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How to reduce the acidity of the stomach? What foods to consume to reduce the acidity of gastric juice

Human gastric juice contains hydrochloric acid. It is necessary for digesting solid foods and neutralizing bacteria that enter the body with food. But sometimes the acid begins to be produced too much, and it can not all be neutralized in the process of digestion. Then it corrodes the walls of the stomach and causes various digestive disorders and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Many people face this problem, so the question of how to reduce the acidity of the stomach is very relevant. Some people live with this problem for years, occasionally taking medication. But it can lead to serious lesions of the stomach. Therefore, you need to be able to recognize the onset of the disease in time.

Symptoms of increased acidity

- Feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

- Heartburn and sour belch.

- Pain in the abdomen, which can be immediately after a meal or on an empty stomach.

- Frequent constipation.

- Nausea and indigestion.

If these symptoms intensify after consuming sour and bitter foods, pickled, spicy and fried foods, then you need to think about how to reduce the acidity of the stomach. The most important thing for this is not taking medication, but changing your eating habits and lifestyle.

What causes an increased acidity of the stomach

Most often this problem occurs in people who are fond of fatty and fried foods, with acute and acidic foods. To increase the acidity lead alcohol, coffee and chocolate, tea and cola, as well as excessive consumption of sugar, confectionery and citrus. Overeating, especially at night, also causes the release of hydrochloric acid. This problem affects people who are accustomed to snacks, irregular meals and fast food. Often, such symptoms occur in people who are exposed to stress and constant experiences.

How to reduce the acidity of the stomach

If you belong to people with such eating habits or have noticed symptoms of increased acidity, you need to see a doctor and conduct a survey. Based on its results, you will be diagnosed and prescribed treatment. To reduce the production of hydrochloric acid, different drugs are used.

Lower gastric acidity can be through the use of drugs "Maalox", "Almagel" or "Gastal." For this, Zantak or Vicalin preparations are also used. You can alleviate your condition by taking medications that regulate digestion. Most of them are sold without a doctor's prescription, for example tablets Mezim, Festal or Pancreatin. But completely to get rid of the raised acidity it is possible only by means of a diet.

How to eat properly

To avoid problems caused by excessive release of hydrochloric acid and its action on the walls of the stomach, you need to follow certain rules in the diet:

- You need to eat a little, better little by little and 5-6 times a day, so that the stomach does not remain empty;

- the temperature of food should be close to the temerature of the human body, it is undesirable to use too cold or hot dishes;

- it is necessary to abandon the low-fat diets that lead to the appearance of gastritis;

- food is better cooked for a couple or cook, and the products need to be finely chopped, you can even wipe;

- the food should be thoroughly chewed and try not to overeat;

- it is not recommended to eat at night, the main food load should be in the morning.

At a high acidity

A person suffering from excessive release of hydrochloric acid, you need to monitor what kind of food he uses. Only with the help of a diet can you easily reduce the acidity of the stomach. Products should be fresh, without the addition of preservatives or seasonings. The basis of nutrition should be porridge and liquid mucous soups that envelop the mucous membrane of the stomach and protect it. It is best to cook rice, oatmeal or semolina. Milk is good because it reduces acidity well. You can also eat cheese, low-fat cottage cheese and yogurt.

More include in the diet of boiled or stewed vegetables, best of all potatoes, cauliflower and carrots. Do not give up fruit, just choose non-acidic ones. It is good to cook mashed potatoes, mousse or jelly. Meat should be chosen low-fat, preferably chicken, veal or rabbit. It should be boiled, stewed or baked, for example, to prepare meatballs or steam cutlets.

Bread is recommended to use slightly dried. You can eat soft-boiled eggs or omelet, drink light tea or mineral water without gas. Such a diet will help you reduce the acidity of the stomach. Products that lead to increased production of hydrochloric acid, you need to exclude from their diet, and otherwise, in the absence of symptoms of the disease can eat more diverse.

What's forbidden

To increase acidity did not lead to the appearance of gastritis, you must completely abandon:

- from rich, saturated broths, especially mushroom and pork;

- coffee, alcohol and carbonated drinks;

- sharp and smoked products, seasonings and marinades;

- fried food;

- very acidic foods, for example, citrus, tomatoes or sorrel.

Even at a time when there is no exacerbation, you need to limit the use of vegetables that contain a lot of fiber, such as radishes or cabbage. It is undesirable to eat vegetables raw, especially onions and garlic. It is necessary to reduce the amount of salt in the diet, there is less black bread and baking, ice cream and canned food. But even with all these rules, the disease can sometimes worsen. The medicine is not always at hand, but you can reduce the acidity of the stomach folk remedies. To help you will come broths of herbs, tinctures, vegetable juices, sea buckthorn, ginger and cinnamon.

How to reduce stomach acid fast

The most common way for this is to drink a glass of water with a teaspoonful of soda dissolved in it. This solution quickly neutralizes the acid. A fine remedy is a powder of chalk or white clay. It is necessary to stir it in water and drink this suspension twice a day before meals. You can also eat chalk powder. It helps to reduce the acidity of honey water. Dissolve a spoonful of honey in a glass of warm water and drink.

To help you will also come ordinary products: carrots and potatoes. The juice from these vegetables is very useful for the stomach. But if carrots can be taken without restrictions, then potato drink on a quarter of a glass 3-4 times a day. Often include in your diet pumpkin and red beets in any form. It is best to cook them or bake them.

A very effective remedy against increased acidity of the stomach is sea buckthorn. It is good to make a decoction of berries and drink it with honey, also useful is the reception of sea buckthorn oil. Do not forget about mineral water. But to reduce acidity, you need to drink alkaline water before meals without gas.

Phytotherapy for the patient

Instead of regular tea, it is recommended to drink broths of mint or chamomile. From time to time it is necessary to conduct courses of treatment with various herbs that help to reduce acidity. The most effective for this, except chamomile, nettle and yarrow. You can brew them separately or use them in a mixture with other plants. What kind of fees are recommended to reduce acidity:

- to mix a bloodless erotica, calendula and a yarrow;

- two parts of chamomile, one part of seeds of cumin and herb of oregano;

- two parts of lime flowers mixed with one part of flax seeds and fennel fruits;

- in equal parts to mix the root of the altea, valerian, chamomile flowers, immortelle and St. John's wort.

But do not get too involved in such treatment, especially with drugs that reduce the production of hydrochloric acid. If it is not enough, then in addition to poisoning and digestive disorders, gastritis may appear with a decreased acidity of the stomach. Symptoms for this disease are also unpleasant, and they can not be immediately determined by taking heartburn, diarrhea and abdominal pain for manifestations of increased acidity. Therefore, the main thing after all - diet. But, in addition, you need to know how to reduce the increased acidity of the stomach to prevent complications.

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