Health, Preparations
The drug "Dolphin". Instructions
The complex for washing the nasal cavity "Dolphin" is available in two types: for adults and patients from four to twelve years. The procedure is carried out by a mineral-plant complex using a special device.
Washing (irrigation) of the nose is used to cleanse the mucosa using a liquid stream.
Washing instruction "Dolphin" instruction recommends for diseases of the nasopharynx, nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses for therapeutic purposes. The procedure helps to eliminate such undesirable phenomena as crusts, dryness, purulent mucous discharge, swelling of mucous membranes. This ensures the best access to medicines.
Today, nose washing is considered a very relevant procedure. It is used both in therapeutic, and in hygienic and preventive purposes. This relevance is associated with an increase in the number of pathogenic microorganisms falling on the nasal mucosa, which in turn is caused by an abundance of dust, allergens, poor ecology, gas contamination and other factors.
The Dolphin. Instructions for washing.
The solution for the procedure should have a temperature close to body temperature (from 34 to 36 degrees).
Washing with the help of a complex "Dolphin" instruction allows in the case of free passability of liquid on the nasal passages.
Most of the existing methods for carrying out this procedure are carried out by medical staff in a hospital or polyclinic. Often patients experience quite unpleasant sensations.
The Dolphin complex is designed specifically for home use. Procedures with the device are painless and fast. The undoubted advantage is that the Dolphin complex is shown during pregnancy.
During the procedure, the solution on the mineral and plant basis fills the middle and lower nasal passage, it flushes the nasopharynx and from the opposite part of the nasal cavity follows. When the liquid penetrates the soft sky, reflecting the nasopharynx, reflexively rises. The solution, freely pouring out from the nasal cavity, flushes the accumulated mucus and contaminants, helps to facilitate nasal breathing, healing of cracks and wounds on the mucous membrane, relieves edema.
The effect of washing the nose with the Dolphin complex is felt, as a rule, after the first procedure. It becomes easier for the patient to breathe. After several procedures, the inflammation decreases significantly, the mucous membrane is moistened. Thus, its natural protective functions are restored.
The use of the Dolphin complex allows the instruction not only in the treatment of acute rhinitis. Indications are also chronic and acute sinusitis (frontal sinusitis, sinusitis), allergic rhinopharyngitis. Washing was recommended for adenoids in children, dry nose syndrome, trauma, after operations on the paranasal sinuses and the nasal cavity, as preventive measures to prevent influenza, ARVI during the epidemic (as an individual local protection).
The drug "Dolphin" (for children) is intended not only for washing the nose. The complex is recommended for use in the prevention and treatment of throat diseases. Simultaneous washing of the nose and pharynx ensures acceleration of the healing process, contributing to an increase in the body's resistance to viruses.
The instruction specifies the age limit - it is recommended to apply the complex to children from the age of four. According to some experts, washing can be done for children two or three years old if they have already mastered the exhalation-inspiration process, which is provided during the procedures.
The device consists of a tube, dosing lid, a bottle (120 ml for small patients, 240 ml for adults).
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