Health, Diseases and Conditions
The reason for the appearance of warts on the hands. How to avoid them?
Warts are very common, rather ugly, but in most cases a painless and safe disease. The most prudent solution when they appear will not pay attention, at least until they increase or change their color. Although for the guarantee it is worth to visit the doctor to make sure that you have become the owner of warts, and not anything worse.
What causes the appearance of warts?
The causative agent of warts, as established long ago, is a virus called human papilloma. Like other viruses, it is very "cunning" - you can be its carrier, but you can not even suspect it, because warts do not appear in the latent state of the virus.
The main reason for the appearance of warts, including on hands, is contact with the virus carrier. Strongly frightened and begin to wear almost a diving suit to avoid infection, it is not necessary. To get infected with papilloma, with its carrier it is necessary to maintain a sufficiently dense and constant contact almost six months. Three months - that's for sure.
Factors contributing to infection
The cause of the appearance of warts on the hands may be and skin lesions. It is not in vain that children from infancy are told that it is bad to nail their nails and bite burrs. With such bad habits, people actually open the gate to the virus.
Stress free the path of papilloma
Weakened after illness or otherwise, immunity is also the cause of the appearance of warts on the hands, as well as the face or neck, or on any other part of your body. So it's worth taking care of the strength and endurance of your body. And do not forget that immunity is also undermined by a way of life, that is, a lack of sleep, an irregular diet, eternal feelings about and without. And now you have warts on your hands, the reasons for their appearance have been strengthened, to be honest, by you. So if the papilloma still caught you, try at least after that to provide it with uncomfortable conditions: eat normally, sleep normally, philosophically treat troubles and enjoy life.
Where is the easiest to get infected
Actually, as already mentioned, the reason for the appearance of warts on the hands is reduced to infection with the virus. However, if there is a desire to never meet with him at all, assimilate the list of places where there is a maximum probability of subsequently acquiring warts. This includes manicure salons, where tools are casually sterilized; Dishes from which the sick person ate (so that it is better to use disposable devices in canteens); Where there are many people - a tram, a trolley, a subway. An interesting factor of "helping" penetration of the virus into the body is shoes of inappropriate size. With sweating of hands, or if you are constantly in contact with moisture, the chances of getting infected with papilloma are increased.
Varieties of warts
The only thing that brings some emotional relief is that the types of warts on hand are not very diverse. Upper limbs mainly suffer only by an ordinary subspecies, the most innocuous. Young people may have still flat (so-called "youthful") warts, sometimes hanging in the armpits, but they are more often formed not on the hands, but on the body. There are still nail warts, almost invisible to the eye, but deforming the nail itself.
It remains to be said that although warts usually do not bring painful sensations and are not a dangerous disease, it is still unpleasant to have them on their bodies, and the outsiders do not add confidence to themselves. So immunity and cleanliness should become a weapon that will not allow these "decorations" to become part of our body.
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