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How fast can I clean fish from scales? Knife for cleaning fish

Fish dishes like almost everything. But how to clean fish at home, so that the kitchen then does not resemble a house of scales? This will be discussed in this article. It turns out there are many ways. And even devices for cleaning.

Cleaning tools

First of all, you will need at least a knife for cleaning fish. This is the most common option. A knife is in every house, but all the instruments are suitable for cleaning fish. The knife should be comfortable, well sharpened and small. With such a device, large scales are well removed.

In modern times special tools are sold for fish cleaning. Outwardly and in their action they resemble an ordinary grater. The devices have holes, into which the scales fall during the friction of the fish. Such devices are also suitable for removing fine scales. Special plates with a clamp are also sold. As a result, the carcass will not be held by the tail.

How fast can I clean fish from scales? You can use a conventional grater with several faces. It is convenient to use. At the same time, the scales are removed in several rows. And do not scatter on the sides, staying inside the grater.

How to make a device for cleaning fish with your own hands?

Make a device for cleaning fish you can yourself. This will require small nails, covers with corrugated edges from glass bottles. And a small plank. Several nails are nailed to it with nails. This homemade device is suitable for cleaning fish that has a large scale. In the field conditions, instead of such a device, a tin can be used, having torn holes in the bottom.

Fish cleaning

How fast can I clean fish from scales? This process is divided into several stages:

  • The fish is thoroughly washed in running water. At this time, all debris and mucus are removed from the scales to avoid slipping the carcass. Washed each separately.
  • The fish should dry a little for a few minutes so that it does not slip out of the hands. But not for long, as dry flakes scatter in the kitchen.
  • If the fish has sharp spikes or fins, they are cut with a knife or kitchen scissors beforehand.
  • The fish falls on the chopping board or other surface. Keep it for the tail and scrape the scales in the direction of the head. The carcass should be kept tightly. If the fish is small, it will be easier to keep it completely in your hand.
  • After cleaning, the fish is washed, and the scales are removed with water.
  • Evisceration. All fins are removed and the head is cut off. If it remains, then a hole is made at the tail and cut along the abdomen to the gills. The knife for cleaning the fish should be small and sharp. Slice only with its tip, so as not to damage the gallbladder. Then all the insides are removed and thrown out, except for caviar and milk (if needed). The carcass is thoroughly washed under running water.

How to quickly clean fish from scales: useful tips

The process of cleaning fish is simple. But there are some nuances and little tricks to make the process more enjoyable and quick:

  • It is best to clean fresh fish, not frozen or chilled. The live one has a more tender and soft skin, from which scales easily come out. Cleaning fish is best right after fishing or shopping.
  • To prevent scales from flying away, the fish can be cleaned in a transparent cellophane bag, or in a container with water (or a sink), into which the bird is completely immersed. Either keep the fish while cleaning under a tap with a tap of water. Wet scales do not fly far.
  • Frozen fish must completely melt before cleaning.
  • If the mucus is left and after washing the carcass, it is sprinkled with salt and rinsed again after 3 minutes.
  • If the fish is to be roasted, then it is not necessary to clean a very small one. Scales after heat treatment will become brittle and crispy.
  • If the fish scales are dense and large, then it can be removed by hand.
  • Cleaning the carcass is easier if she opens her mouth and fix it with a toothpick.
  • If the flakes fit tightly together, they must first be divided with a knife, without damaging the skin.
  • Fine scales are perfectly removed by sand or salt. The fish is sprinkled and a little rubbed. Then he washes himself in the water.
  • If the fish slips out of the hands, then it can be fixed on the board with an awl. They pierce the bird in place above the tail. Or wrap the tail with a rag.
  • If the scales are poorly separated, the fish is treated with boiling water or placed in it for one minute. Or put the carcass in hot water, and then in a cold and then continue to clean.
  • For easy cleaning of frozen fish for the time of thawing, the bird turns around with paper or cloth.
  • Fish can be cleaned with the blunt side of the knife or use a fork.
  • If the bird is dry, it should be slightly moistened with water.

Methods of cleaning the river fish

How to clean river fish from scales? You can remove it in many ways. But the most difficult to clean are perch and ruff. Therefore, initially all carcasses are cut from the carcasses. Then the fish is placed in cold water for several minutes. With a fork or knife, several grooves are made against the scales.

The roach scales are weak, but it is difficult to clean, as it flies in the kitchen. Therefore, it is better to clean this fish right on the pond. At home, it is best to clean it directly under water. It will be enough to dial her into the pelvis. You can sprinkle the fish with salt and rub. Then rinse with water.

To clean the fish, which has a hard scales, the four-sided grater is best suited. The carcass is cleaned, as usual, from the tail to the head, against the scales. The Pike. Perch and pike perch can be boiled with boiling water before cleaning. Then the scales come off easily. It is removed under the stream of water.

Some types of fish, for example, perch, for quick and easy removal of scales from the evening are poured and left in a cool place until the morning. Fish from the freezer does not need to be completely defrosted, enough for an hour. During this time the scales will recede and remove it will be easy.

Some types of fish can not be cleaned from scales at all. For example, a goby or salmon. The carcasses are roasted along with the scales, as it is soft and shallow. Lin before washing is washed for a long time in water. If the fish remains slime, then the bird is treated with boiling water. Then the line is washed again under running water. Or the easiest way. Lin falls into boiling water for one minute, and then scales are removed from the carcass directly with the skin.

Big fish

Cleaning the fish from scales will be much easier if you insert a stick into the mouth of the carcass. The cutting board is taken and covered with a newspaper that is folded several times. The fish is thoroughly washed. Cleaning begins, as usual, from the tail, but at a slight angle. Caudal and dorsal fins cut off. A small hole is made near the head and the abdomen is cut to the anus with the tip of the knife.

With evisceration, all contents of the carcass are cleaned. A white film runs along the ridge. A red-brown film scraped off the walls. The head is cut off. If it is left, all the insides are removed from the gills, otherwise the fish will be bitter.

Catfish, burbot and eel are cleaned by removing from the carcass of the skin along with the scales. For this, an incision is made at the head, and the skin is pulled together in one motion.

Sea fish

Sea fish are often cleaned differently than river fish. To do this, prepared sharpened knife, which has a thin blade. The fish is laid out on a hard surface (for example, a cutting board). A small incision is made at the tail. The edge of the knife gently lifts the skin.

The result is a small pocket. With the tip of the knife, it begins to expand further, moving towards the head. With fish, the skin is removed along with the scales, cut from the inside by a sharp blade.

How to clean the salted fish?

Salted fish are sold already cleaned from scales. It remains only to gut it. It comes from the brine, fins are cut off. And an incision is made along the back. The same around the head. Peel gently separated and removed in the direction of the tail stocking. Then the abdomen rips open, and the viscera are cleaned. If desired, only caviar and milk are left. The fish is cleaned from the inner black film and washed in cold water.

How is perch cleaned?

How to clean a perch? It is rather slippery, so gloves are worn before the procedure. In order not to cut themselves with sharp fins, they are cut off with scissors. To ensure that the cleaning process is faster, the fish is sent to the freezer for 20-30 minutes.

After that, the scales will not be much scattered around. And the cleaning of the fish will take only a few minutes. But if the perch is planned to bake or fry, then the carcass can not be placed in the freezer. During the cleaning of the fish, the knife moves from belly to back. The tail at this time tightly pressed against the board.


How to properly fish pikeperch? There are sharp speeches on his body. They are removed before cleaning with scissors or a well sharpened knife. The tank is filled with water, which completely immerses the fish. If the cleaning is carried out with the help of a knife, then it keeps at an obtuse angle to the scales.

How is the pike cleaned?

How easy is it to clean fish from scales? For quick and high-quality cleaning of the pike you need to prepare a lot of space. The knife for cutting should be with a wide, well sharpened blade. Before cleaning, the fins are cut with kitchen scissors. Then the pike fits to itself with a head and one hand takes hold of the tail.

The scales are torn at the tail, and the knife is being taken towards the head of the fish. If the blade comes with difficulty, then its frequency of reference is increased. But at the same time, the scraping areas of the scales decrease. So that the knife collects the scales completely, it bends at an angle of 100 degrees from the carcass.


Carp is cleaned on a wide cutting board. Scales of fish are large, so a special device for cleaning fish is not required . You can just use your hands or a regular knife. One hand grasps the tail. Scales are scraped off in the direction of the head with the fingernails. When approaching the head, you can clean the fish with a knife. Also - on the abdomen and near the tail.

How is the fish cleaned so that scales do not fly in the sides?

How quickly to clean the fish from the scales so that it does not scatter around? It has a fine structure. And hundreds of flakes are sometimes removed from the fish. You can put the fish in a plastic bag and clean it. Movements should be neat and not sharp.

It is good to clean the fish with an ordinary teaspoon, with one side having a thinner edge. Since it is not sharp, it is not ripped off, but scaled. It is separated from the carcass with a lower speed and therefore does not scatter.

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