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The most interesting facts about dolphins. Interesting facts about dolphins for children

Many scientists are inclined to think that dolphins are intelligent beings that develop in parallel with humanity since the appearance of life on the planet. They have their own language and hierarchy, their brain activity is strikingly different from that of all other animals and fish and does not lend itself to complete study. Experiments conducted with the participation of these creatures usually put researchers at a dead end, as they can not form a definite opinion on the level of intelligence of dolphins. Undoubtedly, they are very clever and hide the secrets that humanity will study for a long time. That is why interesting facts about dolphins do not cease to amaze not only children, but also adults.

Who are the dolphins?

First of all, it must be said that dolphins are not fish, despite the fact that they live in water. These creatures are mammals and viviparous, as well as all the inhabitants of the animal kingdom. In this case, the female gives birth to only one calf, and not a lot. And the mother bore her child from ten to eighteen months. The name of the animal, which goes back to the ancient Greek language, is translated as a "newborn baby". With what it is connected, it is now difficult to determine. Perhaps the dolphins received such a name for their shrill cry, similar to the crying of a child, or maybe for a resemblance to a human embryo in the womb.

The most amazing facts about dolphins prove their close proximity to humans. These animals swim very fast, so they often compete in speed with the ships and have fun, jumping out of the water and, as it were, smiling at the people looking at them. There are known facts of human rescue by dolphins.

Types of dolphins

In nature, there are more than seventy species of dolphins. They have specific similarities among themselves, such as live birth, nutrition with milk, the presence of respiratory organs, smooth skin and much more. Also, dolphins of different species have their own characteristics. Some animals have an elongated nasal part, others, on the contrary, are depressed. They can differ in color and body weight.

An oceanic beauty - a bottlenose dolphin

Dolphin bottlenose dolphin, interesting facts about which do not cease to amaze the world, the most kind and sympathetic being on the planet. They live in the warm waters of the world's ocean. The diet of the bottlenose dolphin is fish, squid and small inhabitants of oceanic depths.

The bottlenose dolphin, interesting facts about which history knows, is a very compassionate creature. An indicative case occurred in New Zealand in 2004. At a distance of 100 meters from the shore, four rescuers were attacked by a white shark. A flock of dolphins of bottlenose dolphins for forty minutes protected people from the scent of the predator that sensed the victim. There is no explanation for this fact of kindness and compassion on the part of animals.

Interesting facts about dolphins are diverse. One of them says, That bottlenose dolphins have a brain volume of one thousand five hundred milligrams. According to scientists, each dolphin has its own name, which is called its relatives. All of them produce peculiar sounds that are difficult to catch to the human ear, but in their environment one individual differs from the other precisely with its peculiar timbre and manner of communicating.

Methods of hunting dolphins

Interesting is the fact that dolphins use echolocation for hunting. Their hearing is arranged in such a way that, according to the reflected signal, animals can determine the number of objects, their volume and degree of danger. Dolphins can stun their victim with high-frequency sounds, paralyzing it. Hunts these creatures only in packs, and they can not live alone either. The dolphin family sometimes numbers about one hundred individuals. Thanks to these abilities, the animal never remains without abundant food.

Coastal white-maroon dolphin

White-dolphins are inhabitants of temperate waters. Mostly they live in the coastal zone and feed on bottom fish. Most often they are found off the coast of Norway, where dolphins of this species are open for fishing.

A white-faced dolphin is unique , interesting facts about it are very often encountered. It is unclear motivations of this species of individuals that cause animals to be thrown ashore. Despite the fact that they can breathe oxygen, water is vital to them, since the surface of the skin should not be allowed to dry. Scientists hypothesize that white-fronted dolphins are thrown ashore due to the infections and diseases that plague them. But this, like everything related to dolphins, requires a deep and detailed study.

Dolphin and Man

Interesting facts about dolphins are that they are smarter than any person on the planet. As already mentioned, the brain of these creatures can reach a weight of 1700 mg, while in humans - 1400 mg. In addition, compared to humans, the convolutions in the cerebral cortex have significantly more dolphins. Interesting facts (for children) about these creatures help develop the desire of the younger generation to learn more about our younger brothers.

Dolphins own a "lexicon" in fourteen thousand signals, which are pronounced with different intonations and peculiar voices. Zoopsiologists argue that dolphins have developed self-awareness and social consciousness. Because they live in a team, his problems are not alien to every single individual. If a sick or weak dolphin appears in the family, then all the relatives help him and push him to the surface, allowing him to swallow fresh air. Some people should learn the compassion of these noble animals.

The Gray Paradox

Interesting facts about the life of dolphins include the "Gray paradox". James Gray established in the thirties of the twentieth century that the speed of the animal in the water is thirty-seven kilometers per hour, which contradicts the muscular capabilities of the organism. According to the scientist, dolphins need to change the streamlining of their bodies in order to develop a similar speed. This question was puzzled by the experts of the United States and the USSR, but the final decision was never made.

Dolphin tongue

The category "The most interesting facts about dolphins" include their ability to communicate with each other and discover prey. The researchers found that for different life situations, these creatures have their own sounds, and they are divided into sonar and communicative. Sonar signals are used to detect mining, and communicative signals are used for communication within the family.

The ordinary human ear can not catch the dolphin roll call. People perceive sounds up to twenty kilohertz, and dolphins produce signals at a frequency of up to two hundred kilohertz.

Scientists have found out that in the speech of animals there are more than one hundred and eighty different whistles. Delphin sounds are composed of syllables, words and even phrases. And representatives from different regions are whistling each in their own dialect.

American scientists have created a device through which they try to recognize the values of dolphin signals.

Not so long ago it was found out that ultrasound, published by dolphins, beneficially affects the state of human health and even contributes to the treatment of certain diseases.

Treatment of humans with dolphins

The interaction of a dolphin and a man always has a beneficial effect on the psychological state of the latter, so treatment such as dolphin therapy has appeared. In most cases, this therapy helps children with certain communication disorders. Autism, attention deficit disorder and even cerebral palsy can be treated with these amazing animals.

Dolphin Defense

The most amazing facts about dolphins mark their excellent ability to interact with humans. These two animals were trained for military purposes by the two largest world powers of the twentieth century, the USA and the USSR. Dolphins were trained to find mines, to save the sailors of sunken ships and even destroy enemy submarines, unfortunately, perishing during the operation.

All the most interesting about dolphins

It's safe to say that dolphins are the most unusual creatures of the planet. About this are 10 interesting facts about dolphins.

  • The ancient Greeks revered the dolphin as a deity and gave it the name "sacred fish". The statue of Apollo in Delphi had the image of this animal.
  • Romans in the hands of the dead at the burial put the statuettes of dolphins. According to legend, they were to accompany the man to the afterlife.
  • Statues of dolphins were found in the desert of Jordan. The fact that this country is far from the animal habitat is surprising.
  • Dolphins have teeth, but do not use them to chew, as their jaws are not overgrown with muscles.
  • These animals understand human speech, if they communicate directly with people. They can remember up to sixty words.
  • If there is one tablespoon of water in the dolphin's lungs, then it will die. At the same time, a landlord, a man, dies from two tablespoons of water.
  • Female dolphins help each other to produce offspring. All other relatives at this time are being guarded.
  • Dolphins do not distinguish smells, but they have taste buds, so they can take offense at the gift in the form of chili and thank for the candy.
  • A dolphin weighing a hundred and twenty kilograms a day needs to eat thirty-three kilograms of fish, while the animals do not get fat and do not suffer from obesity.
  • Dolphins help fishermen engage in fishing. They report when a lot of fish are accumulating in the nets and it's time to pull it out.

All the interesting facts about dolphins are related to their unique abilities and talents, as well as to the "human" features of the species.

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