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Animals and plants of the steppe. Omnivorous steppe animals and their features. How plants in the steppe adapted

Steppe is a combination of an amazing climate and spectacular landscape. It fascinates with its beauty and amazes with its vast expanses. It is possible to peer long into the distance and see only a barely noticeable strip of hills on the horizon. The animals and plants of the steppe are unique, they impress not only the variety of species, but also their ability to adapt to life in such peculiar conditions. The steppe is a special world, the study of life in which the works of many scientists are dedicated.

The territory of the steppe

The conditions for the formation of the steppe on a certain territory are the features of the relief and some other factors that determine the climate, which lead to insufficient moisture in the soil. This regime can persist throughout the year or manifest only in certain seasons. As a result of this feature, vegetation in the steppe appears either in early spring, when groundwater still remains in the depth of the soil, or in rainy seasons, although they do not differ in large amounts of precipitation, but are capable of providing plants with moisture. Some species of flora can adapt to a constant existence in conditions of water shortage. Thus, the steppe zone is a territory with a certain kind of vegetation, mainly herbaceous grass. The forest areas, if any, are located in the lowlands, where due to snow accumulations, the soil moisture content is increased. Outside the territory of the lowlands, for example in the interfluve, there will be no conditions for the appearance of the forest, since the soil on this site is too dry. Under subtropical climate, shrubs can appear in the steppe.

The patches of the steppe can be found on all continents, except Antarctica. They are located on the territory between forest areas and desert zones. Steppe landscape is formed within the temperate and subtropical belts of both hemispheres. The soil in the steppe is mainly chernozems. In the south you can find chestnut soils and solonchaks.

For a year the steppe zone, plants and animals which constantly need moisture, receives about 400 mm of precipitation. True, during a drought, rains are extremely rare, for a year their volume may not reach 200 mm. Depending on the geographical location of the steppe, the volume of moisture availability in each season varies greatly. In the western regions, the precipitation is distributed fairly evenly over the months. In the eastern part the minimum amount of precipitation is determined during the winter and the maximum amount in the summer.

The animals and plants of the steppes of Kazakhstan are endowed with great opportunities for adapting to the complex conditions of life in the steppe. In this arid region, the average annual rainfall is 279 mm. In this wet year can bring them up to 576 mm, and in the drought period only 135 mm fall out. Usually after a period rich in rains, an extremely droughty year follows.

Climate in the steppe

In the steppe, there are sharp temperature fluctuations, depending both on the season and on the time of day. Plants and steppe animals largely depend on these changes. In summer the steppe is very hot, the sun is shining. The average temperature in July in the western part of Europe is from 21 to 26 degrees. In the east, its value reaches 26 degrees. With the onset of autumn, the temperature begins to drop, sharply colder. In the eastern regions of the steppe, snow appears at the end of October. Zones of the Black Sea region, softer in their climate, are covered with snow at the end of November. Therefore, all living things in these territories can exist in unpredictable weather, for example, grassy plants of the steppe are resistant not only to drought, but also to severe frosts.

In general, the boundaries of spring and autumn in the steppe are very difficult to determine. This is due to the large difference between the air temperature day and night. By the end of September, these differences become very pronounced, the amplitude of the oscillations can reach 25 degrees. It is possible to fully understand that the winter has receded, by looking at the plants of the steppe. In the spring, thanks to the bright sun and the earth, saturated with moisture after melting snow, they lined the ground with a colorful carpet. A large temperature difference is observed in different seasons. The extreme temperature in the steppe in summer is +5 degrees, and in winter it can drop to -50. Thus, in the steppe, in comparison with other climatic zones, for example, with the desert, maximum temperature fluctuations are observed.

Characteristic for the steppe and a sudden change of weather in the same time of the year. A sudden thaw can begin in April or November, and in the middle of a hot summer suddenly comes a cold snap. Under such conditions, steppe animals and plants must have maximum endurance and special qualities that allow them to adapt to the changing climate.

Rivers in the steppe

Large deep rivers in the steppes are a rarity. And small rivers are hard to fight with such an unpredictable climate, they dry up quickly. The only opportunity for their revival is the years rich in abundant rainfall. Summer rains are not able to affect the amount of water in the drying up rivers, unless it is a question of showers. But long autumn rains, lasting for weeks, can increase the water content of small rivers. All this complicates life in the steppe by animals, which in various ways adapt to the lack of water. Steppe plants are characterized by branched long roots, which penetrate into the soil to a great depth, where moisture can remain even in a severe drought.

The only period when even almost dried up streams turn into powerful turbulent streams, this spring flood. Jets of water rush through the steppe, diluting the soil. This contributes to the lack of forests, rapidly melting under the influence of the hot steppe sun, snow, plowing of land.

The water network of the steppe differs depending on its geographical location. The steppe zones in Europe are permeated with a network of small and medium-sized rivers. The territory of Western Siberia and the steppes of Kazakhstan are the chains of small lakes. One of the largest clusters in the world is located on the section of the Siberian-Kazakh steppe. They number almost 25 thousand. Among these lakes there are reservoirs with practically any degree of mineralization: fresh, drainless salty, bitter-salty waters.

Variety of steppe landscapes

In every corner of the earth, the steppe zone has its own characteristics. Animals and steppe plants differ on different continents. In Eurasia, territories with characteristic landscapes are called steppes. Plots with steppe vegetation in North America are prairie. In South America, they are called pampas, in New Zealand, the steppes are called Tussoks. Each of these zones is distinguished by a peculiar climate that determines the specific species of plants and animals present in the given territory.

Pampa is most typical for Argentina. It is a part of the subtropical steppe with a continental climate. Summer in these areas is hot, the average temperature is in the range of 20 to 24 degrees. It gradually passes into a mild winter with average positive temperatures from 6 to 10 degrees. The eastern part of the pampa in Argentina is rich in moisture, for a year here falls from 800 to 950 mm of precipitation. The western part of the Argentine pampa receives twice as much rainfall. Pampa in Argentina is a territory of fertile chernozemlike soils, reddish or gray-brown. Due to this, it serves as the basis for the development of agriculture and livestock in the country.

The prairies of North America are similar in their climate with the steppes of Eurasia. The annual rainfall in the area between the deciduous forest and the immediate prairie is approximately 800 mm. To the north it decreases to 500 mm, and in the south it reaches 1000. In dry years, the amount of precipitation decreases by a quarter. Winter temperatures in the prairies vary considerably depending on the latitude where this steppe zone is located. In the southern parts, the temperature in winter usually does not drop below 0 degrees, and in the northern latitudes can reach its minimum of 50 degrees.

In the steppe of New Zealand, called Tussoks, precipitation during the year falls very little, in places up to 330 mm. These sites are one of the most arid, in their climate they resemble semi-deserts.

Mammals and steppe birds

In the steppe, despite the harsh and unpredictable conditions, there live a variety of animals. The steppe zones in Eurasia are home to almost 90 species of mammals. A third of this number occurs exclusively in the steppe, the remaining animals moved to these areas from adjacent areas of hardwood and desert lands. All animals miraculously adapted to life in a unique climate and a bizarre landscape. The steppe characterizes a large number of rodents inhabiting it. These include gophers, hamsters, voles, mice, jerboas and many others. Many in the steppe and small predators: foxes, ferrets, ermines, martens. Adiabatic animals of the steppe-hedgehog have adapted well to the conditions of the steppe climate.

In addition to animals that live only in the steppe, there are individual birds, also characteristic only for this area. True, there are not so many of them, and plowing of lands leads to their gradual disappearance. In the steppe there is a bustard, in our country it can be seen in Transbaikalia and the Saratov region, as well as a bustle, found in the Southern Urals, in the Middle and Lower Volga regions. Before the plowing of lands in the steppe zone, one could meet a crane-crane and a gray partridge. Currently, these birds come to the eye of a person extremely rarely.

Among the birds in the steppe there are many predators. These are large specimens: the steppe eagle, buzzard, eagle-burial ground, burial mound. And also small representatives of birds: falcons-kobchiki, kestrels.

Pleasure singing in the steppe larks, chibis, avdotki. Many species of birds living in floodplain zones, at borders with deciduous forest or near lakes and rivers, moved to the steppe zone from the forest.

Permanent inhabitants of the steppes are reptiles

Steppe landscape can not be imagined without the involvement of reptiles in its life. Their species are not very numerous, but these reptiles are an integral part of the steppe.

One of the brightest representatives of steppe reptiles is the yellow-bellied skid. It is almost a two-meter long, rather thick and large snake. It is characterized by incredible aggressiveness. Unlike most snakes when meeting a man, she does not try to crawl away faster, but folds and, loudly hissing, rushes at the enemy. Serious harm can not be caused to a person, his bites are not dangerous. Such a fight will end sadly, most likely for the very skid. As a result of their aggressiveness, these reptiles gradually began to disappear from the steppe territories.

Yellow-belly can be seen on stony slopes well warmed by the sun. In such places the reptile feels most comfortable and here prefers to hunt.

Another snake, characteristic for the steppe - a viper. Its refuge is the abandoned burrows of small rodents. The snake hunts, mostly late at night and at night, in the hot daytime hours the viper is basking in the sun, stretching out on the stone slopes. This reptile does not seek to enter into battle with a man and at the sight of it tries to hide. If, by recklessly stepping on a viper, she immediately pounced on an inattentive traveler, leaving a poisonous bite on his body.

In the steppe, there are many lizards of different colors. These brisk reptiles swirl past, pouring in the rays of the sun with amazing shades.

Reliable shelter - a way to survive in the steppe

Features of animal steppes are directed to their survival in rather difficult conditions. They were able to adapt to the open plain terrain, temperature differences, the lack of a wide variety of feeds, lack of water.

The need for reliable shelter is what all animals are united. The steppe zones are perfectly visible, and small animals could not be rescued from predators without a good shelter. As shelters, most steppe animals use burrows in which they spend most of their time. The burrows not only protect the fauna from danger, but also help to escape from adverse weather conditions, serve as a haven for animals during hibernation. It is there that mammals grow their offspring, protecting it from all external dangers. Digging holes is best suited to rodents: mice, hamsters, voles. They easily make holes even in dry solid soil.

In addition to rodents, in a safe haven in conditions of flat terrain large animals also need. Foxes and badgers also dig burrows, and those fauna that can not dig a hole on their own try to take over a stranger. The dwelling of foxes often becomes, for example, the prey of wolves, and small predators - ermines and ferrets, as well as snakes - settle in large burrows of ground squirrels. In burrows, even some birds hide from dangers, for example, hoopoes and owls. Nests of birds have to be built right on the ground, because secluded corners in a rock or a tree hollow in the steppe simply can not be found.

Constantly to be in its hole will not work, because you need to get food. Each steppe animal adapts in its own way to the constant threat from predators.

Some fauna representatives are able to run fast. These include saiga, hare-hare, jerboa. The method of protection is also color. Steppe animals have sandy gray fur or plumage, which allows them not to stand out against the background of the surrounding environment.

Herdness is characteristic of the inhabitants of the steppe zone. Ungulate mammals graze under the watchful eye of their leader, who in case of danger immediately gives a signal, and the herd will break from its place. Extremely careful, for example, gophers. They continually look around, controlling what is happening around. Hearing something suspicious, the gopher immediately notifies the relatives about this, and they instantly hide in burrows. Speed and instant reaction allow many animals to be invulnerable even in open space.

Confrontation with weather conditions

Animals adapted to the temperature changes during the day. These fluctuations determine the activity of mammals at different times. The most favorable for birds early morning hours, mammals come out of their holes in the morning and evening. Most of the animals tend to hide from the scorching rays of the day sun in burrows. Exceptions are unless reptiles who like to lie on hot stones.

With the approach of winter, life in the steppe freezes. Most animals fall into hibernation for the entire cold period, being in their holes. Thus, gophers, hedgehogs, jerboas, reptiles and insects are waiting for spring. Birds and bats for wintering go to warmer lands. Those rodents who will spend the winter, awake, are stocked with feed. Hamsters manage to bring to their hole up to several kilograms of grain. Molejees all winter eat the roots of plants and acorns accumulated over the summer. A burrow mouse, for example, does not appear at all on the surface of the earth in winter. Before the onset of cold weather, it hides kilograms of grain in the depth of the soil and feeds it all winter, setting up its nest on the site of the "warehouse."

Eternal water search

Animals and plants of the steppe are forced to adapt to the constant shortage of water. Each individual copes with this task in different ways. Ungulate mammals and birds are able to travel long distances in search of a source of drinking. Gerbils, jerboas, ground squirrels and some other rodents eat juicy grass, replenishing their need for water. Predators living in the steppe also do without water, as they get the necessary amount of it from the eaten animals. Amazing feature is the Kurgan and house mice. They eat only dried seeds of plants, and water is obtained by unique processing of starch in their bodies.

Animals adapted to the lack of food. Among the inhabitants of the steppe open spaces there are many who can eat both animal and vegetable food. Omnivorous steppe animals are foxes, hedgehogs, some species of reptiles and birds eating berries together with insects.

Plants of the steppe

The features of the steppe plants are the ability to exist in conditions of a lack of moisture, which is disastrous for most representatives of the flora. There are several types of vegetation in the steppe:

1. Raznotravnaya.

2. The fescue-feather grass.

3. Wormwood-cereal.

Grassy areas can be observed in the northern regions. With the appearance of the first rays of the sun, after the descent of the snow cover, there are early-flowering plants of the steppe-cereals and sedges, the dream-grass begins to bloom. Within a week the entire steppe sparkles with golden points of the mountainous color. Some time will pass, and the earth before the horizon will turn into a green carpet of lush, lush grass. The plant grass of the steppe in spring is really beautiful! During the summer months, the territory will periodically change its color. It can be covered with flowers of forget-me-nots, a shamrock, chamomile. By mid-July, when the flowers of salvia appear, the steppe simply does not recognize - it becomes a dark purple. Flowering ends at the end of July, the moisture for the plants is no longer sufficient, and they dry up.

Typical plants of the steppe, especially in areas with the most arid climate, are feather grass. They belong to the most drought-resistant species. Due to the long branchy roots, deeply penetrating into the soil, feather grasses are able to absorb all available moisture from the earth. The leaves of this plant are long, folded into a tube. Due to this form, the least evaporation of moisture from the surface of the sheet is achieved. Flowering feather grass is accompanied by the appearance of small flowers. The fruit of the plant is provided with a peculiar fluffy process, with which the seeds of feather grass extend over long distances and are introduced into the soil. This occurs by twisting and unwinding the appendage, which is screwed into dry, hard soil. Feather-grasses are the best example of how plants adapted to the steppe. The wind carries seeds of the plant for many kilometers, and, thanks to the ability of seeds to penetrate the soil, in some places large areas are formed, edged with feather grass.

If the plants that grow every year and end up drying at the end of the summer, do not cut it, a layer of humus gradually forms in the soil. This is very important for grass and flowers, which have to fight for existence in conditions of lack of moisture.

Animals and plants of the steppe of Russia are diverse and surprising. The view, cast by a sunny summer day on this beauty only once, will for a long time leave in memory the miracles created by nature.

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