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Royal or golden scaly melon

The royal princess got such an unusual name from the people. In the scientific literature it is called the golden scaly. The world knows 150 species, thirty of which are found in our country. This fruit is an excellent addition to the dishes and belongs to the fourth category on nutritional value. In this article you will learn how to look royal auricles, where they love to grow and what can be cooked from them.

Description of mushrooms

Royal aphos (golden scales) fully corresponds to its name in appearance and size. The diameter of the cap reaches 20 cm, and its surface resembles a small crown or a studded ball of golden or pinkish color. Old mushrooms have a rusty or dull yellow color. Under the hat are hidden white plates. The flesh of the young mushroom is light. The leg of his thin, if you compare it with the size of the cap (thickness 1-2 cm, height up to 15 cm). It has small scales. The mushrooms of honey agarics, photos of which are presented in the article, look very unusual and fabulous.

Favorable environment for the Royal Snow

Scale golden can be found in deciduous forests. They can grow directly on trees (alder, willow), sometimes they can be found on birch stumps. It is better to search for this gift of nature from the end of July to the middle of October, but young fruits are much like ordinary and false honey agarics. They grow in groups throughout Russia.

Where to collect firearms in the suburbs?

After heavy rains there is a desire to go to the forest for mushrooms. In the suburbs there are several places in which there is more chance to collect a lot of harvest. The mushroom picker can go in the Kiev direction through the Alabino and Selyatino stations. In the areas of the Zosimova Desert and Rasudov, you can find not only honey agarics, but also pimperal, maslata, chanterelles, mushrooms, and white mushrooms.

The royal priory can be collected in the vicinity of the Iksha station and up to the Tourist platform. It is found on both sides of the path. To gain a lot of fruit, it will be necessary to inspect places in 1,5-3 kilometers from the railway.

Still these amazing gifts of the nature meet in the woods located on an interval from station Zelenogradskaja to Abramtsevo (in the Yaroslavl direction). True, some mushroom pickers believe that in this place the fruits are substandard.

Meet the royal firearms can be in Volokolamsk direction, in the north from the station Opaliha in the direction of the village of Saburovo and in the south of the village of Nikolskoe-Uryupino. It is better to reach the forest on foot, because it is impossible to drive by car. Mushroom picker will have to walk about 2-3 kilometers.

Those who like to collect mushrooms can go to the forests in the area of Andreevka and Marino (Leningrad direction). The route should start from the Radishchevo platform. In these places you can find honey agarics, chanterelles, butter mushrooms, white mushrooms, mushrooms, birch bark, russula.

Application in cooking and composition

Royal seafood is consumed only after boiling. It will make a delicious salad, soup or sauce. Some housewives even make an amazing pie and marinade from these mushrooms.

The product includes: food fibers, fatty acids, mono- and disaccharides, water. Another golden scaly contains mineral substances (magnesium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, potassium) and vitamins (PP, B1, B2, C, E).

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