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Face mask from potato raw: benefit, reviews

Masks for the face - an important procedure in the life of every woman. They are made from a wide variety of ingredients. A face mask made from potatoes (raw) is an affordable and simple remedy that can be cooked very easily. And in this there is absolutely nothing surprising. Potatoes are available in every home, at least in a small supply. And for a useful and effective mask, only one tuber is needed. One potato significantly changes the structure of the face, cleanses the skin, makes it healthy and tender. In this product nature contains many useful substances. Potatoes nourish and rejuvenate the skin. And this is due to the fact that it consists of 75% water. A large content of starch pores on the face cleans and whitens.

Face mask from potato (raw): properties

So, more. Mask for the face of potatoes (raw) is rich in microminerals and vitamins. This allows the skin to function properly. Not only is the work of the sebaceous glands restored, but also the production of elastin and natural collagen is activated. Potatoes contain vitamins PP, E, K, B, C, choline, lutein, potassium, selenium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron. Potato masks help to prevent pigmentation spots, smooth out wrinkles, narrow pores, give the skin elasticity and elasticity, heal wounds and microcracks, prevent the appearance of black spots, pimples and acne, protect the skin from ultraviolet, restore skin. Oxalic, malic, coffee and citric acids rejuvenate the skin, make it healthy and smooth.

Universal mask

And now about the main thing. Mask for the face of potatoes (raw) is universal. It is suitable for all skin types. And effectively solves many problems - heals the rash, tightens the skin, regenerates the cells, refreshes and tones up the skin, preserves the natural complexion, nourishes the dermis with vitamins and minerals. Such a mask is used even for the area around the eyes.

Indications and contraindications

The next moment. A face mask made from potato (raw) is suitable even for sensitive skin. And also for problem and fading.

Women assure, it is true, that such a mask can not be used for expressed couperose, acute stage of herpes, severe damage to the skin. By the way, you can also use boiled potatoes to prepare masks. Recipes each picks up for himself individually, depending on the skin condition. Do not forget to avoid those ingredients that you have allergies to.

From chestnuts and potatoes

Let's consider the main options. Mask for a person from a raw potato of the reviews gets always gorgeous in the event that the composition of it also includes chestnuts. The latter are well digested. Potatoes are cleaned and brought to the state of gruel with a grater. Chestnuts are twisted in a meat grinder. All is mixed in the same proportions. To this mixture is added a tablespoon of olive oil. The mask is held on the face for about fifteen minutes. It is washed off with warm water. After that, a nourishing cream is applied to the face. Do not spend more than three times a week. Reviews remain the most positive.

With cucumbers

Face mask from the potato raw lifting provides the ideal. Especially, as women say, if you add cucumber juice and milk. For one tuber - a glass of milk and a tablespoon of juice. Juice can be obtained by chopping cucumbers in a blender. The finished mask is applied to the face for fifteen minutes. It is washed off with running water, and the face is covered with a light napkin. The mask whitens the skin and smoothes wrinkles. It is used no more than twice a week. Judging by the words of the ladies, a great option.

Beer and lemon juice

With what else can you mix grated potatoes? Mask on the face can be diluted with various products. For example, milk powder, eggs, lemon and beer. Raw potatoes rubbed on an average grater. The egg is broken, the yolk is separated from the protein. The latter is added to the mask. Yolk is useful for making other cosmetic products. Further squeezed juice from the cut lemon. A tablespoon of dried milk is added to the prepared mixture. At the very end, the mass is mixed with two tablespoons of light beer and salt. The finished creamy mask is neatly laid out on the face. Capture if you want, you can also neck and décolleté zones. The duration of the procedure is no more than ten minutes. After rinsing with warm water, a nourishing cream is applied to the skin.

Wheat flour

But this is not all. How else can I prepare face masks at home? The potato perfectly combines with wheat flour. One tuber - one tablespoon. And one carrot, rubbed on a small grater. The products are mixed in equal proportions. The mass can be diluted with cool boiled water. On the face mask is applied for fifteen minutes. It is removed by flowing cool water. Women warn that a towel is not recommended for owners of sensitive skin. It's enough just to get your face wet with a plain napkin. Apply the mask three times a week. The skin clears, and the pores become narrower.

Oat flakes

Another simple option. Masks for facial skin from potatoes can also be done with oat flakes. Potatoes must be cleaned and crushed. To it is added a tablespoon of low-fat milk, a tablespoon of dry oat flakes and a tablespoon of face cream. The mask is infused for a couple of minutes. The face is applied by circular massaging movements. Removed with napkins and water after 15 minutes after application. Remarkably removes keratinized skin, increases its elasticity, smoothes wrinkles. Apply once a week.

Classical mask

You can cook and a classic option. To do this, you need one potato tuber, peeled and chopped on a fine grater. The mask is superimposed on painful problem areas. The main thing is that the juice does not flow out. To do this, the person must be covered with rollers from towels. Holds about half an hour. It is washed off with warm water. Has a cleansing, nutritional and anti-inflammatory effect. Perfectly copes with teenage problems. Applied three times a week.

Olive oil and sour cream

Masks of fresh potato for the face - an excellent option for removing edemas. , рекомендуемый дамами. Here is another recipe recommended by the ladies. One potato tuber is peeled off and turned into mashed-pulp with a blender. Chicken egg is thoroughly beaten and added to the potato mass. There is also added a tablespoon of olive oil. Apply the mask in a thick layer for fifteen minutes. It is washed off by running water. It is used twice a week.

You can mix with a potato tuber and a tablespoon of sour cream of medium fat content. Apply a thick layer. Abundant - around the eyes. Mask allows you to remove fatigue. It is applied four times a week.

For the ages

The skin around the eyes also requires rest and care. To prepare the mask, you need to peel and grate the potato tuber on a small grater. The finished mixture is wrapped in bags made of gauze or any other thin material. The mask is applied to the eyes in the morning and before going to bed for half an hour. Has a calming, tonic and anti-inflammatory effect, and also eliminates puffiness. In addition, smooths out small wrinkles and removes dark circles. You can apply such a device daily.

For problematic skin

The mask of potatoes from edema on the face is prepared as follows. Two small tubers are rubbed on a small grater. The finished mass is placed on the gauze so that the potato juice does not penetrate. It turns out a kind of a bag. Keep it on your face for quite some time. In case of a problem, covered with pimples and acne skin mask is applied for one hour. After that, the bag must be removed and the face washed with warm water. The mask has a rejuvenating and cleansing effect. Great for sensitive skin. Applied three times a week.

You can also make a mask and from boiled potatoes. One tuber should be boiled in the skin until cooked, cool, clean and grind to a mashed state. Chicken egg is broken, the yolk is separated from the protein and added to the future mask. A cup of milk is brought to a boil and poured into a mask. The finished mixture is put on the face, neck, chest and décolleté zone. For best effect, you should put a heated towel on top. Apply the mask for half an hour, after which it is washed off with warm water. The skin cleanses, softens and smoothes the skin, returns elasticity and firmness. Use it once a week.

In addition, you can also add a couple of spoons of fruit juice to the boiled potatoes. The potato is ground to a puree state. In the resulting mixture is added the juice of apple, pear, orange, kiwi or grapefruit. If desired, you can also add juice to several fruits at once. The mask is applied to the face for fifteen minutes. It is washed off cold and warm water alternately. It is applied not more often than once a week.

One of the most popular home masks for women is potato with the addition of sour milk. On one tuber it is necessary to take two tablespoons of milk. The potato is cooked until cooked. With the aid of a crush, mashed potatoes are made. With sour milk (or kefir) is mixed in equal proportions. Before application, the skin is well rubbed. The mask lasts for twenty minutes. It is washed off with cool water. After that, a nourishing cream is applied to the face. You can use it twice a week.

To increase the elasticity of the skin, a mask of potato and hydrogen peroxide is used. A tablespoon of potato flour is diluted with boiled cold water. There are also added three drops of peroxide. The mixture must be brought to the consistency of thick sour cream. The mask is applied for ten minutes - no more. It is washed off with cool water and lemon juice. It is applied once a week.

In a word, there are many options. The main thing is to choose for yourself exactly what you need. It's not at all difficult. Be beautiful! Good luck!

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