
Disinfectant "Pyurzhal": instructions for use

Various disinfectant chlorine-containing products are still widely used in children's and medical institutions, enterprises and organizations. It is these substances, possessing a low degree of toxicity to humans, effectively destroy most bacteria, viruses and fungi. Recently, instead of powder and solutions, these products began to be sold as soluble tablets. One of the most popular is called "PYURVALLE". Instructions for use details its features and usage rules. It is studied by all employees of children's and medical institutions and sanitary and technical personnel.

What is "Pyurzhal"?

Instructions for use describes this tool as white tablets weighing just over 3 grams, well soluble in water. 80% in their composition is the sodium salt of dichloroisocyanuronic acid. Sometimes, for flavoring, lemon fragrance is added. When dissolving the tablet in water, one and a half grams of active chlorine is released. If the solution is prepared in the right concentration, then it has a low toxicity level for the skin and respiratory organs of a person and does not damage the treated surfaces. But since chlorine is a poisonous substance, anyone who is involved in disinfection is required to study the instruction for the use of the "Pyustra". It is produced in France and sold for 300 tablets in a bank, the price of which is about 600 rubles. The product can be stored and used for 5 years. But the prepared solution is only suitable for 3 days.

The action of a solution of "Pyurzhal"

If properly diluted, this remedy does not harm plastic, wood and metal surfaces. You can also process clothes, linens, toys, dishes, cleaning and medical equipment. What kind of bacteria can be used against the "Pyurzhal"? Instruction for use notes that it effectively destroys such microorganisms:

- Mycobacterium tuberculosis ;

- almost all gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria ;

- the HIV virus;

- Hepatitis virus;

- Candida pathogenic fungi and dermatophytes.

Where is this tool used

Most commonly used for regular treatment and disinfection of the floor and household items is the "Pyurzhal". Instructions for use recommend that you always use it in such places:

- in preschool institutions and schools;

- in prisons and detention centers;

- in various medical institutions: sanatoriums, hospitals, polyclinics, etc.;

- at public catering establishments: restaurants, cafes and canteens;

- in bathhouses, swimming pools and public toilets;

- in beauty parlors, massage rooms and medical centers;

- places of mass recreation: cinemas, entertainment centers and museums;

- in hairdressing salons, laundries and sports complexes.

In addition, the use of the drug in a higher concentration during epidemics of various infectious diseases in all public places is recommended. Sometimes it is used at home for disinfection of plumbing and flooring. Especially it is justified in houses in which small children or animals live.

Instructions for the use of the disinfectant "Pyurzhal"

The concentration of the working solution necessary for regular processing of public places should be from 0.01 to 0.05%. For this, 10 liters of water are diluted in 10 liters of water ("Pyurzhal"). Instructions for use recommend small items - toys, medical equipment and dishes - immerse in the solution for 15-30 minutes. After that, they are thoroughly rinsed under a stream of water. The dishes should be previously freed from food debris. All large items, furniture, floors and walls are treated by wiping with a rag moistened with a solution of "Pyro- stlya". The recommended expenditure is 100 ml per meter. It is possible to treat with a nebulizer, then 150-300 ml of solution per meter is required. The laundry is pre-soaked in a solution. It is not recommended to disinfect woolen, synthetic and silk things with such a tool. A kilogram of laundry requires at least 4 liters of "Pyro-Stainless". After soaking things are erased in the usual way. After disinfection of floors and walls, ventilate the room for at least 15 minutes. If treated with wooden surfaces, they must be wiped with a dry cloth. It is possible to add a little detergent to the solution of "Pyrolya", so its disinfecting properties are improved.

Features of application for various infections

Some features are in the treatment of surfaces in viral and bacterial diseases. In this case, a more concentrated solution of the "Pyustra" agent is required. Instruction for use recommends doing it from 0.1 to 0.3%. To do this, 10 to 7 liters of water is added from 7 to 20 tablets of the drug. For processing, the objects are immersed in the solution for a period of at least an hour. And underwear, contaminated with secretions, and cleaning equipment soaked for 2 hours. Such treatment is effective for various viral and fungal infections, tuberculosis and hepatitis.

Rules for working with this tool

When diluted in the recommended concentration, "Pyurstrol" refers to the 4th class of low-toxic substances. Its solution is clear and has a faint smell of chlorine. If the product is used for routine cleaning and disinfection, it is not necessary to use eye protection and respiratory protection when working with it. They are required only at concentrations of the agent needed to kill the infection. But the instruction on the application des. Means "Pyurzhal" recommends in any case to use gloves to protect the hands. After a single hit of the solution on the skin, it will not cause harm, and prolonged and frequent contact with the product causes irritation, dryness and flaking. In addition, there may be a strong allergic reaction, so people with intolerance to chlorine are prohibited from working with such drugs. All work should be done in the absence of patients and children. Particularly strictly to this is the instruction for the use of "Pyro- rolya" in the DOW. In these places it is necessary to observe such rules:

- store funds separately from dishes and toys;

- all working solutions must be covered with lids and stored in places inaccessible to children;

- after handling dishes and toys thoroughly rinse under running water.

Actions in case of poisoning

The penetration of the solution of "Pyrolya" on the skin usually does not cause negative consequences. But at high concentrations, it is necessary to wash off the product with water as soon as possible. More dangerous if the solution accidentally got into the eye. In this case, wash it with running water. If you feel a strong eye irritation - to drip a solution of sodium sulfacyl. It can also be a defeat of the respiratory system in the case of working with large concentrations of solution without protective equipment. In this case, you need to get out as quickly as possible to fresh air. It is advisable to rinse the mouth and nasopharynx with water and drink a lot: "Borjomi" or warm milk. The most toxic "PYURHOLL" can be when ingested with accidental ingestion. In this case, conventional methods are needed to combat poisoning: gastric lavage, activated charcoal, warm drink.

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