Spiritual developmentMetaphysics

Mental and mental body

A person beginning to get acquainted with esotericism inevitably encounters such notions as fiz, ether, astral, mental, and, accordingly, physical, etheric, astral, mental body. It will not work out in this whole wisdom from a pounce. In the article, we'll talk about all of the above, stopping at the mental body, since with the concept of "astral" one way or another people come across. The concept of "mental body" is much less common. So, a person distinguishes 7 "thin bodies" - physical, etheric, astral, mental, causal, budhial, atmanic. To be more precise, "thin bodies" in human 6, because The physical is a dense body.

The mental body is located conditionally "higher" than the astral and is more subtle. Although there is an opinion that the mental is not developed by everyone, it is not so. The body is mental, if in 2 words, this is the place where thoughts, thoughts, dreams are formed. Visualization occurs just on the first four of the seven sub-planes of the mental. At the last 3, in the zone of the higher mental or casual body (most often they are separated), visualization is not needed, the energy there is perceived differently.

Why do not we all share the mental and casual plan in the article? The fact is that both that and that is a repository of information, but the higher mental (causal) preserves information about past lives, etc. Information from the lower mental is lost by the person at the time of death, and from the higher one is carried further along the chain of reincarnation. Yet in this article we consider the mental and causal as a mental body in general.

If everyone laughs at the outputs to the astral, then the outlets to the mental are not so subject to mockery just because few people know about it. Rather, they know something, but it is not possible to effectively carry out activities on the mental plane, to influence physical reality, and even more so to meet the mental with other practitioners. Much makes mental communication impossible. The first is a lack of confidence in yourself and towards what a person sees when he is on the mental. The second is inability to distinguish between visualization and your fantasies from what is happening without the participation of a person. The third is the lack of intention and entrenched attitudes about the "impossibility" to communicate with someone at a distance without the help of technology.

Mentally you can communicate with any person, even with someone who is not a practitioner. The first condition is to clearly imagine a person with all his emotions and thoughts. And then work on the principle of visualization. The difficulty is that words do not work here, communication takes place through images, with the help of thoughts and intentions. For example, you can check the attitude of a person to a question by asking it mentally, supporting the image of the question and following the reaction of the "double". The main thing here is to be able to distinguish between the desired and the real. Although sometimes the truth is unpleasant, it must also be able to accept.

Quite often you can hear such a phrase as "mental health". If you search on the Internet, then you will not find a definition. This is too broad a concept and it can be different for different cultures and peoples. As a rule, it is considered that mental health is the absence of mental disorders.

Based on the concept of "mental", we can say that this is the health - a state where a person is in a state of comfort and a positive mood, when he enjoys life and is not subject to depression and obsessive states.

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