Spiritual developmentAstrology

2013: which animal is he an incarnation?

Astrology is a very popular thing in our time. Although we live in the 21st century, and it seems that superstitions should remain in the past, people still tend to everything unknown and mystical. Pay attention to the characteristics of the nature of their friends and relatives who were born on this or that day, month, year. The Chinese horoscope was no exception. He is read with pleasure, analyzes his resemblance to the animal that was the master in his year of birth. And often everything written turns out to be true. Take, for example, 2013. What kind of animal did he represent? And what are the characters who were born at this time? The answer is just now.

2013: What animal does he embody?

This period of time prevailed more recently. Therefore, almost everyone remembers that the patroness of 2013 was the Snake. In those countries where Christianity is a Christian, people are very cautious about this animal, in principle, and for all reptiles. The snake is afraid. In nature, it is a predator - it eats mice, birds and other small animals, often attacks people. Statistics say that about 50,000 men, women and children die every day from snake bites . These cold-blooded occupy the 4th place among all the living creatures on Earth in terms of the number of people they killed in 12 months. Ahead of the snakes are only insects - mosquitoes and flies of ceps. The first place, predictable, is occupied by the person himself. He is not an animal, but he is also a representative of the living world.

Unlike Christians, the peoples of Asian countries revere the snake. There it is considered a symbol of wisdom, restraint and tranquility. Snakes on these lands often coexist with a person, so he is used to their presence and treats it calmly. From the snake in the East delicious delicacies are prepared and beautiful accessories are sewed.

Which Serpent reigned in 2013?

All animals of the Chinese horoscope have several varieties: in color or in content. We are interested in 2013. What kind of Snake was he? What are its main differences?

The answer to this question is this: 2013 is the year of the Black Water Snake. This ruler is strict, but very wise. On the way of people, he set many traps, so you had to be very careful in making decisions. But if you did not make a mistake and did everything right, then the reward did not wait.

Usually the year of the Serpent passes very dynamically. It is full of interesting and exciting events. 2013 was not an exception. What kind of animal did he become? Who should we thank for this? Of course, the black water cold-blooded reptile who presented in 2013 a lot of interesting opportunities not only for people born in the year of the Serpent, but for all others.

The snake does not tolerate deception and betrayal in all spheres of life. Therefore, for traitors, shadow businessmen and sharers, the period of its domination will seem unsweetened. She is always supportive of creative people and creative ideas.

What are the characters of the people born in the year of the Serpent?

No one will give an exact answer to this question - neither astrologers, nor psychologists. But you can create a certain idea of the lifestyle and habits of the "snake". Ambitiousness and dedication, perseverance and talent in everything - this will be their character. The Year of the Serpent emphasizes the so-called "self-love," therefore such people like to be in the center of attention, adore when they are carefully listened to and follow their instructions.

Usually these traits are manifested from the diaper. This applies to the kids who were presented to parents in 2013. What kind of animal they are, you already know. So take note: if you have a "snake" born in the family, then by cunning and tricks your child will make you his "henpecked". Be prepared for the fact that you will have a new head of the family. Snakes are very diplomatic and find an approach to all people.

Representatives of this animal usually do not give vent to emotions, but this does not mean that they are calm and balanced. In fact, inside of them the ocean of passions is raging, it is very difficult for them to engage in tedious work and sit constantly in one place. Snakes are very intelligent, and even wise. They are not afraid of anything, but at the same time they are always reasonable. Do not take rash decisions. The advantages of their character: cheerfulness, excellent logic and purposefulness. By cons are the stubborn and domineering character, as well as impermanence.

How to properly meet the year of the Snake

The next year the Snake will not be soon - in 2025-m. But time will fly by quickly, so we must be ready for his meeting, especially since this year will be special - it will mark a quarter of a century. We will meet the Blue Wooden Snake. She is naturally leisurely, so you need to think carefully about the outfit. Put on a dress resembling a snake skin. It can be a dress from a smooth shiny material - satin or silk. The pattern is a snake, of course. Figured drawings and inscriptions, blue and dark colors, will also come in handy. Men should choose suits also with such colors and textures.

On the table should be unusual dishes. The snake is a big fan of delicacies. Also suitable seafood, fish and jellies. As an appetizer, eggs will be ideal. For a dessert Snake loves whipped cream and ice cream. The table can be decorated with chic candlesticks, beautiful New Year's toys and spruce branches - this animal loves chic and shine. Since the snake is also very smart, an excellent gift this year will be useful things you need, for example, a laptop, a tablet, a notebook.

Follow these tips - and then the Serpent will be supportive and will become your reliable patron.

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