
First military settlements

The founding of military settlements began in 1810-12. Then in Mogilev province, Emperor Alexander the First tried to settle a spare battalion from Yelets infantry regiment. However, it was not possible to accomplish this to the Tsar - the war prevented it.

The economic state of Russia after the war was very difficult. The areas where the battles were fought were ruined, and the financial system of the state experienced a deep crisis. The situation inside the country required decisive action. Assessing the situation, Alexander the First is again being taken to create military settlements.

The new system was designed, mainly, to reduce the cost of maintaining the army. In addition, the question was resolved of eliminating recruitment kits in peacetime, which provoked discontent on the part of the peasants, and on the part of the landlords who were deprived of labor. Thus, to solve at least some of the problems, it was decided to start forming military settlements.

Questions about the new transformations were decided in a very narrow circle, which included Alexander I, as well as Arakcheev, Ermolov, Sambursky and Witt. It should be noted that the introduction of the new system was carried out exclusively by practical acts of autocracy. At the same time, neither the regulations nor the regulations on the settlement of the army were compiled, and the transformations themselves were made without discussion with state bodies.

In practice, military settlements even more enslaved the peasants. Released (formally) from serfdom, they could not go on earnings, as well as engage in crafts or trade. In addition, the peasants had to serve.

The first military settlements were organized in Novgorod province. In this area lived state peasants. Their emperor planned to transfer to the villagers.

Novgorod province was famous for its land, water and land communication was developed here. In addition, great importance was attached to the proximity of the capital. Considered together with this and strategic points.

Military settlements, formed in Novgorod province, were under the leadership of Arakcheev.

In 1817, on April 18, the formation of the first settled battalion and the uniform of the peasants and the Grenadier Count of the Arakcheyev regiment began in Vysotsky volost. Thus, the foundation for the birth of military settlements in the Novgorod province was laid.

In 1817-18, a normative document was drafted. On the basis of the "Institution of Military Settlement," the lower administrative bodies were first formed : company and regimental committees. Subsequently, higher bodies began to form.

Military settlements have changed the entire economic structure of the peasants. Undoubtedly, the new orders met the resistance of the masses. Apart from the fact that the peasants were deprived of all their ties because of their attachment to the land, they were also supposed to keep the soldiers. The new system strictly regulated all aspects of the life of the population.

Expenditures for the formation of military settlements were not envisaged. The state allocated fifty thousand rubles at a time. Subsequently, an expenditure item was budgeted. To legal incomes included charges from the Cossacks. There were also hidden incomes. So, for example, free farmers, proprietors and specific peasants were exempted from recruitment kits, if they paid two rubles per soul for 500 recruits.

Contemporaries treated military settlements very ambiguously. Several facts influenced the formation of a negative opinion. In particular, contemporaries talked about the isolation of settlements, their isolation from the world. In addition, peasants who resisted the new system were subjected to severe punishments.

However, the new system also had supporters. In particular, support for the transformation was received in the person of General Davydov, Marquis Pau, Governor Risch. Among the supporters of military settlements was Speransky.

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