
Car Repair With My Hands

Many will ask, but why do we need to learn to repair the car with our own hands, and indeed know the device of the car? Surely you just want to go to your car, open the door, sit in it, start and go and there's no need to know its device. Yes, and what's the point of repairing it yourself, when there are many car-care centers in the city. The range of services of these service centers is wide enough, and they can do anything you like. However, there are several nuances.

First, even if you will at least have a little understanding of the repair and maintenance of cars, then you can do some of the work yourself and thus save some money. After all, changing the oil or air filter is not difficult, and similar work in the official dealer centers are about 5-15 thousand. Doing this work once a year, you can save a certain amount in a few hours, and you will spend no less time waiting for it When this work will be done by the master.

Secondly, knowing some of the finer points of repairing a car with your own hands, you will be able to control the work of the master. You will know what has broken down and what needs to be changed. You do not have to dig in your car, and pick with dirty glands. Just you will know the situation, and supervise the master who is repairing your car. Perhaps you will be deceived and lured out of money for a more expensive and unnecessary repair in this situation. Or you can get on an inexperienced master who, for your money paid, can only make things worse. There are many such mistakes and they are committed quite often. I have one of my friends doing this, he knows that he has a shit and what needs to be changed, he goes to an inexpensive workshop and tells the master that he has broken down and that it is necessary to change and supervise the work of the master. Thus, he does not do dirty work, does not pick in the car and that most importantly saves good money on this.

However, the most important advantage of being able to repair a car with your own hands is the situation when it can break down somewhere along the road, far from the settlement. That's what you will do in this situation, if you do not even know the device of your car, and even you can not make the car diagnostics. After all, you can often correct the situation on the road yourself, if you have at least a minimum of knowledge in car repair. Also, when traveling long distances, you need to know the flaws and vulnerabilities of your car in order to be prepared for possible consequences on the road.

After all, sometimes the situation is just ridiculous, when the driver of his car can not even simply change the punctured wheel of the car to the reserve. But the probability that you will need to replace the ever-broken wheel is quite high, especially on our "good" roads. This situation is forgivable, perhaps, some blonde, but not a male driver, it will at least be very embarrassing not to know and not be able to master the elementary things.

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