the spectator is a scoundrel and a villain. The stereotype that most Latin Americans are drug traffickers and bandits only contributes to the development of the actor precisely in this role.
Juan Fernandez though is a Dominican by birth and lives in this country, his career was built primarily in the United States. This is due to the fact that the cinema itself is very poorly developed in the Dominican Republic itself, and in the United States a Latin American man with external data Juan can easily build a career in criminal films, playing the role of villains.
This is the way to build his career and chose Juan Fernandez. And it is worth noting, in this he excelled very well.
The actor himself was not very fond of playing the role of scoundrels, gangsters and wrecks, however, for want of a better one, as they say, he agreed to what was offered. Nevertheless, in his track record there are several pretty significant paintings. Among these works are such films as: "Kinjait: Forbidden Topics" (1988), "Loner" (2003) and "Pit of the Devil" (2012). It is also considered a significant work of Juan Fernandez as an actor "Collector" - a 2009 film.
The total number of cinematographic works of the actor totals about 60 films and television series. His first work in the movie was a tape called "Salome", filmed in 1972.
Then there were such films as:
- "The City of Fear" (1984);
- "Salvador" (1985);
- "Crocodile Dundee 2" (1988);
- "The Book of the Dead" (1993);
- "Time of rabid dogs" (1996);
- "In Hell" (2003);
- "The film about love" (2012) and others.
Also in his track record is quite a large number of TV-series, among which you can select the following:
- "Miami Police: Department of Morals" (TV-series, 1984-1990);
- "Beverly Hills 90210" (TV-series, 1990-2000);
- "Cool Walker" (TV-series, 1993-2001);
- "Underwater Odyssey" (TV-series, 1993-1996) and others.
In recent years, the sixty-year-old Juan Fernandez, an actor whose photo you can see below, has become much less likely to appear in films, although he still aspires to appear only in good, quality action films and criminal tapes.
Juan Fernandez does not pretend to be the most outstanding or greatest actor of our time. It is enough for him that he managed to create a weighty name in the world of cinema and build a very successful film career, even considering that he does not have outstanding foreground roles.
It is worth noting that he is one of the few people from the Dominican Republic who ever managed to get into the world of big Hollywood movies. He went to it for a rather long time, therefore everything that he achieved is due only to himself, to his perseverance and to the will power. Of course, an important role, of course, in the formation of him as an actor was played by innate talent, remarkable appearance and purposefulness.
Despite the fact that he has almost no major roles, he took part in the filming of many films and serials that have become truly cult. If it were not for his participation in these projects, who knows, maybe they would not have become so important for cinematic art. After all, he helped create that oppressive atmosphere of crime and the villain that was going on in the movies.
With all his appearance, he demonstrated and continues to demonstrate that there is no more suitable candidate for the role of a bad Latin American bandit. In many respects his success in this role is due to the fact that he himself comes from a country where criminality reigned everywhere, although in his account the roles of not only criminal guys.
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