HealthDiseases and Conditions

Dysbacteriosis is vaginal.

A healthy organism is a balanced system, if something is broken in the body, then there is no balance. Approximately the same happens with the microflora of the woman's vagina. The fact is that in a woman's pelvic organs there are microorganisms, some of them are useful "inhabitants", but the other part is microorganisms, which under certain conditions can cause diseases. When the balance between the useful and pathogenic microflora is disturbed , the development of the disease, which doctors call the dysbacteriosis vaginal or bacterial vaginosis , occurs .

Useful flora of the vagina is mostly represented by lactobacilli, which produce lactic acid substances and create an acid medium in the vagina, respectively. As is known, in this environment, conditionally pathogenic bacteria can not live and develop.

Dysbacteriosis vaginal can be a consequence of many factors:

- hormonal imbalance

- lack of personal hygiene

- taking medications or oral contraceptives

- malnutrition and obesity

- hypothermia

- promiscuous sexual intercourse

- frequent use of various lubricants and barrier methods of contraception

- permanent or abnormal wearing of the intrauterine device

- improper use of gaskets and tampons

- tight underwear and thong.

All these factors contribute to reducing the number of lactobacilli, as a result of which the acidic environment changes to alkaline, and pathogenic microorganisms begin to quickly divide, and cause the disease - dysbacteriosis vaginal.

How is bacterial vaginosis manifested?

One of the most common and common manifestations of vaginal dysbacteriosis are abundant secretions with a "fishy" pungent odor. Some women simply define this smell as harsh and unpleasant. Allocations are usually white or slightly yellowish.

Much less often the patients complain of itching and unpleasant sensations in the area of the external genitalia. Sexual contact can become painful.

It should be noted that, as a rule, there are no external signs of dysbacteriosis. Only sometimes you can find redness and swelling of the mucous membranes and whitish discharge.

The danger of dysbiosis is that most often it passes into the inflammatory process, because Secondary flora is attached. And this entails more serious consequences.

How to treat vaginal dysbiosis?

Treatment of vaginal dysbacteriosis, first of all, begins with suppression of growth and reproduction of pathological microflora. This is done in accordance with which flora prevails. Most often, antibacterial or antifungal drugs are prescribed.

Then you need to re-populate the vagina with a normal healthy microflora. For this, preparations containing a large number of eubiotics are used.

After this, it is necessary to activate the immune function of the vaginal wall so that it begins to control the microflora. To do this, it is enough to use local immunomodulators. In some cases, general stimulation of the immune system can be used.

In general, the duration of therapy is 3-4 weeks, during this time interval, not only normal vaginal flora should recover, but also the protective function of lactobacilli.

All women need to understand that vaginal dysbiosis requires adequate treatment. If the pathological process does not bother you too much, this does not mean that you can not treat it. To date, the Internet can be found a lot of folk methods for treating vaginal dysbiosis, however, they are not used in clinical medical practice, tk. The therapeutic effect is completely absent. Do not waste your time on self-treatment - consult a doctor!

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