
"For this" or "therefore"? How do you spell this word? Examples of use and rules

Internet users often ask themselves about the spelling of the word "therefore". As it is written, let's look more closely in this article.

"Therefore" should be written through the reverse "E"

To begin with, it is necessary to remember that the word "therefore" is written through the reverse "E". It is never written through "E". Do not make this blunder. The words "poetu" does not exist. When answering the question: "So how do you spell?" There is only one answer: only through "E".

How to correctly write the word "therefore": merged or separately?

This word can be written both together and separately. In order to answer this question, first we need to determine which part of the speech it is in the sentence.

The union word. Must be written together

First, it can be a union word. In this case, the word is needed to connect two simple sentences in the compound. And it is written together.


Today we have a holiday, so my mother baked a cake.

I woke up pretty early, so I had time to work out.

Important: if you have a union word before you, you usually need to put a comma in front of it.

Adverb. Must be written together

In the sentence, this word can be a pronominal dialect. In this case, it must also be written together.


If I came to this house, that's why.

You do not salt the soup, because you already salted it before? - Yes, that's why.

So, we have considered two variants of the merged spelling. How do you spell the word "therefore" yet?

The preposition and pronoun. Should be written separately

There are situations when "on this" will be written separately. So it is worth using this phrase, if it consists of a preposition "by" and a pronoun "to this".


On this bridge we went last time.

I'm not addressing you at all about this.

In cases where "on this" is spelled separately and is a preposition and a pronoun, it must be followed (or implied) by a noun of the male or middle genus. It is very easy to test yourself: if a masculine noun is replaced by a feminine noun, the pronoun can be declined. Do this, and the question of merging spelling will disappear.

How to distinguish?

To correctly recognize a part of the speech and determine which spelling is correct: a merged or separate one, you need to remember a couple of tricks.

Why "on this" should be written separately:

On this bridge we went last time.

  • If the phrase answers the question "for what?" (On which bridge?);
  • If it suits a synonym "for this" (For the bridge we went last time);
  • If inclined when replacing the next noun with a feminine gender (This was the last time we crossed this bridge.) - On this street we walked last time);
  • Is an indication of the object (Pointing to the bridge).

Why "therefore" is written together (both the adverb and the union word):

Today we have a holiday, so my mother baked a cake.

  • Can easily be replaced by synonyms: "due to what", "consequently", "for this reason", "thanks to this" (Today we have a holiday, for this reason, my mother baked a cake);
  • The question "why?" (Why did Mom bake a cake?);
  • Is an explanation of the predicate (explains why baked).

The option "in this" does not exist

Often people, asking the question: "So how do you spell?", Suggest also the option of writing this word through a hyphen. Confusion arises, since the writer draws an analogy with the words "in your opinion" and "in my opinion." But this spelling is wrong. Through the hyphen this word is not written.

Often people start to forget the spelling of many words. Especially it concerns those situations when in a different context the merged and separate spelling can be used. Therefore, as you write the right word, you can learn by doing a simple analysis of the sentence.

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