HealthDiseases and Conditions

Arms flow: what to do?

As you know, a handshake at a meeting marks respect for a person and a sincere attitude towards him. But what to do if the hands are sweating, because such a greeting will be unaesthetic. Of course, avoiding people for the rest of your life is not worth it, you just have to deal with this problem closely. First of all, it is worth considering the question: why do people sweat their hands.

There can be many reasons for this state of affairs. The most common disease is called local hyperhidrosis. Its presence may indicate a disruption of the endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract, or pathology of the kidneys and adrenal glands. Some people with excessive emotional stress, that is, in stressful situations, sweat hands. But this is attributed rather to the individual characteristics of the organism.

In order to find the true cause, you will need the help of a specialist and, perhaps, a complete examination of the body. Only a doctor will be able to assess the overall clinical picture and on its basis announce the only true diagnosis. And the correct treatment depends on the right cause. In a home environment, it is almost impossible to choose a treatment according to the existing pathologies.

But nevertheless there are some ways, helping to get rid of sweaty hands. They are mainly used as a supplement to the main treatment. For example, the ionization procedure positively influences the placement of palms in special water with a high content of ions, which conduct current pulses perfectly. This procedure is carried out in the dermatologist's office under the supervision of a specialist. To get the effect, it's enough to go through seven sessions, each of them lasts no more than half an hour. And a positive trend is observed after the third session.

In a separate group of measures that are worth taking, if your hands and feet are sweating, you want to attribute the means of traditional medicine. There are a lot of them, so each patient can choose the most suitable for him. For example, you can prepare a bath based on decoction of oak bark and milk. This mixture should be kept on the stove for about half an hour, then add half a cup of warm boiled water and put the brush into the liquid. This simple recipe is suitable for daily use.

Medicinal herbs are famous for their miraculous properties. To make a fragrant and very useful bath you need to mix a tablespoon of calendula and horsetail, pour all this with 500 ml of boiled water and insist. In such a liquid, you need to lower your hands for about twenty minutes, but to get a stable result you need daily application for three weeks. If you sweat your hands, the usual apple cider vinegar will help. It is enough to dilute 5 teaspoons of vinegar to half a liter of water, the water should be boiled. When the liquid has cooled to room temperature, you can lower your palms and enjoy peace of mind for half an hour. Only two weeks of such procedures and the problem will disappear by itself.

It's not a secret for anyone that sea water can cure many diseases. At home, it is enough to make baths with the addition of sea salt and grape vinegar. It will take about ten minutes a day to make the skin perfect. When your hands are sweating, you should treat them after each wash with a special cream instead of a regular cream. For its preparation, it is necessary to mix glycerin (four tablespoons), alcohol and lemon juice (two tablespoons).

If your hands sweat, you should not despair and get upset. You need to be patient and every day to care for the skin, then these works will soon bear fruit.

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