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How to rinse the nose with sinusitis? Sinusitis - treatment

Sinusitis is a very common ailment, the treatment of which must be treated very seriously. Untimely taking measures can lead to the transition of the disease into a chronic form, with great difficulty giving in to therapy. One of the most effective methods of treating this disease is considered to be the washing of the nose. Consider how to rinse the nose with genyantritis correctly, which medications are best used.

Irrigation on an outpatient basis

Rinsing of the nose to patients suffering from sinusitis in the clinic is carried out using a method called the "cuckoo". To do this, a specialist enters the nasal cavity and immediately sucks it. And in order to ensure that during such a manipulation the liquid could not get into the airways located below the nasopharynx, the patient should always repeat "ku-ku". In the composition of therapeutic solutions, antiseptic agents are noted that contribute to suppressing the process of multiplication of microorganisms and the removal of inflammation, and vasoconstrictor drugs, which reduce the edema of the mucous membrane.

Independent irrigation

With the diagnosis of "sinusitis" treatment must necessarily include the washing of the nose. Often, patients are interested in their doctors about whether it can be carried out at home. Of course, yes, because such procedures are simply necessary for a speedy recovery. But it is very important to do it competently. So, how to wash your nose with sinusitis alone?

The simplest method is considered to be the following. The patient should dial the wash solution used in the palm of his hand, tilt the head slightly and try to draw the curative liquid inside one nostril. Further, with the same palm, it is necessary to clamp the nostril, while tilting the head in the opposite direction. As a result, the solution administered into one nostril should flow from the other. You can also use a medical syringe. On it it is necessary to put on a flexible tubule. During the procedure, liquid can get into the mouth.

Washing of the nose with "Furacilin"

The drug "Furacilin" has high antiseptic properties. The form of its release can be different: tablets, powders or ready-made solution. To wash the nose with furatsilinom, you need to use a liquid that has a mild-yellow tint. When preparing a solution at home, it is important to achieve complete dissolution of all grains.

How to wash the nose with sinusitis using this solution? It is necessary to be guided by the following proportion: dissolve ½ tablets in warm boiled water (1 L). Flushing should be done by douching. So, the patient should stand over the bathroom and at the same time tilt his head slightly to one side. In this position, insert the end of the syringe into one nostril and observe how the liquid flows out of the other. If the solution gets into the mouth, it must be spit immediately. After washing, it is necessary to stay in a vertical position for a while and not to sit down in any case. In order to wash the nose with "furatsilinom", each time a fresh solution is needed. The course of treatment with such procedures should be on average from 5 days to 1 week.

Saline solutions

From sinusitis, saline solutions also work very well, perfectly dissolving the mucus that accumulates in the nasopharynx and sinuses, and also outwards it. In addition, these drugs have anti-edematous activity. You can wash the nose using normal salt water. To do this, dilute in warm boiled water (200 ml) table salt (½ tsp). For greater efficiency, it is recommended to add to this solution baking soda in an amount of ½ tsp.

You can wash your nose with sodium chloride saline solution, which you can buy ready-made in any pharmacy or make it yourself. To do this, dilute in warm boiled water (1 L) table salt (9 g).

At the diagnosis of "genyantritis" than to wash the nose? The doctor will tell you the answer to this question. According to experts, greater effectiveness can be achieved if you prepare a solution based on sea salt, which can be purchased without difficulty in each pharmacy. Preparation of the basis for rinsing the nose should proceed as follows: in warm boiled water (1 L) dilute sea salt (1 tsp), add baking soda (½ tsp) and iodine tincture (5 drops). You can wash your nose with ready-made sea water solutions , also sold at the pharmacy. Their main difference is convenient packaging. Moreover, thanks to a good irrigation of the mucosa, the therapeutic effect is greatly enhanced. Undoubtedly, the importance of additional substances that are part of the ready-made dosage forms is also of great importance.

Rinsing of the nose with Dioxydin

In the treatment of a disease such as sinusitis, medicines should be used such that suppress the reproduction of microorganisms accumulated on the mucous membrane and remove them. One of the effective drugs is Dioxydin. This drug, among other things, is also good because it is not absorbed into the blood, and its use is not capable of causing side reactions.

"Dioxydin" is a complex drug, which includes dioksidin itself, as well as hydrocortisone and adrenaline. The first substance is an excellent antiseptic, the second has anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous action, and the third provokes a spasm of small vessels of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. You can buy a medicine in the pharmacy network. Washing is performed by douching.

Irrigation means "Dolphin"

The drug "Dolphin" is a highly effective nasal shower, successfully used to wash the nasal cavity. To obtain the desired result, you should use the tool with the help of a special, supplied device, and follow the instructions exactly. The prepared solution must have a temperature of about 35 degrees. A low or high temperature can not only cause unpleasant sensations and negate the effectiveness of the procedure, but also cause complications. It should also be taken into account that the prepared solution is not stored, and the procedure is required to be carried out using only freshly prepared liquid.

Herbal products

Many patients, deciding what to wash the nose with sinusitis, prefer solutions, prepared on the basis of medicinal herbal remedies. Most often, a decoction of chamomile is used for this purpose. To make it, you need to take a few flowers of this plant and brew them with boiling water (200 ml). The product must be cooled and filtered, after which it should be used as a washing solution. Flavonoids and essential oils, which are part of chamomile, have, among other things, an analgesic and anti-allergic effect.

With the diagnosis of "antritis" treatment in the early stages of the disease is advisable to carry out using a solution of propolis, washing the nose which, of course, will help in a short time to overcome the ailment. So, it is necessary to brew in 250 ml of slightly warm water salt in a volume of 1 tsp. And add propolis tincture (15 drops) to the resulting liquid. It is recommended to use the remedy for a week three times a day.

A powerful antiseptic is considered to be a celandine. It is very important to comply with the dosage when preparing the solution, since in large quantities this remedy is poisonous. So, you need to take a glass of water (200 ml) and add a fresh juice of the plant (2 drops). It is best to use the pipette. The celandine perfectly dilutes the mucus and promotes the accumulation of pus from the maxillary sinuses , and also successfully fights against polyps, if they caused the development of this disease.

In addition to these drugs, for the preparation of solutions for nasal washing, bark of oak, string, calendula, eucalyptus, sage and other plants are used.

Vegetable juices

People have long since wrung out vegetable and berry juice and used it in various medical procedures. The most common products that effectively help in the treatment of sinusitis are black currants, onions, carrots, beets, cranberries. To prepare a solution for washing the nose, freshly squeezed juice from these plants should be diluted with warm water in a proportion of 1: 3. After the manipulation, after 10 minutes, it is necessary to blow your nose and, after 3 hours, wash your nose again, but with the use of ordinary boiled water.

Iodine and manganese

The following composition for washing the nose has proved to be well: dissolve in table water (1 cup) table salt (1 tsp) and iodine (2 drops). The mechanism of the procedure is based on the antimicrobial effect of iodine and salt, which allows to inhibit the development of pathological flora in the nasal sinuses. An excellent alternative to iodine solution is a weak solution of manganese. And with the alternation of these components, recovery is simply guaranteed.

Knowing how to rinse your nose with genyantritis, and following the recommendations given, cure for the disease will not be difficult.

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