
Enzyme preparations to improve digestion. Drugs for digestion: names of drugs

Among the many medications, drugs for digestion are leading. They are actually present in almost every medicine cabinet. In medicine, they are called enzyme preparations to improve digestion. For the assimilation and processing of food, substances contained in medicines are produced by the body on its own. However, there are cases when the synthesis of enzymes occurs in insufficient volume. This leads to bloating, increased gas formation, and heaviness in the stomach. It is then necessary to take enzyme preparations to improve digestion.

Common causes of the violation

Today, the regulation of digestion is necessary for many people. The causes of the disruption of the process can be covered both in diseases and in an improper diet. Physicians identified the main sources that affect the deterioration of digestion:

  1. Inadequate handling of food. The use of raw fish, not roasted meat, stroganina.
  2. Binge eating. Excess volume of food can not be fully processed by those enzymes that secrete the body.
  3. Monotonous food. If a person uses only one kind of nutrients (for example, sweets-carbohydrates or shish kebabs-proteins), then there is a lack of necessary enzymes.
  4. Bad chewing. Such a picture can be observed in the case of sick teeth or unsuccessful prosthetics. The process of splitting food begins in the mouth. Therefore, low-quality chewing initially worsens the process of digestion of food.
  5. Inflammatory ailments of the gastrointestinal tract. The formation of enzymes with duodenitis, gastritis, colitis, chronic pancreatitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, cholangitis is markedly reduced. As a result of such pathologies, the formation of substances necessary for digesting food - bile, hydrochloric acid - is disrupted. Patients are required to show the regulation of digestion with the help of enzyme preparations.
  6. Irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea. With these diseases, the speed of movement of food masses along the tract is disturbed. As a result of such a pathology, the enzymes simply do not have time to act on food.
  7. Fermentopathy. This disease (acquired or congenital) is characterized by a deficiency of enzymes. Such clinic is typical for the following pathologies: lactase insufficiency, celiac disease, cystic fibrosis.
  8. The use of drugs that can disrupt intestinal microflora. Admission NSAIDs, cytotoxic drugs, antibiotics (especially in the case of long-term treatment) adversely affects the digestive tract.
  9. Operative intervention. Unpleasant symptoms can be observed after cholecystectomy, resection of the stomach, thick or small intestine.
  10. Pregnancy. The developing fetus can squeeze the digestive organs.

Indications for use

Analyzing the causes of the violation of digestion, it becomes clear under what pathologies it is expedient to use these medications.

The use of enzyme preparations is indicated in patients with the following diseases and conditions:

  • Pathologies of the stomach, such as chronic gastritis, in which the secretory function is reduced, after resection of the stomach;
  • Pancreas diseases - chronic pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis, after resection of the gland;
  • Ailments of the liver, gallbladder - chronic hepatitis, cholecystitis, after cholecystectomy;
  • Intestinal diseases - chronic enterocolitis, enteritis;
  • Violation of parietal digestion - deficiency of disaccharidase, gluten enteropathy, Crohn's disease;
  • Functional dyspepsia.

Especially necessary preparations for digestion in patients with chronic pancreatitis, which is disrupted exocrine function, as well as patients who underwent resection of the pancreas.

Classification of medicines

On the pharmacological market there are many enzyme medicines. Among them are:

  1. Vegetable preparations are Vobenzim, Unienzim, Oraza, Pepfiz.
  2. Medications made from pancreatic pigs are Mezim Forte, Pancreatin, Creon, Lycrease, and Penzital.
  3. Medications obtained from the gland of large horned animals are Digestal, Festal, and Enzistal.

In medicine, enzyme preparations are separated according to their origin and composition. The classification includes the following groups.

Extracts of the gastric mucosa

The main active ingredient is pepsin. The following drugs belong to this group:

  • "Pepsin".
  • "Abomin".
  • Pepsidal.
  • "Acidin-pepsin".

These drugs compensate for the malfunction of the gastric mucosa. They are able to split almost all natural proteins.

Medications, which include pancreatic enzymes

Such substances are amylase, trypsin, lipase. Preparations containing these components:

  • Mezim-forte.
  • "Pancitrate".
  • "Pancreatin".
  • "Triifer."
  • Creon.

These drugs are made from pancreas or cattle. These drugs perfectly provide digestive activity.

Means containing pancreatin, bile components, hemicellulose

Enumerate the enzyme preparations for improving digestion, included in this group:

  • Festal.
  • "Digestal".
  • "Menzim."
  • "Kotazim-forte."
  • "Panzinorm forte."
  • Enzistal.
  • "Pankreoflat".

Bile acids stimulate the secretion of the pancreas, improve the motility of the intestine, the gallbladder. They provide emulsification of fat in the body and help increase choleresis. Vegetable fiber improves intestinal motility. Simethicone, dimethicone - the components that make up this medication, are defoamers, which perfectly relieve meteorism.

Preparations based on plant enzymes

Such means are:

  • Pepfiz.
  • "Unienzim".
  • Solizim.
  • Oraza.
  • "Sest".

Combined medicines

These are medicines that include plant enzymes and pancreatin. The representative of the group is the medicine "Wobenzym".

Preparations, which include disaccharidases

The following medicines belong to this group:

  • «Lactraza».
  • Lacteid.
  • "Kerulak".

These drugs contain the enzyme β-galactidase. It cleaves the disaccharide lactose.

Medications for children

Unfortunately, babies are also susceptible to digestive disorders. Almost all of the abovementioned enzyme preparations for children are completely suitable. But remember that only a doctor can prescribe a remedy that is necessary for a baby! At the same time, depending on the age, the dose of the drug and the dosage form vary.

It is advisable to use a medicine covered with a special coating. This makes it possible to protect it from the action of hydrochloric acid. The absence of a coating reduces the activity of the drug.

Enzyme preparations for children, from the age of 3, are acceptable for reception in tablet form or capsules. Such babies are already able to swallow the pill. Crows at an earlier age are recommended to open the capsule and mix the medicine with milk or other food.

Consider the most popular and effective enzyme preparations for improving digestion.

Medication "Abomin"

This drug is prescribed for violations of digestive functions, reducing the acidity of gastric juice, gastroenteritis, enterocolitis, gastritis.

However, one should not forget that the active ingredient of the medicine is a rennet enzyme. Therefore, when it is intolerant, the medicine is contraindicated. Do not apply this tool and in the case of a regurgitation syndrome, vomiting in infants at an early age. Sometimes a medication can cause temporary nausea, heartburn. The product is allowed to be used by children. Babies from 1 year can be taken to therapy with the drug "Abomin".

The price of this facility is about 171 rubles.

Medication "Mezim-forte"

This drug helps to fill the lack of enzymes in the pancreas. It stimulates the digestion of food. Often, the drug is prescribed for chronic pancreatitis, ulcerative diseases, enteritis, gastritis, dysbiosis, intestinal infection. Sometimes it can be taken occasionally to facilitate digestion.

The drug Mezim is categorically contraindicated in the aggravation of pancreatitis. At the time of taking this medication, mild nausea may occur, sometimes vomiting. In some patients (rarely), the drug can provoke atopic dermatitis, hives, Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock.

This remedy can be used for children. The medication is prescribed on an individual basis, taking into account the severity of the pathology.

The preparation "Creon"

This medication is quite effective in violation of digestion. It is recommended to use it, if the patient experiences a feeling of over-filling of the stomach during overeating, abusive fatty or unusual food. "Creon" is an excellent substitute therapy for pancreatic insufficiency. Often it is used to prepare a patient for studies of organs in the abdomen. In acute pancreatitis, the agent is not used.

This drug has virtually no contraindications. It is suitable for pregnant women and babies. However, in some cases, the drug may cause constipation.

The medicine "Pancreatin 8000"

It is a wonderful enzyme preparation that facilitates the digestion of carbohydrates, fats, proteins. It helps to suck them in the small intestine. One tablet of the drug "Pancreatin 8000" contains the necessary enzymes in international units:

  • Lipase - 8000;
  • Amylase - 5600;
  • Protease - 370.

The product is in demand for pathologies of the pancreas, chronic inflammatory-dystrophic diseases of the stomach, liver, intestine, gallbladder. The drug can be used by patients and with normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract with errors in the diet, hypodynamia.

The drug is prohibited to be used for exacerbation of pancreatitis or hypersensitivity to the drug.


To facilitate the condition and greatly help the digestive system, pharmacists have developed special synthesized analogues of enzymes. Their composition is similar to those produced by the pancreas. If your own organism can not synthesize the required amount of such substances, then it is recommended to use special preparations for digestion. However, do not forget that of the many varieties of such medicines, you can only pick up the necessary medicine with your doctor.

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