HealthDiseases and Conditions

Spasms of the stomach: pathogenic causes and productive treatment

The most common functional disorders are spasms in the stomach, which are represented by involuntary contractions of its smooth muscles, accompanied by a sharp pain syndrome and lasting a very long period. Surprisingly, with detailed diagnosis, it is not possible to detect any abnormalities or lesions of the stomach and its walls. The pathological process directly affects the motility of this organ, that is, it disrupts the secretory or motor function of the stomach, and is inherent, rather, the adult category of patients, which often contribute to anomalies from the nervous system or metabolic processes.

Spasms of the stomach are of an unexpected nature, however, it is not yet possible to reveal the definitive pathogenic causes of their progression, so at the moment there is no single effective method of preventing and treating such an imbalance of the gastrointestinal tract. This dysfunction is organic and functional. In the first case, we are talking about the pathology of adults, which can exacerbate the already existing or chronic (ulcer, gastritis, gastroduodenitis, predominance of erosions) gastrointestinal diseases, but functional stomach spasms are characteristic of younger patients and are a sad consequence of a metabolic disorder and Nervous system. If we talk about infants, there are pyloripasms associated with temporary deviations in the development of the nervous system and muscle tissue.

We will study in more detail functional gastric spasms, the causes of which directly depend on the chosen lifestyle, nutrition and emotional state of the potential patient. So, the main pathogenic factors are nervous overexcitation, intoxication and hypothermia of the body, as well as malnutrition, smoking, alcoholism, external chemical effects and the taking of a number of medications.

However, it is not necessary to exclude the features of each organism, which, during the aggression of certain external stimuli, can also cause functional disorders. So, choleric persons, subject to sharp changes of mood, excessive emotionality and propensity to depression are an excellent example.

The main symptom of stomach spasms is dull pain, which brings a lot of discomfort and discomfort, and also can develop a spasm of abdominal muscles. In addition, there is a constant feeling of nausea, less often - vomiting.

Either way, the disease requires detailed diagnosis. If nevertheless gastric spasms are found, treatment is protracted and requires an integrated approach. In the period of relapses, the use of antispasmodics (Spazmalgon, No-shpa, Buskopan, Almagel) is recommended, which can intensively suppress the pain syndrome.

In addition, such a patient requires a constant therapeutic diet, which has its own characteristics. So, from the daily ration it is necessary to completely exclude rough food, that is not to consume flour products, smoked products, spices, witticisms, fats, as well as coffee, alcohol and strong tea. Such a diet should last up to 90 days from the moment of improvement of the patient's condition and complete disappearance of symptoms of gastric spasm. This is a kind of prophylaxis, capable and in the future to spare the stomach from the influence of harmful food. It is also important to remember that you should eat 7 times a day in small portions, and at night drink warm milk.

However, it is worth emphasizing that stomach cramps, aggravated once, are able to recur, so it is advisable to consistently adhere to a sparing diet that will significantly reduce the recurrence of this disease.

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