
Let's talk about how to tie a loofah crochet with elongated loops

Sometimes in the markets and in stores they sell the necessary household items at a high price, although they can be made by themselves. Today, let's talk about how to tie a loofah hook with elongated loops for bathing and washing dishes.

Types of Washcloths

  • Flat. Such models can be rectangular or oval in shape, only elongated loops are arranged from each other in 5-6 rows.
  • Lush. These sponges are bilateral, knit with lush sticks and long loops, or only by pulling loops in each row.
  • One-sided. Unlike the previous two, this model is created one-sided by turning the work left and right. In this case, long loops can be located on one side or two.
  • Figured. This knitting crocheted crocheted elongated loops in an unusual shape. They can resemble gloves, paws, strawberries, flowers, mice, hedgehogs, bears, geometric figures. More often they are used for massage and children's bathing.
  • Household. These models characterize stiff knitting in combination with lush rows and elongated loops. They can be used for washing dishes, cleaning tiles, tiles, gas stoves, sinks.

For bathing and farming, purchase polypropylene, synthetic threads, and for children's woolen cloths, ask the consultant for flax, sisal.

One-side washcloth

Beginners should start with a simple model. How to tie a crocheted crochet with elongated loops on one side? Let's consider more in detail

  1. Begin to knit from the handle, typing a chain of air loops of the necessary length and tying it several times with columns without a crochet.
  2. Next, type the number of loops equal to the width of the bast.
  3. Connect with the other end of the handle.
  4. You send five or six rows of rows without a crochet, turning the work with your face or your underside.
  5. Then go to the main pattern of elongated loops and columns without a crochet.
  6. Alternate the rows of the main picture and columns without a crochet.
  7. After reaching the desired length, also go to six rows without stretched loops.
  8. Finish the work knitting the handle.

If the bast you knit convex on one side, then make sure that the hinges are on the front side. If you want to get volume from two sides, then place loops in each row, just distribute them on the face and on the underside evenly. The loofah can be knitted in such a way that four to five loops are made at the edges with columns without a crochet, and in the middle there is a basic pattern. The result is a convex original pattern.

Lush loofah crochet with elongated loops

Lush modelers are softer, especially if they are supported in boiling water. They are knitted as follows.

  1. Type a chain of air loops (the width of the sponge is equal to half of the folded line).
  2. Connect in a circle.
  3. Alternate elongated loops with columns without a crochet in each row.
  4. After reaching the desired length of wool from each edge of 2-3 centimeters are tying in sticks without a crochet.
  5. Finish with knitting knobs.

How is an elongated hook loop made for bast?

  • You send a column without a crochet.
  • Make a crochet on your thumb (this will be the basis of an elongated loop), while the working thread will be on your index finger.
  • Hold the cushion in a tightened position and secure with an air loop.
  • You send the next bar without a crochet.
  • Correct the hinge loop.
  • Repeat all again.

Extension loops need to be fastened with columns without a crochet or an air loop, since when rubbing the threads will be in free motion and the entire volume will go to the wrong side. For density, the loofah can be knit with an alternation of elongated loops and bulging columns.

How to tie a crocheted crochet with elongated loops for household needs

For washing carbon deposits, dirt and burnt food, propylene wool is perfect. They do not need to be knit large, ten to fifteen centimeters long or in diameter. In these models it is better to work out two sides: one will be soft due to elongated loops, and the second - rigid due to lush or ordinary posts.

For a square, round or oval sponge, you can take a scheme of any napkin or motif. Only the rows need to knit with alternating lush columns (tying more than five bars with a crochet in one loop ), elongated loops and columns without a crochet. Loops try to collect on one side. The edges of the bast can be decorated with arched rows. Finish the work by tying the tail loop.

By the way, some masters extend the loops with a chain of air loops: they made a column without a crochet, tied a chain of 8-10 loops and closed at the exit point, then secured it with a column and again continued the pattern. The result is a loop. But for bathing this method is not suitable, because the product is very hard.


Let's see how to tie a loofah crochet with elongated loops for children. Start the work with a tail. Having typed 15 loops and having tied them with a column without a crochet, you close in a circle. Then knit in a circle 3 rows with the addition (3, 15, 30). Then proceed to the knotting of the hedgehog body from 15 rows: 12 stitches without a crochet form the tummy, and 18 elongated loops - the back.

Then, loosen the loops, creating a muzzle only from the columns without the crochet through the row: cut to 15 loops, the row tied, cut to 7 loops, the next circle unchanged, halved and pulled into one loop.

Now cut off the thread with a stock to form a mustache from it, which you will fasten on the muzzle. Sew your eyes and nose.

And one more thing for the last: if you want to get a soft product, choose a thicker hook, if the hard one is thin. The best option is hook No. 4-6 and a thread in two additions.

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