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Details of what and how to treat trophic ulcers on the legs

No one is interested in information on how to treat trophic ulcers on the legs, until this pathological phenomenon touches it directly. It should be noted that such a deviation does not represent an independent disease, as it is only a complication of venous insufficiency, which is chronic. And in order to learn how to treat trophic ulcers on your legs, you first need to find out what kind of phenomenon, what is the cause of it, and other subtleties, which we will discuss below.

Features of the complication

In medical practice, trophic ulcers are called mucosal or skin defects, which are formed due to pathological changes in surface tissues. In turn, such lesions occur against the background of abnormal blood flow in the bed (microcirculatory) and disturbance of innervation at the site of sores. As a rule, this disease is aggravated by the fact that the infection gets into the wound, which makes it difficult to heal ulcers, as a result of which the therapy can drag on for months or even years.

Trophic ulcer on foot: causes of rejection

Most often, this pathological phenomenon develops because of:

  • Chronic diseases of veins on the legs;
  • Atherosclerosis (obliterating) arteries of legs of different caliber;
  • Traumatization of nerve trunks with violation of integrity;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Chronic and acute lymphostasis;
  • Thermal injuries;
  • Allergic and chronic dermatitis;
  • Autoimmune diseases of connective tissue.

How to treat trophic ulcers on legs using traditional medicine?

Therapy of such pathology should be comprehensive and aimed not only at local manifestations, but also to complete elimination of the disease, which caused the necrotic defect.

Usually, for the treatment of trophic ulcers formed on the legs, conservative measures are used, and then an operation is performed on the venous system. Therapy can be carried out at home and in the hospital (depending on the patient's condition). For local treatment of this manifestation, specialists are advised to cleanse ulcers every day with sponges or napkins impregnated with antiseptic solution. Further on the wound should be applied a bandage, on which the healing ointment is squeezed out in advance. After that it is required to put on an elastic bandage. When the sores heal, scars form in their place, which should be carefully protected from any possible injuries.

Folk methods

In how to treat trophic ulcers on the legs, traditional medicine understands no worse than the official one. Today there are quite a few recipes that help not only to decontaminate the wound, but also to contribute to its early healing. The following method is of great help. It is required in the same proportions to mix honey and egg white (from a village egg), and then shake them well and apply to sores, seizing the veins that bother you. After this, the wound should be covered with a piece of burdock, namely its back, wrap with cellophane, bandage and leave the night. Trophic ulcer on the toe, after applying such procedures in the amount of 8 courses, should heal after two weeks.

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