Arts & EntertainmentFilms

What is a box office? Box office of the most successful films in the history of cinema

For sure, every fan of the film you like is interested in information not only of a general nature - a list of actors involved, producers, directors, individual facts about the picture. The categories "budget" and "fees" occupy a special place. They can be used to predict the success of the film. What is a box office from the rental of a picture, we will understand further.

From the budget to profit - one step

These two important components are inseparable from each other. Explaining in simple Russian, the box office represents the difference between the means invested in production (including marketing and advertising) and the means that ultimately brought the film. But this is not the final profit. Often, a certain percentage of the cinemas picking up the tape rental. Tracking of proceeds from the sold tickets is carried out constantly, for that there are specially created analytical departments in large film studios and branches in other countries.

For everyone who is involved in the production of the film, a contract is being developed, under which the fee is negotiated. It can be fixed, regardless of the future success of the picture, or make up some part, and a certain percentage is left for later, after the end of the rental. It is known that this method is often used by Tom Cruise. For the third part of the film "Mission Impossible" his fee was 75 million dollars. Revenues from the film "Phantom Protocol" consisted of a stipulated fee of 12.5 million, in addition to this added a percentage of the total revenue from ticket sales. The box office is a secret information that companies prefer to keep secret. This, undoubtedly, causes the fans a burning interest, but in most cases they can only guess who and how much they receive.

Cash collection - the main condition in choosing a film

The information about the received profit speaks volumes. This is an indicator of the status of the studio that released the film, as well as the prerequisite for selecting this film for viewing. Each viewer from the variety of products presented wishes to dwell on what is really interesting. No one wants to waste time on medium-quality tapes. Thus, the box office can with great certainty say about the magnitude and popularity of a particular picture, under which its quality is hidden.


While the picture is at the box office, weekly analytical reports are compiled, which talk about the place occupied by the film. In comparison, other tapes are put at the same time. Such lists are called Box-Office. They reflect different data: the total budget, the number of weeks of hire, fees for weekends (weekends), general fees.

The best of the best

The largest kinosayt monitors fees from video rental permanently. And makes lists of the most successful films, based on data from ticket sales. This information is not recognized as official, but it can be considered objective, if only because the total figure does not include profits from the television show, from video and DVD rental. Here, inflation is also taken into account, which promotes the advancement of higher positions. The box office collections of films, studied by such parameters as the country and the year of release, give an opportunity to present those pictures that occupy the leading place. Among them:

  • "Avatar."
  • "Titanic".
  • "Star Wars".
  • "Gone With the Wind".
  • "The Dark Knight".
  • "Jurassic Park".
  • "Cold heart".
  • "Alice in Wonderland".
  • "The Lion King."
  • "The Da Vinci Code".

The most profitable series includes:

  • "Harry Potter".
  • "James Bond".
  • "The Avengers."
  • "Spider-Man".
  • "Lord of the Rings".
  • "Transformers."
  • "Pirates of the Caribbean".
  • "Dusk".
  • "The X-Men."
  • Fast and the Furious.

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