HealthDiseases and Conditions

Papilloma on the chest: causes, treatment

Papillomas on the chest are a growth that causes discomfort from an aesthetic point of view, and also indicates that the virus is in the body. Without attention such neoplasms should not be left, as they require competent and careful treatment.


Factors that lead to a change in the hormonal level in the blood are observed:
- after abortion;
- with obesity;
- in the period of menopause;
- at the time of puberty;
- with chorionepithelioma and uterine fibroids;
- after stress;
- at the time of pregnancy;
- with dysfunction and polycystic ovaries.

The beginning of this disease is nodular or diffuse mastopathy. In the body, the milk ducts expand, in which epithelial growth begins to develop.

Types of papillomas

There are two variants of this disease, as well as a related condition for it.
1. Single - differs by the presence of one seal near the nipple. At the time of the disease, there are discharges, most often they are active.
2. Multiple - there is a large number of seals, which are no longer accompanied by anything. To the papilloma on the nipple was found, it is necessary to undergo a special study.
3. Intra-flow papillomatosis is the accumulation of a certain number of cells that collect inside the ducts of the breast.

For diagnosis, mammography or a biopsy is most often used. In case of leakage of fluid from the glands, you need to take smears for analysis.


Papilloma on the nipple is easily injured, so it irritates the mucous membrane. The main symptom of tumor occurrence are secretions. They can be minimal, moderate or strong. They have a transparent, milky-white, yellowish, greenish or brown hue.

With the help of palpation, the problem is easily detected when the built-up edge is of considerable size and is collected in the main duct of the gland. If the tumor has been damaged, the temperature is likely to rise, which will lead to weakness. You can also notice the local changes, which are in the compaction and redness of the chest, there are painful sensations and can appear purulent discharge.

In case of detection of intra-cellular compaction, you should immediately consult a doctor, as this is a precancerous disease. The earlier the patient will be helped, the more likely a positive outcome will be to his problem.


In some cases, the papilloma on the chest can be deformed, enlarged and inflamed. This all happens under the influence of factors:
- the use of hormones;
- severe stress;
- nervous shocks;
- genetic diseases.

Most often this problem is formed after an injury. By hitting or accidentally scratching the tumor, the patient can injure the epidermis. Through microcracks, very often microorganisms penetrate the skin, which cause inflammation. After this, the papilloma on the breast can change shape and color. Sometimes there is an itch, an unpleasant smell, a burning sensation, and also a purulent discharge. Such seals must be removed, as there is an increased risk of malignancy.


In order to recognize the presence of the disease, often only an external clinical picture is sufficient. Detecting a violation is possible on examinations by dermatovenerologists or gynecologists. To confirm the presence of the virus, it is sufficient to pass an analysis called "polymer chain reaction". It helps to determine the presence of harmful particles in scrapings and smears from the mucous membranes of the cervix. If there is a papilloma on the chest, an additional biopsy is performed. If there is at least one tumor, it must be removed.


The main measure in preserving one's health is the woman's careful attitude towards herself.

It is necessary:
- Regularly undergo examination at the gynecologist;
- after 35 years every six months to do a mammogram;
- timely treatment of inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, as well as dyshormonal diseases;
- regularly undergo examinations of the mammary glands, for the timely detection of various tumors;
- to refuse from bad habits.

It was noted that warts and papillomas on the chest, as well as other neoplasms, are markedly reduced in women who gave birth and were breast-fed.


The emergence of such a problem before the woman's becoming a mother is most often formed due to a change in the hormonal background, as well as the stretching of the skin. Most often this is associated with a decrease in the activity of the immune system. Therefore, such seals can appear in the third trimester, as the weight of the woman becomes larger. At this point, most often warts and papillomas begin to protrude on the neck, face, in the armpit, inguinal folds and chest area.

Sometimes such growths disappear after the woman gives birth. Therefore, if there is no discomfort and neoplasms are not injured, it is better to wait until the child appears in the light, and after raising the issue of their removal. In case of inflammation, you need to contact any dermatologist, as this can be harmful to the baby.


Treatment of papilloma of the breast in most cases is operational. Such seals rarely disappear on their own. They are quite dangerous at the time of inflammation, because they can lead to cancer. Medical intervention is performed only under intravenous general anesthesia. If the tumor is located in the central region of the gland, the nipple remains. In the peripheral areas most often perform sectoral resection.

When the hardening is in the near-sucking region, a small incision is made along the edge of the areola to inspect the milky passage. When an enlarged and altered duct is detected, it is excised along with all blood clots and neoplasms. If the papilloma grows on the nipple, then it is carefully removed.

Most often, laser or electrocoagulation is used for this.
To date, during resection, surgeons try to keep the most aesthetic appearance. To do this, superimposed cosmetic sutures on the wound . After 7 days after the operation, they are removed. Thanks to such procedures, there are almost no visible traces on the intervention site.

At the end of the treatment, a histological examination is performed to confirm the good quality of the process and make sure that the papilloma on the breast has completely disappeared. What if it is not, and all the interventions done did not help? In this case, chemotherapy and radiation therapy are connected.

It is very important in the event of such a problem not to engage in self-medication. Most often, patients use folk remedies. With the early removal of education, one can avoid its malignant degeneration.

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