Food and drink, Recipes
How to cook chihuahua: recipe
Sometimes I want to please my family with a delicious, fragrant and original dish. However, it is not always possible to come up with something refined. We offer you to get acquainted with such an interesting dish, as the maid. The recipe is simple and accessible to every hostess.
What is a maid?
This is a Chinese dish, which translates as "three terrestrial freshness." He learned to cook in the Caucasus, only add more spicy products and seasonings that give out Asian cuisine.
In China, this dish is most often served in restaurants, but in other countries it was made at home. After all, in fact, the recipe does not have anything complicated, and the products need the simplest ones.
By the way, in many countries they learned how to improvise and beautifully present the girls. The recipe is liked by many housewives, since it does not take much time and effort, but you can surprise not only your household members, but also the guests.
To create a real chinese dish, prepare the products:
1. Average potatoes - 0.5 kg.
2. Aubergines - 4 pcs.
3. Bulgarian pepper - 4 pcs.
4. Carrots large - 1 pc.
5. Garlic and hot pepper - 1 pc.
6. Seasoning (salt, pepper, paprika) - to taste.
As you can see, no special ingredients are needed. Before you know the whole recipe of the chamois at home, you need to prepare the products for the sauce, which is ideally combined with vegetables. It is on him that the taste of the dish depends.
Ingredients for sauce
Each dish is endowed with its zest. For example, in ordinary rice, you can add different sauces, and thanks to them taste changes.
If you choose the right sauce, you get an exquisite, original and unique dish in all respects.
To prepare the sauce, you need the following products:
1. Water - 100 ml.
2. Starch - 8 g (1.5 tsp).
3. Soy sauce - 50 ml.
4. Vinegar (preferably apple) - 25 ml.
5. Sugar - 15 g.
6. Malasian seasoning (can be replaced with red pepper, parsley, paprika, dry garlic and ginger).
For the dish, all the products are ready, and you can proceed to cooking.
Cooking sauce
Strew the starch in a bowl, add sugar, mix and pour water into the same container, which should only be at room temperature. Stir well and add the soy sauce. Add it gradually and mix it all the time. Then pour in a thin trickle of vinegar.
In the last place you need to add Malasian seasoning. However, it is difficult to find on sale, so you can search for a replacement. For example, make the dressing to the sauce yourself. Finely chop the parsley, add the paprika, black ground pepper, a little ginger and dried garlic. Put this seasoning in the sauce.
Numbers: recipe
Chinese cuisine is famous for this dish. As mentioned before, it can be found in the restaurant menu. However, you can cook at home. First you need to wash and clean all the vegetables. Cut the potatoes into large pieces and rinse under running water. Try as much as possible to wash off the starch.
Carrots and eggplants must be cut, like potatoes, in large pieces. Vegetables should not be wet, so put them on a paper towel to dry. Prepare a cast-iron frying pan, put it on medium heat, pour in sunflower oil.
Then fry the potatoes until a light crust appears, then add the carrots, stirring occasionally. Now you can add pepper and after 5 minutes eggplant. Stir vegetables, and let them fry. Do not forget to stir occasionally.
When the eggplants are cooked, cut very finely the garlic and add it to the vegetables. Now pour out the pre-cooked sauce and mix until it thickens.
So our dish under the name of the maid is ready. The recipe is very simple, everything is done quickly and easily.
As you can see, the foods in the dish are the most common and in the summer are available for every housewife. That is why it can be boldly cooked at home, and also to surprise your family and friends with a new taste.
A dish with fried vegetables can be decorated with bright and rich colors. It can be beautifully laid parsley, carrot, pepper (red, green or yellow) and many other vegetables.
A very beautiful dish will turn out with the help of crab sticks, which are cut in half rings around the dish. They not only add color, but also perfectly match to taste with fried vegetables.
You can put droplets of sauce in a circle. They emphasize sophistication and presentable appearance. If there are fresh tomatoes and cucumbers, cut them nicely and lay them on top of fried vegetables.
Brightness and saturation will emphasize such products as canned peas, corn or pineapple, cut into half rings.
Asparagus is another vegetable that will decorate the dish. However, it is necessary that the saturated green color is preserved. To do this, lower the asparagus in boiling water for one minute. If you overdo it, it will fade and lose color.
As you can see, you can decorate a dish with different products. Some will add a more sweetish taste, others - spicy, others - sharp. It all depends on you, what you want to taste and taste.
Cooking tips
Each cook adds his author's spice to the dish. For example, garlic can be added in different ways. One cook it rubs on the grater, another finely cuts. Even the cutting depends on the taste of the dish. It's not in vain that the vegetables are cut in large pieces. Then you get a more intense taste.
Before frying the eggplant, sprinkle a little and wait for bitterness to come out. Do not forget that the vegetables must first be peeled off. Although some cooks believe that the bitter taste in the eggplant gives a piquant dish.
Try not to munch. Try it first. After all, the soy sauce is so salty enough.
Many mistresses have learned to improvise. If the household does not really like stewed vegetables, you can add fried meat. It can be pork or beef, the chicken does not fit. Only in this case, the meat is roasted separately, and then it is added to the vegetables.
Starch can be replaced with flour. Although the cook does not recognize such an experiment. It is believed that it is starch that emphasizes the lightness and tenderness of the sauce, and the dish is obtained exclusively in the Chinese style.
Prepare, improvise, surprise your acquaintances, friends and family with an original dish called chasanchi.
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