Food and drink, Wines and spirits
Home Bailey - a recipe for lovers of culinary experiments
Alcoholic beverages are not only strong, but also sweet, which include various liquors and cocktails. These drinks first of all fell in love with women. And lovers of sweet drinks know the product, which is produced by the Irish company RA Bailey & Co - this is Bailey liquor. The recipe for preparing a proprietary product is, of course, known only to a narrow circle of company specialists. But there are many recipes in the people that allow you to create a similar cocktail in a typical kitchen. By taste, he will be no worse than the Irish original. Moreover, each, after some experiments, will be able to pick up the recipe for the Baileys cocktail to your liking.
Here's one of them. We begin with caramel. Take four tablespoons of this product and burn it to the extreme state (almost to the coals). Then add a little ground ginger and vanillin to the caramel. A pinch of cinnamon and a spoonful of liquid honey will flow into the same mixture.
Then you need to prepare the alcoholic base of the future Beiliz cocktail. The recipe for this purpose involves the use of 60% alcohol in a volume of 0.4 liters. And if there is Irish whiskey, it will be even better. Half of the alcohol base can be made from it. Now you need an oak bark. Its best to buy in a pharmacy. Especially because it does not need much, only one teaspoon. The bark is added to the alcohol and we give the mixture to stand for a week. Several times a day it must be shaken. At the end of the period, this infusion should be filtered.
But this product also needs refueling. For her, take one liter of 10% cream, fresh and high quality. To them we add condensed milk - 0,4 liters. Then we dissolve a tablespoon of good coffee and also pour it into this dressing. And then there are two egg yolks. All this must be thoroughly beaten with a mixer.
The next step is to mix the caramel, alcohol base and dressing, and then once again, all the beats. But you can not drink home Bailey. He has to rest for a few days in the refrigerator. During this time, excess fat will appear and it will only be necessary to strain the ready-made drink. For this, cotton fabric is suitable . And after such long procedures, you get a delicious Beiliz home-made.
But this is not the only way to make such a cocktail. You can also cook in a faster way, and no less delicious Bailey. A recipe that allows you to create it within a day, such.
Tile of bitter chocolate is taken. It must be melt in a water bath. And 0.3 liters of cream whipped in a mixture with vanilla sugar. He will need three teaspoons. Then chocolate is added to the cream, pre-chilled, and a can of condensed milk. As an alcoholic base, high-quality vodka is suitable - 0.5 liters. All this must be mixed well and allowed to stand for 24 hours. In a day the drink will be ready for use.
There is also Beiliz, whose recipe allows you to make a drink without melting chocolate, a water bath and all kinds of warming. For an alcoholic base, you need 0.5 liters of good vodka and 50 grams of whiskey. Whiskey significantly improves the taste and smell of the finished product. Cognac will do, too, but the taste will be different. For refilling, you need a standard can of condensed milk, two chicken eggs, 0.4 liters of cream (10 or 20%), two spoons of instant coffee (dissolved in one hundred milliliters of hot water) and vanillin or vanilla sugar.
Sequence of preparation:
- At low rpm of the mixer, gently mix condensed milk, vanillin and two yolks. Vanillin takes a little, on the tip of the knife.
- Add coffee, which dissolves in hot water, and also mix.
- We add cream and protein from eggs (the cream regulates the strength of the finished product) and mix.
- Then vodka and whiskey are added, and the whole mixture is mixed without whipping.
- At the next stage, you can adjust the strength of the cocktail. If it is too strong, then cream is added, and the mixture is stirred again. Then this mixture should stand a little in an open container, so that excess alcohol could evaporate.
- And now Belize can be bottled and allowed to stand for 24 hours at room temperature
- Then it can be stored in the refrigerator for 7-10 days. It is no longer recommended.
Such are the three recipes, with which you can prepare a cocktail Belize in a typical kitchen.
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