
How to lower the temperature: in the fight against heat all methods are good

How to knock down the temperature 39 in a child? This is a common question in many parent forums, which ask countless numbers of mothers concerned about the health of their baby. However, it is necessary to clarify here that the increase in temperature is not always harmful for the child's organism, since, as is known, many pathogenic infections actively produce at a body temperature of 35 ° C, and when reaching a mark on a thermometer of 37 ° C, one can already be sure that part Germs completely destroyed. It is clear that a temperature of 39 ° C provides rapid destruction of the membranes of most microbes, but this does not yet indicate that the child should be left with heat for a long time.

The question of how to lower the temperature is particularly acute if a small patient experiences delusions, convulsions and systematic loss of consciousness, and also in the presence of a number of concomitant diseases. In such cases it is recommended to use both medicines that have antipyretic effect, and not to ignore the methods of alternative medicine.

Let's start, perhaps, with official medicine. Here we are talking about the use of antipyretic drugs, which in childhood are represented by the drug "Panadol", whose chemical composition is dominated by paracetamol, and the drug "Nurofen", which contains ibuprofen. If you choose from these two medicines, it is necessary to remember that the activity of ibuprofen extends not only to prolonged temperature decrease, but also to alleviate the general condition of the patient (pain in the throat, body aches go away). The use of paracetamol is especially appropriate if the child has a fever accompanied by severe vomiting.

Before knocking down the temperature, it is important to understand that the repeated taking of the above drugs can be only five hours from the first use of the drug and only when the temperature exceeds the mark on the thermometer at 38.5 ° C.

Solving the question of how to lower the temperature, sometimes doctors recommend taking spasmolytics (No-shpa, Papaverin, Dibasol) and antihistamines (Suprastin, Tavegil) in the form of tablets in combination with antipyretic drugs based on paracetamol and ibuprofen. It is such a comprehensive approach that allows to bring the temperature back to normal and keep it longer. Now consider an alternative method of treatment.

How to lower the temperature, knows and folk medicine, to help which systematically resorts to a large number of patients. Very effective are compresses and wraps. In the latter case, the patient should be wiped with a mixture of water and apple cider vinegar (ratio 1: 4), then wrapped in a sheet and wait for the final drying of the body. This procedure should be repeated every two hours until the fever is eliminated. In addition, there is an abundant drink (tea with chamomile, lemon or raspberry), as well as diluted fruit juice or simply boiled water. Thus, you can avoid dehydration of the child's body.

How can I lower the temperature still? Help eat half of the lemon, two oranges, one grapefruit, and 20 currant berries in any form and with any heat treatment will replace one aspirin tablet. It is also necessary to maintain cool air in the room where the patient is, as this will help to eliminate the heat that comes from it.

Despite the fact that today there is a huge range of medications that help solve the problem, how to lower the temperature, do not prematurely stuff your child with pills. It is better to resort to folk methods, which sometimes "work" no worse than febrifuge tablets.

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