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Turquoise akara - home decoration
The turquoise akar (Aequidens rivulatus) comes from South America, which is found in the rivers of the northwest of Peru and Ecuador. In free conditions, it can reach 30 cm, in the aquarium - 15-20 cm. The body is dense and relatively high. The head of males is covered with fat growth. Aequidens rivulatus has a fascinating appearance.
The male can reach more than 30 cm in length. Herbaceous color with a turquoise hue is typical for the male, sometimes the female and the fry are gray with a bluish tinge body. The muzzle of the fish, together with the gills, is covered with quaint turquoise strips.
The turquoise akara has a bright appearance and impressive size. The main coloring is greenish-gray with turquoise or silvery sequins, which combine into wavy bands on the head and gill covers. The dorsal fin and tail of this amazing fish with an orange or yellow border (the brighter the edge, the more valuable the individual). Side to side in the central part of the body is a dark spot. The size of males is much larger, and their color is brighter than that of females. Their forehead embellishes a fatty growth, and the dorsal and anal fins are elongated into the braids.
Aquarium fish of akara does not present special difficulties in cultivation. The pair "female with a male" is quite simply formed by random selection of partners. But still it happens that the relationship between partners does not add up, so it is recommended that the aquarist replace the female. A peaceful couple is much more preferable both in content and in breeding. Slicking occurs with an increase in the temperature in the aquarium and with the replacement of water. Turquoise akara are fish that find the substrate most suitable for spawning and begin to clean it. In the absence of a suitable pebble, the fish clear a small area of the bottom from the ground and begin to spawn directly on the ground glass.
Marriage color of the cancer becomes much more elegant and rich. Bluish patterns appear as neon glow. During the cleaning of the substrate, the turquoise akara prepares a small amount of pits in the ground. In these holes the akars hide their offspring in due course. Most often, the mating occurs early in the morning or in the evening. Moving on the surface of the stone by movements reminiscent of the figure eight, the fish begins to swish. Seeing this, the male begins to fertilize the caviar. The number of eggs varies usually from 200 to 300. With fins the female clears the clutch, and the male at this time protects the small fish from uninvited guests. During this period he is very aggressive, attacks everything that moves: nets, other fish and even the hand of an aquarist. After the larvae hatch, the female begins to transfer them to one of the previously prepared pits.
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