
The pieces in history are part of the peasant allotments. The abolition of serfdom and land reform in Russia

The segments in history are that part of the land that, according to the peasant reform, in our country was being taken over by the landlords. Based on the provision on the abolition of serfdom, a certain norm of the site was established for rural and rural land users. But if it exceeded the preset size, then the surplus went to the nobles.

General characteristic of the reform

In 1861, serfdom was abolished in Russia . However, despite the fact that the peasants received personal freedom, they in many regions found themselves in an extremely difficult situation due to the land issue. The cut-off in history is part of the new government policy to maintain the financial situation of noble landlords. After all, from now on they have lost their main source of existence - income and duties from the peasant economy.

Therefore, the authorities took such a measure to retain at least some privileges and economic advantages. And this, of course, very badly affected the situation of direct agricultural producers, which often lost the bulk of their possessions. The sections in history are, perhaps, one of the most contradictory conditions of peasant reform. Evidence has been preserved that the people themselves often were not happy with such a measure, since for him, personal freedom was not so important as land.


So, the reform of 1861, with all its positive significance, nevertheless contained one very important drawback: the peasants were deprived of allotments. Since the agrarian labor was the basis of their existence, after the release of the provision on their freedom they found themselves in an extremely disadvantageous position. And many even in even worse situation than before. The segments in history are probably the most controversial and at the same time a painful issue in this reform. However, at that time the positions of the ruling class of noblemen-landowners were quite strong, so that they involuntarily had to reckon with.

But, despite the concession, this estate is very much impoverished. The measure taken by the government was not sufficient to support their socio-economic status. So, from this time on, the process of mass depletion of the former large landowners began. Especially since the very essence of the provisions on the segments of many did not even immediately understand. This was sometimes used by the most practical peasants, who managed to get these lands or, at least, to facilitate the size of the duties provided for their work-off.


We have already said that the distribution of land was not in favor of the peasants. However, the landowning landownership was also in decline, although formally and legally the nobles were still in a privileged position. The understanding of what segments in history is, is impossible without taking into account the circumstances in which natural, geographical and climatic zones the allotments were located.

For example, in the chernozem regions landlords took most of the land from the peasants, since in this region it was more fertile. Rich nobles could take even one-fifth of themselves, which was extremely bad for the village and its inhabitants. In general, the average size of the allotment was three and a half tithes of land. It was less than in the pre-reform time. Naturally, many peasants were unhappy. There is even evidence that they preferred to remain in serfdom, rather than to lose money for a full-fledged existence.

Land tenure problems

So, we have already figured out what segments are. History, the definition of this concept, as we have already understood, are inextricably linked with the peasant reform. It was assumed that in the case of obtaining an allotment, for several dessiatins of a higher standard, the landlords have the right to take away the "extra" territory from the agrarians. As a rule, this amounted to eighteen percent of all property, which was quite a lot for rural landowners.

In addition, there was still the problem of stripes. Landed land often wedged in peasant, creating for the latter the problem of grazing, the use of meadows and so on. For all this, they were forced either to pay the owner, or to lease plots from him, or to fulfill certain duties for the right to use allotments.

Question about the grounds

A detailed analysis and interpretation of the question of what are segments in the history of Russia are extremely important for understanding the specifics of the post-reform development of agriculture in the country in general. Perhaps, the new system first struck as landowner landownership, and peasant. The latter, of course, was in a more difficult and difficult situation, also because the people were deprived of the right to use the land: meadows, places of grazing, and so on. Now there were cuts in whole strips, for the right of use which the peasants had to pay. Thus, direct producers lost not only their main holdings, but also additional land resources.

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