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Types of fish and their habitats

Every self-respecting fisherman knows for sure that there is a huge variety in the world of fish. In their structure, these living things belong to the chordates, but the types of fish range from small to large, from sea to river, and so on. In this article we will talk about what fish are like, where they live and what is peculiar to different species. We hope you will find this information useful!

A little bit about fish

Pisces are aquatic vertebrates of the maxillary animals that breathe in the gills. They can live in almost any pond: in salty and fresh, starting with streams and ending with the oceans. As stated above, the fish are of the chord type, since they have an internal skeleton along the axis, the so-called chord.

Types of waterfowl all over the world a few years ago were more than 34 million. In science there is a special section devoted to the study of fish. It is called ichthyology.

Species of fish

As is known, fish types are a huge section in ichthyology. Yes, undoubtedly, scientists spend a lot of time studying these animals. Fish are of the chord type, as mentioned above, but each fish has its own characteristics.

Physiology and anatomy of fish

All the creatures that are included in the chord fish type are covered with skin and scales (not including rare cases). The skin consists of two genera: the epidermis and the dermis. The epidermis develops a secret that allows the skin to be protected. On the formation of scales, the dermis plays an important role - the inner skin layer.

Bony fish, unlike others, have a variety of scales. The types of fish, more precisely, the belonging of fish to this or that type, determine the features of the scaly covering. So, in sturgeon scales ganoid. It is formed from bone plates covered with ganoid. Scales of bony fishes living in our time, is called elasmoid and is divided into round and dentate. Scales have an arrangement that allows the front plates to overlap the rear. Not so long ago, scientists have found out that due to the comb surface of the scalloped scales, the properties of hydrodynamics increase in waterfowl.

Coloring fish has a huge range of colors, moreover, some colors are "warning", which allows the body to be safe, being next to the predator. Also, the colors can be pale, sandy, sandy. It all depends on the environment, the characteristics of water bodies. What are the types of fish, their weapons environment, such and colors.

The musculoskeletal system of fish is its system of tissues and bones. It turns out that earlier they had a third pair of gills, but then the organs evolved in the jaw. Float the fish directly with the help of paired and unpaired fins. Moreover, thanks to the fins, they perform complex maneuvers.

Fins of bony aquatic animals have bony rays, and primitive - cartilaginous. Most fish use the caudal fin as the main "engine". The spine of the fish is formed due to separate non-retarded vertebrae. The process of swimming fish is due to the contraction of muscles, which are attached to the spine by tendons.

The musculature of fish has "slow" and "fast" muscles. They have a very developed sense of touch and smell, which helps them to orientate perfectly in the environment where they are, and avoid unfavorable places. Most chordates have a 2-chambered heart, a circulatory system, a closed circulatory system. Blood circulates through the gills and tissues from the heart.

The food of these living beings is as follows: the fish grab food by holding it with their teeth. The food from the mouth should be in the throat, then into the stomach, where it is processed by enzymes from the gastric juice. Fish have a great choice of food. They can eat plankton, crumbs, worms, other fry, and some even large representatives of the class. But in general, fish are herbivorous, predators and antiphages. What is most interesting, many are able to change their type of food, for example, at the beginning of life there are earthworms and plankton, and in adulthood eat small or large representatives of the aquatic environment.

Fish have problems with pressure, for example, their pressure may be lower than the pressure of the environment, but due to the fact that these living beings have a higher urea content, this pressure is regulated.


Thus, it can be concluded that the types of fish are very diverse, and each of them is characterized by a different structure, size, nutrition, behavior. All of them are different, and fishermen, before catching fish, we must learn about them all!

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