
Diseases of the eyes, their varieties. Glaucoma as a dangerous eye disease

Diseases of the eye - a very large group of pathologies, differing in the variety of their manifestations. Sufferers can be in different age groups, the mechanisms of the formation of the disease are congenital and acquired, some belong to the group of genetically determined.

Most often, eye diseases are an indicator of malfunctions within the eye itself that result from infection, trauma or irritation. A rise in temperature, for example, with flu or colds, is also an irritant and causes pain in the eye.

There are a number of eye diseases that are most common in relation to others and are most often found in medical practice.

Conjunctivitis is an inflammatory process of the eye mucosa. The nature of its occurrence is different, it is allergic, viral and bacterial type of the disease, according to the nature of the course - acute and chronic. Symptoms are manifested in the form of redness of the eye, secretions and feelings of discomfort inside the affected organ (light-inducedness, "sand", sharp rubbers).

Cataract - a disease associated with a violation of the transparency of the lens of the eye. Cataract is a chronic and constantly progressive lesion of the organ of vision, which is irreversible. Causes are certain hereditary factors, infection of the fetus during pregnancy, use of a future mother of drugs or alcohol.

Astigmatism, hyperopia, myopia - three eye diseases of the same nature, characterized by different ways of refraction of light relative to the retina. With a strong refraction of the luminous flux by the lens, its mapping occurs in front of the retina, and is called myopia (myopia). Near sight is good, but what you see far off, a person sees badly. Hyperopia is characterized by inverse features. With astigmatism there is no definite area of focusing of light, this happens at different times in each time.

In a fairly large field of medicine, which studies eye diseases, a special place is given to glaucoma. This is a serious chronic disease, a hallmark of which is the increase in intraocular pressure. When the disease affects the optic nerve, progression of vision decline and often comes complete blindness. Glaucoma of the eye is irreversible due to complete loss of the optic nerve.

Unfortunately, this eye disease is very common in the modern world, more often it affects people over the age of 40, and today about 100 million people suffer from it. The mechanism of the course of glaucoma is based on the excessive formation of intraocular fluid and on the violation of the drainage system of the eye, consisting in its excretion. Increased fluid content affects the increase in intraocular pressure, and this leads to loss of the optic nerve and to blindness.

Glaucoma of the eye is divided into several types:

  1. Congenital. This species has genetic roots or is the result of injuries, fetal diseases in prenatal development. This rare disease appears on the first days of a person's life.
  2. Youthful (juvenile) glaucoma. Appears at the age of 3 to 35 years due to changes in the iris.
  3. Secondary glaucoma. It is the result of other eye lesions that destroy the structure of the organ.
  4. Primary glaucoma in adults. The most common species, which has 4 clinical forms. The danger of this disease lies in the inability to determine it at early stages of development. But there are several symptoms that are usually mistaken for the first signs of the appearance of glaucoma, and to which you need to pay attention:

- the formation of rainbow circles, which are seen when looking at a luminous object;

- pressing pains, "grid" before eyes;

- blurred vision, narrowing of his angle, poor vision at dusk;

- a specialist reveals corneal edema;

- the appearance of nausea, increased intraocular pressure;

Treat eye diseases, and in particular, glaucoma, in three ways: medicamentous, surgical, laser.

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