Homeliness, Landscaping
Tiger Begonia: Care and Reproduction
Tiger begonia, or beguya Bauer, is a room ornamental plant that attracts the attention of flower growers with exquisite beauty, undemanding care and compactness of the bush. It is a part of the popular begonia species, which has about two thousand varieties, differing in the coloring of the leaves, their shape and colors.
A tiger begonia flower is a plant with a branching erect stalk. The leaves are heart-shaped, slightly oblique, on the edge there are finely toothed tapers. The length of the leaves is about eight centimeters. Their upper part is colored brownish-olive, closer to the edge becomes greenish, with small specks of color.
Begonia tiger has white flowers that collect in the inflorescence. They grow right from the root. Rhizome is on the surface of the earth. Flowering occurs in winter. Begonia tiger, the photo of which you see below, is a miniature, short-haired plant not more than thirty-five centimeters high. The flower looks great on the windowsill in ceramic pots.
Begonia tiger: care at home
Florists refer begonia to unpretentious plants, besides, it multiplies easily. Very quickly it turns into a beautiful bush with unusual leaves. , если вы хотите, чтобы ваш подоконник украсила бегония тигровая. Nevertheless, it is necessary to follow some simple rules if you want your window sill to be decorated with tiger begonia. Care of her involves transplanting every two years in a larger flat pot. And that's not it.
It is necessary to carefully consider the choice of soil, which should include:
- Perlite;
- peat;
- humus;
- coarse sand.
All the ingredients must be taken in equal parts, mixed well and placed in a small pot. The stalk penetrates into the ground halfway. If you have a larger pot, then you can put several cuttings in it. Since tiger begonia has creeping rhizomes, and the bush grows in width, pick up pots for it wide, not high.
This is an amazing plant that prefers the golden mean in light mode. Therefore, it should be placed on the south-western or south-eastern windows. , для него необходимо освещение рассеянное. It should be borne in mind that the plant does not tolerate direct sunlight at all , it requires scattered lighting.
Temperature conditions
, в помещении где находится цветок, температура воздуха не должна быть ниже +18 °C. Tiger begonia likes warmth , in the room where the flower is located, the temperature of the air should not be below +18 ° C. Flowering begonia can not be called very beautiful, but if you want to see it, you must maintain a higher air temperature.
Tigrovaya begonia does not tolerate spraying, but at the same time she is very fond of high humidity. Under the pot should be placed a tray with raw moss, and a container with wet claydite or water, placed next to the plant, will provide him with the necessary humidity.
Watering and top dressing
Tiger begonia is actively growing in the spring-summer period. At this time she needs a uniform and moderate watering with soft water. But to moisten the soil is necessary only after the ground in the pot has dried.
In the winter, begonia turns into a state of rest. Pour it in a cool room should be very tidy and limited. The ground in the pot should not be too wet or too dry.
In summer and spring, during the active growth of the plant, fertilizing with complex fertilizers is necessary. From March to October every week begonia should be fertilized. In winter, this procedure is carried out every six weeks. In the cold season, the soil must be warm, so water for irrigation at this time is desirable slightly warmer than room temperature.
Transplantation and rejuvenation
Begonia must be transplanted every two years. Adult plants are rejuvenated by pruning. If you want the leaves on the begonia to be larger, remove the flower buds. The leaves of tiger begonia are very beautiful pattern, so it is better to put it separately. You can combine low-growing blossoming varieties and plant them in a common container. , к примеру, Begonia masoniani и Begonia Rex. Thus, you can create an original collection of decorative-leaf hybrids , for example, Begonia masoniani and Begonia Rex.
Begonia tiger breeds from particles of rhizome and cuttings. As a cuttings, you can use the tip of the shoot, but a single leaf with a handle not less than five centimeters will do. Reproduction of begonia can be done at any time, usually in spring or summer.
From an adult plant, cut a healthy leaf with a five-centimeter piece of cuttings and, until half, immerse it in the same soil as you prepared for an adult plant. Place the pot into a cellophane bag with ventilation holes and place in a room with a temperature of at least +17 ° C.
Leaf cuttings are usually planted in a small pot with a diameter of not more than seven centimeters. In a month, a maximum of one and a half, you will see young sprouts that appeared from the cuttings. And a month later they can be seated in separate pots.
Rhizomes should be planted in low pots. They cut off the tops of growth. After the rhizomes take root, the plant is divided. From it, the rooted part is separated and planted in another container for flowers. The pot is covered with cellophane with holes for ventilation.
Diseases and pests
Like most houseplants, begonia should be protected from pests and diseases. We will tell you about the most dangerous of them.
These pests inflict tremendous harm on begonias. Insects are arranged on young stems and peduncles. If they are found, wash them with a soapy water solution. If the defeat is too serious, then for the fight you will need insecticides.
If on the leaves of begonia you see fluffy lumps - it's felons. Pests should be removed with a fleece or cloth moistened with any insecticide preparation diluted with water in equal proportions 1: 1. If this does not help, treat the leaves with an insecticide in pure form.
Root rot
If your flower is weakened, has a spongy wet rootstock that covers gray mold, which means that it was affected by root rot. In this case it is necessary to reduce watering and provide it with the necessary air temperature in the room.
Today we have presented to you a very beautiful and at the same time quite unpretentious indoor flower. Begonia Bauer is really a very effective plant, able to decorate any interior. Care for him is not complicated, even novice lovers of indoor plants will be able to cope with it, and the first experience in growing flowers will please them with excellent results. That's why begonia is becoming more popular every year.
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