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Day of the older generation. Congratulations on the day of the older generation. Holiday Scenario

In the Russian Federation in 1992 there was a beautiful tradition - the first of October every year to give a holiday to the elderly. On the whole territory of our vast country people celebrate the Day of the older generation.

Officially this holiday is called Day of the elderly person, but this name is not liked by all. It turns out, as if congratulating our family and friends with the fact that they have not belonged to the category of young or even mature people for a long time. Therefore, the second, informal, naming, took root in the people more.

Who to celebrate with

When the street is warm enough, all activities can be held outdoors - in the courtyard of the house or in nature. If you have planned a noisy and cheerful celebration, then you should invite all your relatives, friends, neighbors and neighbors who already celebrated their fiftieth anniversary. Each of them should receive from you a congratulation on the Day of the senior generation.

If it's already cold days, then you can rent a room in the dining room or cafe. In this case, of course, the celebration will either take place in a narrow circle, or will have to offer all participants to pay the costs equally.

Preparing for the celebration

Place the event to decorate bouquets of wildflowers. On the table you can put homemade cookies, fresh rolls, a variety of jams and drinks. By the way, if you start training in advance and notify everyone who will take part in this celebration, you can offer them a variety of treats, prepare them yourself and bring them to the party.

True, in a cafe or canteen it will be possible only if the administration will supplement the menu with dishes of its own making. So, we begin to celebrate the Day of the older generation. The script is in front of you.

Beginning of the holiday

For this event, you, of course, will need to find the host of the evening. After the guests take their places, he goes to them and begins his speech. First, congratulations on the Day of the older generation. Since many at this age already have grandchildren and are insanely proud of them, you can continue the evening with songs in their performance. Small children can perform, for example, the famous composition "Grandma next to grandfather."

After the introduction, the presenter should choose three or four guests, who will become members of the jury for this day.

Sticks and cheesecakes

It's better to start with a contest in which older ladies will compete, whose pastries are better. Bring her ladies with you in advance. The jury evaluates the look and taste of homemade cakes, cookies, pies and rolls.

Three winners receive beautiful packages with fragrant green or black tea. You can give and sets.

Leisya, song

This is a pair match. To sing a song in karaoke, an adult participant should together with his granddaughter or grandson. Such a competition on the Day of the older generation will be much more interesting if the participants select a song not by name, but simply choose one of the categories. To do this, you need to pick up a few songs in advance and divide them into groups. In each of them there should be 3-4 hits. For example, there may be such categories:

- folk song;

- songs of the war years;

- modern hit;

- hits of the 80's, etc.

The best performers can be handed a set of DVDs. The theme of disks should coincide with the category of categories.

Merry Burime

We select several participants and invite them to play in an unusual storm. The leader of the holiday should name four rhyming words. The task of the players is to make the funniest rhyme with them. Of course, the jury will evaluate them. This contest can even be held in several stages. After each of them one of the participants is eliminated.

Since it is still the day of the people of the older generation, brought up on the classic, a gift to the winner can be a volume of foreign or Russian poetry.

Concert numbers

Our contestants must necessarily rest periodically, and the members of the jury will not be disturbed by the respite. Therefore, after two or three competitions, we offer them a children's dance number, songs and poems from beloved grandchildren, funny stories, etc. Such numbers, in strict confidence from grandparents, are prepared in advance.

Oh, this family!

Funny games and competitions on the Day of the older generation will not only raise the mood of all those present, but also help them feel a little freer and more relaxed.

You can offer guests such entertainment - two participants (preferably a married couple), who were previously blindfolded with dark kerchiefs, should try to feed each other with biscuit cakes.

Also it will be interesting for married couples to take part in the competition for knowledge of their second half. First, husbands leave the hall (they should not hear the answers), and the presenter asks the wives different questions. You can ask about anything! About the color of your favorite socks or about what corner of the globe she would like to visit. However, the questions should be neutral. Do not forget that in fact this holiday is a day of respect for the older generation, so it's still worthwhile to confuse elderly people with too frank questions.

Then the "second halves" return to the hall and give answers to questions previously asked by their spouses. Points are counted for the husband who gives the same answer as his wife. Encourage a small presentation is every couple. But the spouses who gained the most points can be rewarded with some significant gift. It is desirable that he was associated with the theme of love and faithfulness.

A joke poll can be conducted separately. Members of one family should take the age of each of them (only those who are present at the holiday), add up all the figures and name the lead the resulting amount. A family is awarded, which will have the largest number.

Love and care is the main gift

On the Day of the older generation, do not forget about your grandmothers and grandfathers. After all, they love you with all their heart and always sincerely rejoice in the manifestation of care on your part. If you are far away, at least call your relatives and find for them a pair of warm and affectionate words.

Grandchildren, if they are small, can make a gift of their own. Such things our elderly parents and grandparents appreciate even more than expensive presents.

Give old people a piece of warmth and comfort. A gift can be a warm cozy blanket, a beautiful flower in a graceful pot, a collage, a homemade postcard, original souvenir products, and maybe someone will even allow themselves to send parents to warmer countries to the seaside so that they can have a good rest?

The main thing - be sure to congratulate! Do not forget about them never!

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