
The discovery of Antarctica and the riddles of this interesting continent

Man always considered himself the master of the Earth and wanted to learn about his "house" as much as possible. Far countries and unknown places attracted to themselves researchers of all times and peoples. Russian navigators F. Bellingshausen and M. Lazarev were lucky to make the discovery of Antarctica, a legend about the existence of which lived for many centuries. On January 27, 1820, they approached the shores of Antarctica and were amazed by its endless icy expanses. This event went down in history as the most significant achievement in the field of world geography.

In February 1821, a team of seafarers, led by Captain John Davis, made the first landing on the icy continent. Travelers spent in the harsh conditions on the mainland all winter, they were saved only in the summer. Many historians do not believe in this fact, since Antarctica is the most remote zone.

The first assumption that the sixth continent exists, tried to confirm the English navigator James Cook. However, he did not swim to the mainland and claimed that it was impossible to go further south than he had done. Therefore, attempts to find the mysterious land for a time stopped, and the discovery of Antarctica took place almost 40 years later.

Some researchers believe that the history of the discovery of Antarctica began before the 19th century. There is a suggestion that even in ancient times people knew about the existence of this ice continent. One of the mysteries of the mainland is the theory of the life of ancient peoples in the territory of modern Antarctica. This theory says that ancient geographers learned about Antarctica from the "Antarcts" - inhabitants of the Southern continent.

Plato argued that Antarctica before the glaciation was inhabited by people. His assumptions the ancient Greek philosopher based on the texts and descriptions of ancient Egyptian civilization. To these peoples Plato attributed magical abilities and extensive knowledge of the origin of the universe. It is not known whether these were just conjectures and theories or precise information, but the fact that in ancient writings the existence of the sixth continent is mentioned is a fact.

The discovery of Antarctica has revived many secrets and myths. Studying ancient maps of seafarers, scientists came to the conclusion that before Antarctica was not covered with ice, and the climate on the mainland was mild. The ancient seafarers made these maps, using even older sources, the origin of which is still unknown.

American researchers studying the alleged Atlantis noticed that the outlines of Atlantis and Antarctica are very similar. It can be assumed that mysterious Atlantis hides under the ice.

The discovery of Antarctica is a significant event in the history of world discoveries. Since the opening, it has been nearly two hundred years, but we could learn about this continent quite a bit. Antarctica keeps in itself many secrets and mysteries, generated by the imagination of man. What is there, under the ice, is still unknown. And the processes occurring on the surface of the continent have not yet been studied. One can only make guesses, based on very remote and vague indications of modern devices. It remains only to hope that the riddles of Antarctica will once be solved. However, we can say with confidence that the mysteries will last for many generations ahead.

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