
The root of the marshmallow. Healing properties

Who does not remember the sweet medicine from childhood from cough on the basis of the althea? It was the safest and he was pleased to appoint a doctor to his small patients. It smelled of herbs and had a great healing effect.

The plant itself, which shares its healing gifts with us so generously, is also externally attractive and decorative. The literal translation of the word althei from Greek means "to heal," this name has for centuries proven itself and carries health and safety in the treatment of many generations of people.

Althaeus is a perennial plant of medium height. The healing effect is mainly biennial roots, and the special beauty of the plant is attached to white or pink delicate flowers. A unique combination of beauty and health benefits is created.

This miracle grows - a plant in the Southern strip of Russia, in the North Caucasus, in Central Asia. The fruits of the althea are flat and look like a bagel, it blooms in July, and the seeds are harvested in September.

The althaea are edible leaves, only they are pre-cooked, also have a piquant taste of stewed young, but not quite ripe fruit, previously peeled from the cups.

The root of the althea was used from ancient times, and the paradox is that the way of using this plant by mankind is not lost and the recipes of health on its basis remained in its original form.

Tea, which is the root of the althaea, strengthens the gum and promotes healing of the oral mucosa and especially of the throat during inflammation. Known for its remarkable therapeutic effect in cases of stomach problems and skin diseases.

The root of the marshmallow is prepared in a special way. It can not be boiled, otherwise the medicinal properties of the precious medicine will be lost. In medical circles, the term "extract" of the althaea is used.

The fact is interesting, that this plant gave us its healing properties completely, the root of the althaea, and its leaves are useful in it.

At pregnancy, women should be very careful in the use of medicinal herbs, so as not to get the effect of them negative and negative for the baby, but sometimes the root of the althaea during pregnancy is indicated and desirable.

However, remember, the sign of good quality raw materials are the following: properly dried roots of the althea when squeezed with a crash break. Special requirements for the shelf life of raw materials. He is only three years old. The root of the althaea requires special storage conditions, it easily dampens, so store it in a dry place.

If you talk about such a drug as the root of the althaea, contraindications in medical practice are rare, but carefully monitor the condition of the grass - moldy raw materials can not be used, there are many parasite fungi, so it's better not to risk and buy packaged by all the rules of the mall in the pharmacy. Any adherence to medical recommendations is intended to serve people.

With a cold, cough, bronchitis during pregnancy are harmless tea from linden flowers and water infusion of flowers and althea roots. The root of the althaea during pregnancy or, more precisely, its slimy "extract" - will help cope with a painful, protracted cough.

Note to future mothers: when using a drug such as the root of the althea (contraindications still exist), you should carefully follow the dosage of the use of the althea extract, because allergic reactions are possible, as well as hypersensitivity to it. If the child has repeatedly shown reactions of hypersensitivity, consult a doctor before taking an althea.

The root of the althea is an amazing, kind plant. It gives people good health and a high quality of life. Correctly applying drugs with the root of the althea, listening to the recommendations of doctors, you will take only great benefit from it.

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