
The computer hangs tight: what are the reasons and how to fix it?

The computer hangs tight, Windows 7 stops responding to any commands, even opening the task manager is impossible? Such problems are rare. I must say that the computer is a rather complex system, and its performance depends on a huge number of factors. In the article the main of them will be considered. After reading, you will learn how to deal with most of the problems leading to "friezes" yourself.


The first answer to the question of why the computer hangs tight is the simplest and most common. It is possible that uninvited guests have settled in your computer, which are well disguised. Typically, viruses not only threaten system security, but also significantly load computer resources. Sometimes such a load causes the computer to hang.

Everyone knows how to deal with such an affliction. It is enough simply to install any antivirus program, update its databases to the latest ones and perform a full computer scan. Did not help - call the task manager and check the processes, if there are any suspicious. Also, it is not superfluous to look into the startup by entering the name of the utility "msconfig" in the "Run" window.

However, if the computer hangs tight after power-up, install new software, and even more so check the PC will not work. In this case, use any antivirus distribution that can create a bootable USB flash drive or CD.


Releasing every new model of the device, manufacturers are trying to make it "fancy" the previous one. And this requires more power. The last, in turn. Increases heat dissipation. For a while the regular cooling system copes with its work, but after a while its efficiency decreases - eventually the computer hangs tight. What if there was a similar trouble?

Dust, which can not be disposed of, is clogged into the radiators and interferes with air circulation. By settling on the cooler, the dust masses slow down the speed of rotation of the screw. Previously, such problems led to the failure of the device. Today, fortunately, computers have become smarter, the processor or video card will not endlessly bask . Modern devices have the opportunity to exchange data with the motherboard, assigning to it duties for temperature control. As soon as the values reach a critical level, the controller first tries to unscrew the cooler screw, if this does not help, the system slows down the device, reducing the voltage. Soon the computer hangs tight.

To avoid such problems, remember a few simple rules:

  • From time to time, blow out the cooling system of the system unit with compressed air or vacuum cleaner.
  • Regularly check the work of the coolers (there are many programs for this).
  • Periodically change the thermal grease (after a while it dries).
  • Clean the dust filters on the common fan.

Very often because of this problem, the computer hangs tightly in games or other graphics applications. To check how much the components of the computer heat up, you can download a program. Fortunately, on the vastness of the Internet like there is a huge variety.

Problems with RAM

RAM is the most important element of the computer, which has a very big impact on its performance. Normal RAM operation depends on compatibility with the motherboard, with the BIOS, with other installed slats. Minor failure, the smallest factory marriage - and the computer hangs tight when turned on, not wanting to work even with low performance.

If you are going to build or change the "RAM", fully study its characteristics, go to the site of its manufacturer and motherboard manufacturer in advance, learn what speeds are supported, what tests were conducted and whether it is recommended to use the devices together.

If the computer freezes tight before changing the configuration, you can check whether the memory is corrupt, by means of Windows 7. Just click on the "Start" button and type in the search field the "memory checker" line. During the procedure, the program will display all the errors if they were found. Here the recommendation is one: there are mistakes - change the memory.

Instability of HDD

A hard disk is a device that stores absolutely all data (both user and system). Accordingly, Windows addresses it all the time, reading and writing do not stop even for a minute. And this means that the system's performance directly depends on the speed of this component. Over time, it may appear "broken" cluster and unreadable areas, which will lead to malfunctions in the system. Often because of this problem, the computer hangs tight on the Internet, because during surfing the browser constantly writes and removes many small files.

Recovering a damaged HDD

If the HDD has worn out, it is required to check it with special software tools that will find all the damaged sectors and mark them as non-working. The OS will stop using the "bads" and stop hanging. To check, run the command line by entering the name of the program in the "execute" window - "cmd". In it, execute the command "chkdsk [drive letter]: / f / r" for each partition.

Experienced users can determine the status of the HDD by the sound of its operation. If it has started to click or whistle, most likely, the equipment is defective and requires replacement. Be vigilant, often if the hard drive starts to "pour", it will soon fail, and it is very difficult to recover data from such a device. Also, if the computer hangs tight after power-on, the probability of hard disk wear is high.

Incorrect BIOS setup

If the computer freezes tight after power-up, very often the reason for this behavior is incorrect BIOS setup. Someone may find that an ordinary user should not even try to fix something, one must turn to a professional. But still the computer hangs tight - what if there is no way to call a specialist?

If you approach the BIOS configuration with care, this procedure will be handled by a beginner. Learn the complete information about your computer, and especially about the motherboard. Usually such data is easily found on the official website of the manufacturer. Find out which parameters are most important, what they are responsible for. When working with the BIOS setup utility, never change many parameters at a time. First, change a few, reboot, check the computer. Only after that, continue editing. A separate mention is the item, which is in each BIOS - "Load Fail-Safe Defaults". He leads all the parameters to optimal - according to the developer.

Sometimes on the site of the manufacturer of the motherboard you can download and install a new version of the BIOS. Never refuse such a procedure. Often updates fix critical errors and improve stability. It is likely that after installing a new version, hangs will disappear. The main thing is to study the instruction in advance.

Windows Services

In the operating system, a large number of services are always running, included by default or added in the process of work. The system can work normally without most of them. If some service does not respond or takes too much CPU time - the computer hangs tight.

To see which ones are in the system and which ones are running, open the administration window ("Start" - "Control Panel" - "Administration") and double-click the "Services" tab. To get exhaustive information about a particular service, click on its name twice.

First of all, pay attention to those that are automatically started. The method of loading is indicated in the column "Launch type". The editing rule is one - if you do not understand the description, do not disable the component, but learn about its work more from the Internet. Try to check the stability of the system after each separate manipulation.

Processes and programs

Each program starts its own process (sometimes even not one), if it enters an endless loop or malfunctions, while the computer does not always hang up tightly, Windows 7 still tries to cover the oxygen by itself without responding components. It's very simple to identify a hovering element - it usually takes the lion's share of RAM and almost all CPU time.

Troubleshooting with the Task Manager

You can view the list of running processes in the Task Manager window. Press the combination "CTRL + ALT + DEL" on the keyboard. If you are sure that some program does not carry a payload, but it takes 90-100% of CPU time, boldly end it (by pressing "DEL" on the keyboard or by calling the context menu). Also from here you can go to the storage location of the program. This will be useful if you do not understand exactly what you are working on.

Checking the processes is not always the best solution, but this procedure can often help if the computer periodically hangs tight. Remember that some programs can load the processor for one hundred percent in the most active phases of their work. However, the suspended utility will not stop using the maximum of resources, and the one that performs its functions without failures will pass to passive mode after some time. Also, do not try to complete the process, which is called "Inactivity of the system." It is used to poll other programs and system resources, and the variable in it displays not the CPU load, but just the remaining free capacity.

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