Education, The science
Great discoveries of the 20th century. Great inventions
The twentieth century transformed people's lives. Undoubtedly, the development of mankind has never stopped, and in every century there have been important scientific inventions, but truly revolutionary changes, and even on a large scale, occurred not so long ago. What were the most significant discoveries of the twentieth century?
Brothers Orville and Wilbur Wright entered the history of mankind as the first pilots. Not least the great discoveries of the 20th century are also new types of transport. Orvil Wright managed to make a controlled flight in 1903. The plane, developed by him together with his brother, lasted only 12 seconds in the air, but this was a real breakthrough for aviation of those times. The date of the flight is considered to be the birthday of this type of transport. The Wright brothers were the first to design a system that would twist the wing console with cables, allowing you to control the machine. In 1901, the wind tunnel was created. They also invented the propeller. Already by 1904, the light saw a new model of the aircraft, more perfect and capable not only of flying, but also of performing maneuvers. In 1905, a third option appeared, which could remain in the air for about thirty minutes. Two years later, the brothers signed a contract with the US Army, and later the plane was bought by the French. Many began to think about transporting passengers, and Wright made the necessary adjustments to their model, installing an additional seat and making the engine more powerful. So the beginning of the 20th century opened up completely new opportunities for mankind.
Like many great discoveries of the 20th century, this was partly done back in the 19th, but then people failed to succeed immediately. For example, the X-ray was first used in 1885. Then Wilhelm Roentgen discovered that the photographic plates are obscured by a special spectrum, and when the parts of the body are irradiated, a skeleton image can be obtained. Nevertheless, he had to work 15 years in order to research organs and tissues were possible. That is why the name "X-ray" is associated with the beginning of the 20th century: previously it was not known to the general public. By 1919, many hospitals had already used this technique. The appearance of X-ray has changed the development of medicine: new branches of diagnostics and analysis have appeared in it. To date, the device has saved millions of lives. So, in cases where outstanding scientists are mentioned, it is necessary to call Wilhelm Roentgen.
Scientific and technical inventions transformed the life of the twentieth century. One of the key events was the emergence of a new way of disseminating information - television. In 1907, he was patented by the Russian physicist Boris Rosing. He used a cathode-ray tube for this . A photocell was used to convert the signals. By 1912, he had finalized his invention, and in 1931, for the first time, a method of broadcasting in color was proposed. Since 1939, the first television channel has started functioning. In 1944, a modern television standard was created. Perhaps, other discoveries of scientists of the 20th century were more significant scientifically, but one can not deny the impact of this novelty on people's lives. Broadcasting changed the ways of communication and transformed the world perception of people.
Mobile phone
Now imagine living without a smartphone seems almost impossible. Nevertheless, they appeared quite recently. Scientific inventions allowed people to communicate by phone, but wireless communication was invented only in 1973. Martin Cooper, the creator of the cellular, was able to call the office from the streets of Manhattan. Ten years later, mobile phones became available to a wide range of customers. The first Motorola cost almost four thousand dollars, but the idea was so impressive to Americans that people were enrolled in the queue for the acquisition. And on a modern smartphone the device was like a little: the tube was just huge, weighed almost a kilogram, and on a tiny display you could see only the dialed number. The charge was enough for half an hour of conversation. Nevertheless, soon began the mass production of a variety of models, and with each generation of phones people were waiting for new interesting discoveries. To date, a very small device is a real miniature computer with many functions, which in 1973, even did not think the creators of the cellular Motorola.
the Internet
Not all the discoveries of the last century are used by people every day. But the invention of the Internet has transformed life even in small things, today it is used practically in every country of the world. This tool for communication, information retrieval, data exchange. This is a universal source of communication. Therefore, enumerating the great discoveries of the 20th century, it is impossible to forget about the Internet in any way. There is an opinion that the first steps in this direction were made by Dr. Liklider, a scientist who headed the US military project on information exchange. Thus, the Arpanet network was created, with the help of which in 1969 a transfer of data from the University of Los Angeles to the laboratory of Utah. The beginning was laid, and in 1972 the Internet was introduced to the public. There was the concept of e-mail. The invention of the Internet became known all over the world, and in a few years it was used by thousands of people. By the end of the twentieth century, there were already twenty million.
A computer
The great discoveries of the 20th century are most often associated with technological progress. Not an exception and a computer. If we understand this word as an arithmetic machine, then such mechanisms existed since the seventeenth century. But the device in the modern sense appeared only in the twentieth. In 1927 an analog computer was created, it was developed in America. By the middle of the century, an electronic device appeared. The machine Mark I was created - the first real computer. After that, progress went at a record pace. The way data was stored was changed from punch cards to floppy disks, and then to compact disks and drives. The programming languages also changed. The first computer was suitable only for performing algebraic operations, and modern devices are a multifunctional device suitable for a variety of tasks.
Instant noodles
Enumerating the great discoveries of the 20th century, one should not forget about what seems at first glance a trifle. Instant noodles are a habitual household product, but its appearance changed the situation with food in the absence of a kitchen or in the workplace and was also a serious achievement. Macaroni of this type was invented by the Japanese Ando Momofuki. Post-war Japan needed food, and affordable food without much difficulty in cooking would clearly fix the situation. So Ando decided to start looking for special noodles. He tried many cooking methods until he found a batterless liquid batter that suited perfectly for drying. In 1958 he started the production of his noodles, and today more than forty billion servings of such a product are consumed each year. Another discovery of Ando Momofuki was the use of special plastic cups that would make it possible to prepare a quick dish without utensils.
Many outstanding scientists of the 20th century are associated with exact sciences, but a serious breakthrough has occurred in medicine. It was in this century that penicillin appeared, a medicine that saved lives for millions. Invented by his Englishman Alexander Fleming, in 1928, discovered the effect of mold on bacteria. It is interesting that the great discoveries of the 20th century could not be replenished with the appearance of antibiotics. All Fleming's colleagues believed that the main thing was not to fight microbes, but to strengthen immunity. Antibiotics seemed meaningless and remained unclaimed a couple of years after their creation. Only by 1943 the medicine began to be widely used in medical institutions. Fleming did not abandon the study of microbes and not only improved penicillin, but also created with the help of his discovery several paintings, drawing bacteria on a special substance.
Ball pen
Studying scientific and technical inventions, you can forget about small household improvements that are of serious importance. For example, the usual ballpoint pen appeared only in 1943. It was invented by Laszlo Biro, who watched the process of printing newspapers and wondered why not to fill the pen tank with the same quick-drying ink? They should be thick. So that they do not hammer the handle hole, there must be a ball. Having thought all this, Biro created a prototype. Having emigrated to Argentina, he found a sponsor and started the production of ink pens. The first buyers were the pilots who could use them at altitude: the ordinary pen was leaking in the absence of pressure. In 1953, the Frenchman Marcel Beek transformed the shape of the ink pen and was able to create cheap versions that became available to any person and conquered the whole world.
Another invention, which has markedly improved everyday life, helps most people cope with dirty clothes. The washing machine appeared only in 1947, after changing the washerwomen on duty. For the first time such an invention was proposed in the US market by two firms - General Electric and Bendix Corporation. The machines were noisy and uncomfortable, only functionality was important. Change the situation decided the developers of Whirlpool, who created a new version of the washing machine in the middle of the twentieth century. She was covered with plastic pads that reduced noise, models could be performed in different colors, and the overall design solution became much more elegant. Since then, the washing machine has turned into a completely aesthetic object. In the Soviet Union the first such device appeared in 1975 and was called "Volga-10", but the most successful was only "Vyatka-automaton-12", which began to be produced in 1981. Modern machines can be built in and with the function of drying, have different ways of loading, displays, delayed start on the timer and even are able to connect to the Internet.
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