HealthWomen Health

When and what are the discharge after conception?

Many women planning a pregnancy, are in doubt in the second half of the cycle. During this period, conception, which was realized at the time of ovulation, drastically changes the work of the organism. Experienced and attentive representatives of the weaker sex can guess about their new position before the delay. Today's article will tell you about what happens to the discharge after conception.

Hormonal Reorganization

Throughout the female cycle, the vaginal discharge changes. Many representatives of the weaker sex do not pay attention to this. But if you listen to yourself, you can notice these unusual changes. The nature of vaginal discharge is completely dependent on the day of the menstrual cycle and the hormonal background. A healthy woman in the first phase of the cycle is dominated by estrogen. Allocations during this period are meager, dryness in the vagina is felt. Before ovulation, mucus becomes more fluid and slippery. The final phase is the second - the phase of the cycle is characterized by thick creamy precipitations of whitish color. The merit of their appearance belongs to progesterone.

Fertilization always comes at the time of ovulation or a few hours after. Since the time when the spermatozoon has merged with the egg, a new stage begins. Women notice unusual discharges during this period. After conception, they can become more intense and change with increasing pregnancy. Let's consider in more detail which cervical mucus is found in a woman after fertilization.

Immediately after cell fusion

What discharge after conception is prevalent in the fairer sex? Once the two cells (egg and sperm) have merged, a new process begins in the body of the expectant mother. For several days, the allocation, rather, will not differ from the usual, present in the second phase. Slime is like a thick white cream. It has no unpleasant odor and does not cause irritation. It appears due to the abundant secretion of progesterone by the adrenals and the yellow body. Within 3-7 days after conception, a woman can not determine her new position in vaginal secretions. They can only change through this interval, but not all.

Implantation of the fetal egg

Pink or brown discharge after conception can report the attachment of the fetal egg to the wall of the genital organ. At this point, the implantation of the amniotic membranes into the friable endometrium is occurring. The inner surface of the uterus is permeated with blood vessels. Single capillaries are damaged at the time of implantation, and blood is extracted from them.

If such secretions leave immediately, then they have a pinkish-red hue. Most often found in veins in white or transparent mucus. When the secretions are delayed in the uterus, the blood clots. After a few days it comes out in the form of a brown or beige ointment. Such allocation does not last long: from several hours to 1-2 days.

Physiological process

Allocations after ovulation (if conception has occurred) become more abundant. Immediately after implantation, a sharp jump in progesterone occurs. This hormone is necessary to maintain the uterine tone. Without progesterone, the genital organ begins to contract and will simply push the fetal egg out of its cavity. High concentration of this hormone promotes the formation of transparent mucus and whitish discharge. They are necessary for the formation of cork in the cervix. This substance will protect your future baby from infection. So do not worry. Abundant discharge, if they do not have a smell and unusual color, are not pathology. Their formation is a natural physiological process.

Do not use tampons with such discharge. Give preference to disposable sanitary napkins.

Biochemical Pregnancy

If a week has passed since conception, the discharge may become the same as during menstruation. What does this mean?

Each fifth of the fairer sex is faced with such a phenomenon as a biochemical pregnancy. With it, natural sequential processes occur in the body: ovulation, conception, implantation. Allocations appear corresponding. A week later, for some reason, the egg is discarded from the uterine wall, and menstruation begins. The woman, of course, is surprised. After all, all the signs speak of the coming conception. Some women even have pregnancy tests already showing a positive result. In fact, in this situation there is nothing unusual. Probably, rejection of the embryo occurred on the principle of natural selection. In biochemical pregnancy, menstruation comes on time or with a delay of 2-3 days, it is more abundant and has an admixture of mucous clots.

Pathologies that worsen during pregnancy

Allocations after conception can acquire an unusual color, odor and consistency. In expectant mothers in the first weeks of pregnancy there is a decrease in immunity. Because of this, an infection can join. Often the first days after conception are accompanied by thrush. With it, the discharge acquires a curdled appearance and a sour smell.

Less often, future mothers complain of discharge after conception with impurities of pus. This mucus is yellow or green, accompanied by a fishy smell. This situation is very similar to a sexually transmitted infection, for example gonorrhea. After conception, a woman may begin vaginosis. In the vagina there is a quantitative change of useful and harmful bacteria, there is itching, irritation, dryness and unusual discharge of yellow or white.


If you are concerned about the discharge after conception, then you should definitely contact a gynecologist. The doctor will take a smear to determine the purity of the vagina and, if necessary, will give you tests for infection. Remember that some pathological processes can become a serious threat to the life and health of the future baby. If in addition to unusual discharges an ailment has joined, the body temperature has increased, then this is a very alarming signal.

Despite the fact that discharge after conception and implantation are changing, few people manage to establish the fact of pregnancy on them. Being very attentive, you can only assume your new position. It is possible to confirm implantation only after 2-3 weeks with ultrasound scanning.

If the discharge after conception has acquired a pinkish hue and does not go away for several days, then it may be a threat of termination of pregnancy. Also, these symptoms indicate a possible erosion. It is only the gynecologist who can determine the cause of unusual cervical mucus.


Allocations after conception change in women. But not all future mothers can notice this. Not every woman has implantation bleeding. His absence does not mean that the pregnancy has not occurred. If you are interested in the issue of changing cervical mucus after conception, then be sure to discuss it with your gynecologist. Good luck!

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