HealthDiseases and Conditions

The labia hurt. What could it be?

In cases where a woman has labia, vagina or
Swelling of the genitals, you do not even need to think that everything will pass by itself.
This is the first signal for a woman that it's time to visit a doctor.

"Why are the labia hurt?" - this question is asked by many women. Should
Be aware that there are several causes and symptoms of the swelling or itching of the labia
among women:

The appearance of the tumor of the labia or vulvovaginitis. The causes of tumors of the labia may be different. One of the most common is the rubbing of the underwear of the soft tissues of the genital organs followed by irritation, as well as the infection of the genital organs during masturbation. Symptoms of vulvovaginitis are different:

- redness of the labia ,

- itching with urination and walking,

- allocation of a yellow-green color with an unpleasant smell.

Thrush or Candidiasis. Disease, the causative agent of which is a yeast-like fungus-candida. Each person has such a fungus in
Natural microflora. It can be located in the oral cavity, sex
Organs, output system. An increase in the number of candidias in one or another organ
Man leads to diseases caused by the actions of extraneous factors.
Symptoms of the disease:

- Reddening of the mucous membrane of the labia,

- the allocation of a curd with an unpleasant odor,

- pain in the vagina, both during sex and after,

- itching of the genitals.

Vulvodnia. This is a difficult to diagnose disease, Caused by pain at the entrance to the vagina. The cause of such pain can be inflammation of the nerve endings,
Located in the vulva. The onset of the disease is mainly due to
Chronic candidiasis, an infectious disease, or with prolonged treatment of the patient with antibiotics. Symptoms of vulvadynia: this

- chronic pain in the vagina,

- Constant pruritus of the genital organs in contact with foreign objects: pads, tampons, bicycling.

During sex, sex lips are especially badly hurt, there is a strong

Bartholinitis. This is the defeat and inflammation of the Bartholin glands located at the entrance to the vagina. It can cause swelling of the labia and pain in the vagina. The disease acts on the function of the glands, thereby interfering with their normal functioning, clogging the tubules. The release of lubricant does not occur. To date , doctors and doctors can not pinpoint the causes of the disease. But it is common to believe that the labia hurt And the vaginal area due to the presence in the body of microorganisms,
Such as gonococcus, staphylococcus, and others.

Symptoms of the disease are mainly associated with having sex: during excitation, the patient can feel severe pain in the vaginal area, which does not disappear after sexual intercourse for several hours. Seals in the vaginal area may also appear.

Gardnerelez disease Vagina, in other words, dysbiosis of the genital
Bodies. The main symptoms are discharge from transparent to gray-green color with a characteristic smell of "decaying fish", as well as itching and
Pain in the vagina. The cause of the disease is
Microorganism Gardnerella vaginalis. Getting into the body and developing in the microflora of the vagina, it provokes unpleasant sensations in the vaginal area with characteristic secretions. Often a woman has labia.

If any of the above symptoms is detected, the woman should
Immediately go to the doctor - dermatovenereologist or gynecologist.

There are cases when the labia hurt during pregnancy. Pregnant women may also have pain and tumors in the genital area. This is due, above all, to the fact that the fetus begins to squeeze the arteries of the genital organs, which leads to poor circulation of blood. Often during pregnancy, varicose veins appear , which is a fairly common disease in this period. But in most pregnant women it passes both before and after childbirth.

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