
Professional ethics of a lawyer as a basic condition for his success

Any area of professional human activity has a certain set of specific features, rules and ethical norms. Professional ethics regulate the moral relations between people in the labor sphere. In other words, we can say that this concept is a set of certain moral norms that determine the attitude of a person to his professional duty. Professional ethics as a science is engaged in studying:

  • Relations of people arising in labor collectives ;
  • Moral qualities of each individually taken specialist;
  • Features of professional education;
  • Specific moral standards of each individual professional area.

Professional legal activity like no other is related to the interaction of people, so compliance with certain rules and rules of conduct in it is simply necessary. An important characteristic of the moral character of each lawyer is also his attitude to work and professionalism. The professional ethics of a lawyer in a law-based state, such as Russia today, includes several mandatory aspects:

  1. The rule of law. This aspect implies full comprehension by the lawyer of his mission to the service of law and law. The ethics of a lawyer obliges him to obey unquestioningly all the norms of the law, even if they contradict his personal moral principles. Its activities should be directed primarily at combating legal nihilism and anarchy.
  2. The attitude towards people in the spirit of humanism is an obligatory rule of professional ethics for any lawyer. This rule as it emphasizes that education and high qualification is not enough to become a sought-after specialist and professional. Each lawyer in the process of work communicates with a huge number of people who see him as a human being first, and only then - a representative of the law. Therefore, every person involved in the process of communicating with a lawyer, lawyer, prosecutor, expects him to perform a qualified duty, as well as respectful attitude. The professional ethics of a lawyer implies respect for the personality of each participant in the legal process.
  3. The honesty of a lawyer is based on honesty, truthfulness, full of trust and sympathy. These qualities should be manifested in the relationships of colleagues, supervisor and subordinate, lawyer and client. To achieve these goals, a lawyer-professional chooses only such methods and methods that do not contradict the law and the norms of morality.

On the moral principles that are generally accepted in any work activity of man, the professional ethics of the lawyer also holds. Honesty, decency, truthfulness are an indispensable guarantee of his successful career. The main document by which the lawyer is guided in his professional activities is the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The professional ethics of a lawyer, prosecutor, lawyer or other representative of the law does not allow neglect of the person (be it a witness, an applicant or an accused person), humiliation of his human dignity, his insult or application of measures not provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Today, in many law schools, additional disciplines are introduced, in which students study not only law and law, but also receive answers to questions: what is the professional ethics of a lawyer, how to treat surrounding people and what moral qualities must be possessed to achieve notable Success in his career.

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