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The population of Tambov - its strength and composition

Tambov - a small city that is the administrative center of the region, is located in Central Russia, 480 km from Moscow. In the article we will tell about what this city represents, and about its population.

Population of Tambov: dynamics of growth and fall

Perhaps, in one city there is no single indicator of the constantly increasing population. Especially today, when small towns move massively to megacities in search of better jobs.

At the beginning of 2016, according to statistics, Tambov was on the 70th place among the cities of the Russian Federation (total 1112) by population. By the way, it is 280 thousand people.

Noticeable growth of this indicator has occurred since 1931, when from 83 thousand people it increased to 106 thousand, and gradually, by 1987 the figure was close to 305 thousand people.

население Тамбова увеличивалось на 1000 человек, но с 1998 года показатель стал падать, и за 10 лет численность жителей города сократилась на 30 тысяч человек. Further, the annual population of Tambov increased by 1000 people, but since 1998, the figure began to fall, and for 10 years the number of residents of the city was reduced by 30 thousand people. акая демографическая ситуация связана не только с переездами, но и с превышением смертности над рождаемостью. This demographic situation is connected not only with crossings, but also with excess of mortality over birth rate. By the way, the highest rate was recorded in 2009, when the death rate exceeded the birth rate by 1.5 times.

Education and employment

численность населения города Тамбова небольшая, здесь можно получить не только среднее образование, но и высшее, так как город считается научным и промышленным центром. Despite the fact that the population of the city of Tambov is small, you can get not only secondary education, but also higher education, as the city is considered a scientific and industrial center.

About 20 schools and gymnasiums and about 15 educational institutions are open in Tambov where one can get a secondary special education. For example, a pedagogical college, a construction college, a business college, and a college of arts.

There are four local institutions of higher education, including technical and musical pedagogical universities, as well as about ten establishments that are branches of Moscow universities.

население Тамбова занято в промышленности и торговле. In general, the population of Tambov is employed in industry and commerce. Areas such as machine building, chemical industry, chemical engineering, as well as light and food industries are developed.

In addition to employment in enterprises, people also work in research institutes of various orientations, of which there are about 10. Thus, in the city there is a research institute of rubber technical engineering, radio engineering, etc.

Ethnic composition and religion

в основном представлено русскими, которые составляют около 90% всех его жителей. The population of Tambov is mainly represented by Russians, who make up about 90% of all its inhabitants. Also on the territory of the city live Ukrainians, Gypsies, Tatars, Azerbaijanians, but their total number does not exceed 5%.

In terms of religion, most of the local residents are Orthodox, although there is a small percentage of Catholics and Muslims. There are also people in different religious groups, whose religion is not officially recognized worldwide (Baptists, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc.).

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