Health, Vision
Myopia of a mild degree
Myopia of a mild degree, or, more simply, myopia - is a fairly common problem among the modern population. Patients constantly complain to doctors complaining about the weak visibility of distant objects. Of course, the light and medium degree of myopia is most often diagnosed .
What is a weak degree of myopia?
This term refers to the initial violation of refraction of the eye. In the normal state, the parallel rays of light falling on the optical system of the eye converge in focus on the retina. With myopia this convergence occurs before the retina. That is why a person with a similar violation can perfectly see objects that are at close range. But the further the object is, the more blurred becomes its image.
In ophthalmology, it is common to distinguish three degrees: weak (up to 3.0 diopters), medium (up to 6.0 diopters), and high (above 6 diopters). In addition, it is customary to identify a progressive and non-progressive form. Naturally, the first option is much more dangerous for eyesight.
Myopia of mild degree and its causes
There are several reasons for the development of myopia. To begin with, of course, it is worth noting a genetic predisposition. After all, it is proved that people with myopia are born with children prone to such a disease.
Nevertheless, the most common cause is the weakness of the ciliary muscle, caused by the unfavorable influence of the external environment. As an example, one can cite professional myopia among those people who constantly work at close range to subjects, as well as those who are constantly forced to strain their eyesight. In addition, myopia of mild degree often appears already at school age, because during this period the organism is only being formed, and therefore it is easily amenable to changes. Therefore, it is worthwhile to be cautious and adhere to the rules of labor protection.
Myopia of mild degree: the main symptoms
The first symptom that is characteristic of the mild and moderate form of the disease is the appearance of gray small opacities that are visible when the eye moves. In the future, deterioration develops - patients notice weakness of vision when looking at distant objects.
Of course, the changes with progressive myopia are more noticeable. A lack of proper treatment can lead to very sad consequences. After all, the result of myopia is the lengthening of the eyeball. Small blood vessels also lengthen along with it. As a result of the progression of the disease, the retina is disturbed, which can lead to its detachment and, in some cases, even complete blindness. That's why it's so important to turn to a doctor in time.
How to cure myopia?
First, it is necessary that the doctor conducted a full study - only then you can put the correct diagnosis. As a rule, for this purpose, prescribe refractometry and eyeball. The ophthalmologist also necessarily examines the bottom of the eyeball - this helps to identify possible complications. Sometimes it is necessary and ultrasound, with which you can measure the thickness of the cornea and the length of the eyeball.
Myopia of mild degree, as a rule, gives in to conservative treatment. Of course, vision needs to be corrected with the help of contact lenses or glasses. Only the attending physician can pick up glasses. It is worth remembering that over time, vision can change, so regular checks with a doctor are mandatory.
In addition, prescribe and special gymnastics for the eyes. The doctor will select for you an appropriate set of exercises, with which you can strengthen the muscles of the eye. In some cases, it is advisable to take special medicines that help to eliminate muscle spasm.
Naturally, it is very important and proper nutrition - in particular, the diet should contain a sufficient amount of retinol and other useful elements. Therefore, taking multivitamin complexes is unlikely to interfere.
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