HealthWomen Health

What is the probability of getting pregnant during menstruation?

"Is it possible to get pregnant during menstruation without being protected?" - this rhetorical question tortures many women and young girls. After all, as is known, it is during the critical days of many ladies that they are drawn to love exploits. Try to figure out whether you can get pregnant during menstruation, or not.

Sexual intercourse on critical days

Many argue that getting pregnant during menstruation is quite easy. Most often these days, women deny themselves the pleasure. Why, after all, is it necessary to restrain and deny your beloved husband or constant partner?

Most doctors specializing in gynecology, advise to exclude sex during menstruation , as there is a risk of infection of various kinds of diseases. You can get severe inflammation of the vagina and appendages (on such days the cervix is open, and therefore there is a risk of microorganisms entering the uterus cavity). However, if you are absolutely confident in your partner, and he does not have infectious diseases, then you can afford intimacy and during critical days.

What are the chances of getting pregnant during menstruation?

Many experts believe that two days before the onset of menstruation and after its termination, the risk of conception is reduced to zero or to a negligible percentage. But doctors warn that every female organism is individual, therefore it is quite possible to become pregnant during menstruation, as well as after their termination.

First, spermatozoa penetrate into the uterus cavity and remain active for seven days after this.

Secondly, the egg is characterized by maturation both after and before the middle of the cycle. The same goes for ovulation. Therefore, getting pregnant during menstruation is almost as possible as before their onset or after the end.

The most careful and cautious is to be women who have a short cycle. In this case, it is almost impossible to accurately calculate and correctly determine the time of onset of ovulation. It is much easier for those ladies who have an average cycle. Then ovulation can be calculated and prepared for it.

Thirdly, it should be remembered that the cycle is characterized by frequent violations and changes. If you have encountered such a problem, you need to be alert.

The minimal chances for conception are in the first days of menstruation. It is at this time that an unfavorable environment for spermatozoa is created. The greatest chances for pregnancy are in the last days of prolonged periods. In this regard, by the end of menstruation should be actively protected.

For someone, pregnancy is a great joy. However, it is worth noting that it is planned, but not unexpected. What to do, so you do not have to regret bitterly? The answer is not only obvious, but also very common: carefully guarded, and not trusted in a very questionable calendar method and do not rely on the chance.

If you want love and affection just at the time when your periods start, use condoms and enjoy.

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