
The preparation "Polyphepan": tip, instruction, price

An effective enterosorbent, an antidote, which has detoxification effect, is the drug "Polyphepan". The patient's feedback indicates that the remedy helps with poisoning. It is produced in the form of granules and pastes, from which a suspension is made. The drug consists of hydrolytic lignin, isolated from coniferous trees and sucrose.

Pharmacological properties

The active substance - hydrolytic lignin - is a plant product. When ingested in the digestive system, the active ingredient adsorbs toxic substances and microorganisms that come from outside or form in the body itself. The drug "Polyphepan" (the doctors' reviews speak about this) effectively fights bacteria, fungi, toxic products of vital activity of these microorganisms. The medication neutralizes and removes from the organism of various origins allergens, necrotic tissues, salts of dangerous heavy metals. The agent attaches to itself molecules of harmful substances, while it does not provoke chemical reactions. As a result, there is no adverse effect on the intestinal microflora. Moreover, the drug contributes to the replacement of the shortage of plant fibers in the diet, allowing the timely evacuation of intestinal contents.

Indications for use

The drug "Polyphepan" is recommended by doctors for taking food poisoning, intestinal infectious diseases (typhoid fever, cholera, dysentery, salmonellosis). The medicine is prescribed for the treatment of the unclear etiology of pathologies accompanied by diarrhea, with vaginal and intestinal dysbiosis, as well as chronic ailments characterized by general intoxication of the body (hepatitis, cirrhosis, ulcerative colitis, pancreatitis, nonspecific enterocolitis). The drug "Polyphepan" (patients' reviews confirm this fact) are given to workers of harmful industries for the prevention of occupational diseases. The product effectively helps with various types of allergies, caused by household chemicals or salts of heavy metal poisoning.

Contraindications and side effects of Polyphepan

The experts say that the drug is well tolerated. This is proved by long-term observations. In rare cases, allergic reactions, unpleasant sensations and heaviness in the epigastric region are possible. It is forbidden to take granules with individual intolerance, propensity to constipation, low-acid gastritis, diabetes (you can use paste).

The preparation "Polyphepan": instruction, reviews, price

The drug is used as a drink, injected with an enema or a gastric gastric tube, through drainage systems. Dosage for adults is 5 g, children under 7 years are given up to 4 grams, up to a year - one teaspoon of the drug. The patients' comments say that it is necessary to take the remedy one hour before a meal, while the paste or granules are bred in a glass of water. Duration of use - from three days to a week, with chronic diseases treatment lasts for two weeks. The drug "Polyphepan", whose price is 100 rubles, can be purchased at the pharmacy.

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