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Appeared on the nipple of the papilloma during pregnancy: the reasons for what to do

Often in pregnant and lactating women, a papilloma is formed on the nipple. This is one of the varieties of benign neoplasm. This tumor differs uneven surface. Papilloma can be transmitted by contact with another person. The reason is hidden in one or several viruses in the body.

When to visit a doctor

Why is papilloma formed on the nipple? First of all, this disease appears as a result of the virus of the same name. The carrier of an ailment can be any person. At the same time, there will not be any new growths on his body. The disease can only appear with time. It is very easy to infect them.

Papilloma on the nipple, the photo of which is presented below, brings a feeling of discomfort. First of all, a woman is very uncomfortable to wear underwear, and also put the baby to the chest. Visit a doctor if:

  1. Neoplasm gradually increases in size.
  2. Itching occurs in the chest area.
  3. From the nipple begin to go selection.

If you do not seek advice from a mammalogist or an oncologist in time, there is a risk of a benign neoplasm becoming malignant.

Varieties of papillomas on the nipples

What to do if the papilloma appeared on the nipple? First of all, you should contact specialists for further examination. It is necessary to identify the cause of the disease. It is worth noting that such neoplasms most often occur in those who have weakened immunity. In this case, the body is simply not able to fight the disease.

On the nipples may appear external and internal papillomas. The latter species penetrates the mammary glands and affects the ducts from the inside. External warts are formed on the surface of the skin.


This phenomenon can develop due to several factors:

  1. Decreased immunity.
  2. Failures in hormonal balance in pregnant and lactating women.
  3. Minor nipple injuries with the natural feeding of the baby.
  4. Wearing tight, uncomfortable underwear, squeezing the chest.
  5. Non-compliance with personal hygiene.

Is the disease transmitted

On the nipples of the papilloma are formed more often in women. The risk increases during pregnancy and lactation. But you can get infected from another person. It happens:

  1. During intercourse.
  2. With a kiss.
  3. When using personal care products for the patient, for example, a towel or shaving machine.

It is worth noting that human papillomavirus can occur as a result of bad habits. The risk group includes those who abuse alcohol, tobacco and drugs.

Diagnosis of the disease

Identify the disease in some situations is obtained immediately. This is in cases where the external papilloma is formed on the nipple during pregnancy or during lactation. One of the signs is an increase in the sensitivity of the nipples. A woman with this symptom should immediately consult a doctor.

Determine the same external papilloma can be yourself. This is a benign neoplasm, which is also called a soft wart. It has different shades: from light bodily to black.

Internal papillomas can be determined only after careful examination by the method of palpation. If the discharge began to flow from the breast, then it can also indicate the presence of a wart inside. Touching such a neoplasm can cause unpleasant sensations in the form of burning and tingling. The exact diagnosis can be made only by a mammologist after a thorough examination and laboratory tests.

Treatment of the disease

The papilloma that forms on the nipple requires treatment. As a rule, such neoplasms are removed surgically. It should be noted that papillomas can form not only on the nipple, but also in the areola area. If the warts are damaged, they bleed profusely. You can stop this by attaching a sterile napkin to the wound for five minutes. Specialists do not recommend to remove papillomas on their own . Incorrect therapy can cause malignant neoplasms to degenerate.

Basic methods of struggle

If there were papillomas on the nipples during pregnancy, then it is necessary to consult a mammologist. If the doctor confirms the need to remove the wart, then you should take all the tests and choose the appropriate method. There are several methods:

  1. Surgical intervention.
  2. Laser therapy. In this case, removal of the neoplasm is carried out by a laser beam.
  3. Cryocaagulation. This method consists in cauterizing the papillom with liquid nitrogen.
  4. Electrocoagulation. In this case, the impact is produced by alternating and direct current.
  5. Radio wave is the removal of tumors by exposure to radio waves.

After the operation, the tissue of the papilloma is usually sent for histological analysis. This allows to determine the possibility of formation of cancer cells. To get rid of the disease completely, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of specialists and improve immunity.

Is it possible to infect a child

Experts argue that the most effective method of therapy is the removal of papillomas on the nipples. However, many future mothers do not hurry to get rid of tumors. It was proved that a pregnant woman can infect her baby in the womb, during childbirth and with natural feeding.

If the neoplasm does not disturb the expectant mother, then remove the wart after the birth of the baby. It should be noted that papillomas of small size after birth can significantly decrease in size or even disappear altogether.


To not appear on the nipple of the papilloma, experts recommend strengthening the immune system. It is because of this that the body will produce antibodies that prevent the development of cancer cells. In addition, you should carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene and refuse to contact with strangers.

It is recommended that the breast be examined regularly by palpation. This manual method will detect even internal papillomas. The procedure should be repeated every 30 days. Having discovered any changes, for example, redness of the skin, unclear discharge or changes in the size of the papilloma, you should immediately consult a doctor.

In conclusion

If any changes were seen while examining the breast, the pregnant woman should contact the specialists. Do not attempt to remove the papillomas by yourself . There is a risk that the neoplasm will degenerate into a malignant one. To prevent the development of ailment, it is worth to increase immunity, and also to observe the rules of personal hygiene.

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