Beauty, Hair
Masks for hair from mayonnaise - an easy way to make your hair beautiful
Everyone likes beautiful shiny and smooth hair. Each girl dreams of obedient hair, when in a magnificent and complex hairstyle does not slip a single strand and when each curl will know its place. Of course, this is not so easy, because our hairstyle always needs care. And few girls give enough attention to their hair. And how much pernicious do we use? Hair dryers, tongs, curlers, and this is not a complete list. That's why experts strongly recommend carrying out various restorative procedures, and not only in the beauty salon. There are many different means for hair care at home. For example, mayonnaise hair masks.
A simple recipe and simple application make mayonnaise hair masks a very popular procedure. They can be done constantly, but the result will be noticeable almost immediately: the curls will become shiny and smooth, you will forget about the problems with fragility and dryness, the hair will become strong and alive, will grow better and stop falling out. And the whole point is that the components of the mask completely clean them from the inside.
It should also be noted that hair masks from mayonnaise can be made for different types of hair. For example, for the most thin and weak hair. Her recipe is quite simple: to whip one egg, add salt and sugar, about a teaspoonful, and pour oil, sunflower or olive oil into the resulting mass whilst continuing to whisk. Mix until the mayonnaise is very thick. And before applying to the head, add a spoonful of lemon juice or vinegar. It will be nice if you add some more mustard.
If you want to get rid of dryness or achieve faster growth and density, there is an even simpler recipe for making a hair mask from mayonnaise. Take one yolk, half a glass of yogurt and any vegetable oil. Mix all the ingredients well and apply a thick layer on the scalp and the entire length of the hair. Then cover the head with a plastic bag - for convenience and creating a greenhouse effect. Then go to bed. Overnight your locks will be restored and will become significantly more alive.
If you suffer from dandruff, then you will also be helped by special masks for hair from mayonnaise. Here is a recipe for one of them: take one tablespoon of mayonnaise, mix with yolk, add a spoonful of honey, two cloves of garlic and a little vegetable oil. This mask is also better to use at night to enhance the effect, and in the morning just wash off with shampoo.
Recipes of all masks are pretty similar to each other, and to get a new one, you need to replace a component. For example, if you replace garlic with aloe juice in the previous mask, you will get a mask against hair loss. But it should be applied for 1-2 hours in the summer, and in winter - for 2-3 hours.
If excessive dryness, the following mask of mayonnaise for hair will help you: you need 3 tbsp. Spoons of mayonnaise mixed with yolk and coconut oil. The mixture is applied for 1-2 hours.
In a word, you need to constantly monitor your hair, seek advice from specialists, understand the problems that have arisen thoroughly, eliminate the cause itself, and its consequences. If your hair is healthy, but not soft or silky, then you need to do supportive procedures that stimulate growth and strengthen the roots. There are many recipes for hair care at home, most of them are quite accessible and easy to use. A good tool is a mask for hair from mayonnaise. When properly prepared and used, they can solve all the problems of your hairstyle. But this is so important for every woman.
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