
How to write business letters, or "We hope for further cooperation"

Ethics (rules of conduct) in business - this is what will help you achieve your goals. From the behavior of an entrepreneur and a businessman, the success of his company depends directly, because you judge for yourself if a person behaves adequately, politely and with restraint, then we trust this business representative more than the one who is familiar with and can not relate a couple of words.

Thanksgiving letters

For example, when your work with another company or private entrepreneur is over or you sign a contract for the provision of services or goods, you can say: "We hope for further cooperation". This not only shows you on the positive side, but also says that you are ready to work with them again.

One of the aspects of business ethics is a thank you letter, it will show that you are always ready to cooperate with the organization to which you send it.

Types of letters

  • Open. Assuming the opportunity to work together again: "We hope for further mutually beneficial cooperation."
  • Closed, that is, with one-time cooperation. Such letters can be ended with the words: "We hope for further cooperation".
  • Justifying or explanatory. In business there are situations when you do not have time to fulfill the terms of the contract, then you must send a letter that would warn your partner about the delay, for example: "We hope for understanding and further cooperation."

What to consider when writing letters

First, do not forget to write respectfully, with pronouns "you, your, yours". And do not be familiar, using - "you, yours." Remember, you write to a business partner, not relatives.

Secondly, the letter should contain precise details and names so that it is clear to whom and why you are writing.

Thirdly, whenever possible, avoid stereotyped and clerical words (personal contribution, express, fruitful). When reading a letter, a person should understand that you have spent at least a little time writing it, and not feel like you just changed the data in the prepared template. Be original, creative, and then your letter will be remembered by the recipient, which means that the probability of repeated cooperation will increase.

Examples of business letters

An example of a business letter with gratitude for cooperation is given below.

Dear Anatoly Vasilyevich (or another name and patronymic of a private entrepreneur or representative of a company that cooperated with you),

Our collective of the architectural agency "Bright Future" and personally I sincerely and wholeheartedly thank you and the municipality for their cooperation. Together we managed to rebuild the Regional Children's Hospital so that it was not only safe there, but also as comfortable as possible for medical personnel. And also, I hope that these efforts will make visiting this hospital convenient for both children and their parents. It was a pleasure to work with you, so we hope for further cooperation.

Sincerely, the representative of the architectural agency "Bright Future" Alexander Gennadievich.

A sample business letter about mutually beneficial cooperation is below.

Dear Leonid Alexandrovich (name and patronymic of your worker),

ZAO "G. Agricola Wood Processing Plant" wishes to thank you for the mutually beneficial cooperation. Our company was pleased to work with you on some projects. In the future, we promise to do our best to support our fruitful joint work.

We hope for further cooperation and wish you stability, professional growth and partners who will understand you from the half-word.

Sincerely, the director of the G. Agricola Wood Processing Plant Petr Nikolaevich.

An example of an explanatory letter is given below in the text.

Dear Gennady Alexandrovich!

I, the representative of the architectural agency Bright Future, Anastasia Markovna, I apologize and regret over the delivery of the object not due to the late delivery of construction materials. We hope for your understanding and further cooperation.

With great respect, the vice-president of the architectural agency "Bright Future" Anastasia Markovna.

Ethics is one of the important aspects of business, and by following all the rules and norms of behavior, you will increase the profitability and success of your business.

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