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Strias: what is it and how to get rid of them?

Sometimes you can hear: stria formed on the skin. What it is? And what are the causes of such formations? These are unsightly skin defects that can occur in women after childbirth. Often they appear in adolescents, athletes. And also in people who abruptly change their weight. So, let's understand: stria - what is it? Why do they appear? And how to deal with them?

Stria - what is it?

People call them "stretch marks". Scientifically referred to as "striae". They are formed due to the fact that the skin is stretched in a relatively short time. This breaks the structure of the covers. There is a rupture of its fibers (collagen and elastin). Scars occur in such places. They are called "stretch marks".

This cosmetic defect is very difficult to correct. Previously, it was impossible. But now there are procedures that help to remove striae on the skin. Either make them invisible, if it is impossible to completely eliminate such a shortcoming.

The risk of the formation of stretch marks in women is greater than that of men. This is dictated by the fact that the skin structure of different sexes is not the same.

The causes of the appearance of stretch marks in women

Why do strias appear on the skin? The reasons for this defect in the fair sex are most often concluded as follows:

  1. Rapid growth of the body. First of all, this is a teenage development, during which the bone mass increases faster than the muscle mass. In this case, the skin in the places where there is the largest growth (usually the hips and chest), begin to stretch strongly.
  2. A sharp change in weight. With an increase in body weight, there is a rapid formation of fat cells that form directly under the skin. The epidermis does not grow so quickly. As a result, it begins to stretch, and its fibers break in some places. Striae can occur with a sharp weight loss. Fat deposits leave, the skin sags. Formed creases and folds, because of which the fibers of the skin can also rupture.
  3. Pregnancy. In the most beautiful and responsible period, the woman changes the components of the skin. As a result, the epidermis loses its elasticity. In the places of greatest stretching (chest, abdomen), striae may appear.
  4. Heredity. Genetically, the composition and structure of the skin can be transmitted. Therefore, if the older generation in the family has striae on the skin, the probability of stretch marks in their children is very high. In this case, it is recommended to carry out preventive procedures to prevent the appearance of such defects.
  5. Wrong diet. The lack of protein responsible for the formation of elastin and collagen in the body, leads to a loss of skin elasticity. Covers are poorly stretched. In this case stretch marks can be formed at the places where the skin fibers break.
  6. Lack of water in the body. When dehydrated, the skin becomes dry. The use of various moisturizers will not fix the situation until the epidermis gets moisture from the inside. Remember: if the skin is not filled with water from the inside, external moisturizing does not make sense.

Strius in men

Stretch marks in the stronger sex are less common than in women. However, they can appear in men. What is the reason for such formations?

Streaks on the skin of men can occur as a result of the following factors:

  1. Use of corticosteroids. If the dose is exceeded, striae can form.
  2. With a rapid increase in body weight, a strong stretching of the skin occurs, resulting in ruptures. This process of striae formation occurs in men who are engaged in bodybuilding. Such a defect may be dictated by the lack of proper nutrition. In this situation, a man does not follow his diet and quickly gaining weight.
  3. Heredity.

Features of the appearance of stretch marks

Unfortunately, even in children, striae can form. What is it in adolescents and why such defects appear on young skin?

Stretch marks in children arise due to various reasons, sometimes different from the sources of stria formation in adults:

  1. As a result of hormonal adjustment in adolescence, weight increases rapidly and growth increases. In adolescents growing and gaining weight rapidly, striae can form. After all, the skin is excessively stretched.
  2. When weight gain is increased, the formation of fat mass. The skin is stretched, and striae may appear. They are formed in places where the connective tissue replaced the epidermis. Often in adolescence, girls develop striae on rapidly growing mammary glands, thighs, buttocks, abdomen.
  3. Management of a sedentary lifestyle. As a result of hypodynamia, a set of excess weight occurs. This also contributes to the appearance of stretch marks.
  4. In adolescence, the hormone cortisol is produced in the child's body . If its synthesis exceeds the norm, stretch marks can appear on the skin. Therefore, in the adolescent period, it is necessary to check the hormonal background. Especially if during puberty begin to form striae. In this situation, you just need to see a doctor.

However, you must understand that striae are not always harmless. What is it is known to every dermatologist. They do not always indicate the factors described above. If the stretch marks in the adolescent formed in the back area, then this can be an indicator of pathologies in internal organs. Most often, the appearance of such striae occurs as a result of the small development of the dorsal muscles. But to exclude internal diseases, it is necessary to consult with a specialist and pass the prescribed diagnosis.

Parents should talk with a teenager about the possibility of forming stretch marks. It is necessary to tell that the appearance of striae occurs usually during puberty. Be sure to report a variety of methods to fix this problem. It is much easier to fight fresh strains.

Diseases leading to the appearance of striae

The cause of the formation of stretch marks can be a violation in the work of the adrenal glands or the pathology of the endocrine system. With pathologies of the pancreas, there is an increased production of cortisol, which weakens the structure of the epidermis. Therefore, when such defects occur, consult a physician. Some people can form striae on the skin of the face. The photo below shows such an unpleasant phenomenon. Most often, the cause of such defects should be sought in endocrine pathologies.

Only eliminating the possibility of developing unpleasant defects as a result of ailments, we can consider the following methods of dealing with them.

What kind of stretch marks?

Stria - what is it? Photos allow you to visually understand what we are dealing with. Only the appearing stretch marks are pink or reddish. Over time, they begin to lighten and turn white or gray. In form striae have the outlines of lightning (most often in the abdomen) or bands.

How to get rid of stretch marks?

The duration of the process of getting rid of striae depends on the quality of the skin (the degree of elasticity), the size of the stretch marks, the timeliness of the beginning of treatment. Usually, to get rid of them, it takes at least six months.

Fresh, pink and violet defects are removed most easily. After all, they are still involved in blood circulation and are perfectly amenable to regenerative procedures. Old stretch marks, white, it is almost impossible to remove. But with the help of some tools they can be made less visible, almost invisible.

Elimination of stretch marks and prevention of their appearance

It is best not to give any chance of appearing such defects on the skin. To prevent stretch marks, you must adhere to proper nutrition. In addition, you should take care of the skin from adolescence.

If the stretch marks are already on the body, then it is required to carry out restorative treatment, destructive procedures that will smooth the scars.

Salon events

Today, many excellent methods have been developed that allow aligning old stretches with modern devices and effective procedures. Let us consider them in more detail.

Destructive procedures

Such measures include methods that can destroy the upper layer of the dermis. This triggers a natural process of regeneration in the covers. Thanks to this mechanism, the scars align with the color and decrease in size.

To combat stretch marks, the following procedures are used:

  1. Deep chemical peeling. In this procedure, the upper layer of the skin and scar is destroyed. The covers begin to regenerate intensively. A new layer perfectly masks a non-aesthetic defect.
  2. Microdermabrasion. This method is often used in the event that formed striae on the skin of the face. This is a mechanical peel that removes dead cells. As a result, the tissues begin to regenerate.
  3. Fraysel. Laser procedure aimed at grinding the covers. Due to this effect, the skin is leveled.

Restorative procedures

In the salon, many other methods of eliminating such defects as striae on the skin can be offered.

Treatment is often based on the following restoration procedures:

  1. Mesotherapy. Injection of peptides and hyaluronic acid. These substances moisturize the epidermis, help the active recovery of skin cells. After such injections, the epidermis acquires elasticity and regenerates much more quickly.
  2. Biorevitalization. The introduction of hyaluronic acid, which actively moisturizes the skin.

These procedures are carried out by the course, for a long time. Therefore, if in some salon beauticians promise to remove stretch marks in one session, do not use the services of these specialists.

Home care

You can fight with striae yourself. At home, special creams are used to reduce stretch marks.

Usually in the composition of such funds are present:

  • seaweed,
  • Antioxidants,
  • Vitamins,
  • Natural oils.

This content of components allows you to even out the skin.

The use of creams to reduce stretch marks will not ensure their complete elimination. After all, these funds have mainly only an external effect. They perfectly smooth the skin, smooth the surface of the scars, but do not change the condition of the striae in the depth of the dermis.

Therefore, the use of creams to reduce stretch marks can be considered as an additional therapy to enhance the effect of salon procedures.

Prevention of striae

Prevent the appearance of stretch marks is easier than removing them later. Therefore, if the skin has a reduced elasticity or small scars begin to appear, it is necessary to start preventive measures.

Pregnant women often develop striae on the skin of the abdomen. But future mothers should remember that at such a crucial moment, not every cosmetics can be used. Women who are expecting a child should use only those drugs that are meant for pregnant women!

All other people can use the following methods of prevention of stretch marks:

  1. Masks and wraps. They have a beneficial effect on the elasticity of the skin. Well help mud masks and wraps with algae, which need to be done weekly.
  2. The correct diet. It is necessary to consume about two liters of water daily. The food should contain a large amount of protein, which increases the elasticity of the dermis.
  3. Gradual decrease in body weight. Do not get involved in diets that promise rapid weight loss. Get rid of extra pounds should be slow, reducing the weight by no more than 2% per month. With this weight loss, the skin will remain elastic, which avoids the appearance of striae.
  4. The use of various cosmetic moisturizers, saturated with vitamins, hyaluronic acid, peptides, fruit acids, oils. Such drugs help restore hydrolipid balance of skin. They give the epidermis elasticity, saturate it with moisture.
  5. Weekly peeling. It removes the dead skin cells. This allows you to restore the breathing of the epidermis. Thanks to such processes, the skin acquires elasticity.
  6. Cold and hot shower. It has a beneficial effect on blood circulation. If it is combined with a massage (pinching movements in places where stretch marks may appear), the benefit from such a procedure will increase noticeably.

Stretching is almost impossible to remove, therefore, from adolescence, it is necessary to prevent their occurrence.

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