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Vitiligo is what? Causes, symptoms and treatment of vitiligo

A mysterious disease - that's what they say about vitiligo. And indeed, not all people know about its existence. The disease is not fatal, but it is unpleasant to encounter with it, because every person wants to look good, which is impossible if there is vitiligo. This is a cutaneous pathology, getting rid of which becomes the main goal of all patients. It is also called leukopathy and a song.

Vitiligo - what is it?

On scientific, vitiligo is a chronic dermatosis. It is expressed depigmentation. In other words, there is a destruction of cells or their weakening, as a result of which they can not produce a pigment melanocyte.

Today, there are some shifts in the study of the disease. Although the cause of cell destruction is as yet unknown, doctors continue to study and draw conclusions based on the findings. For example, most of them say that vitiligo is an autoimmune disease. But what contributes to its development, to which the body responds so, no one knows.

The disease is relatively common. According to the information received, it is known that about 4% of the world's population is its carriers, and this is approximately 300 million people. Most of them are already adults, much less frequently are vitiligo patients, children of the older age group and adolescents, even fewer babies. Sexuality does not matter.


It will best show the symptoms of vitiligo photo. To describe the words with such a process can be as follows: on the human body appear white spots (depigmented areas of the skin), which can have completely different sizes and shapes, and even merge. Are distributed on all body, most often on arms or hand, legs or foots, the face and a head (hair also decolorize).

It is these spots that are the main symptom of vitiligo development. Internal organs remain unchanged, the structure of the skin is not disturbed, the disease is characterized only by a change in the shade of the dermis. As a side effect, only mental disorders can be identified, because the carriers of the disease experience complexes and suffer from their appearance (vitiligo, the initial stage is the photo in the article below).


It is quite simple to distinguish it from another disease, especially to the doctor. White spots on the skin remain normal, that is, there is no itching and flaking, the cover is smooth. It is not difficult to diagnose a disease because the human body becomes a kind of geographic map with unusual figures from the discolored areas. Most often localized zones on the face and neck, in the genital area, on the hands, forearms, wrists and knees.

Causes of the disease

Vitiligo is not fully understood pathology. Nevertheless, according to a number of studies carried out, the doctors managed to draw some conclusions. For example, that the great importance in its occurrence is:

  • Previously suffered serious illness, especially infectious;
  • Constant nervous tension;
  • Diseases of internal organs of chronic course;
  • Contact of synthetic tissue and skin;
  • Physical trauma;
  • Intoxication;
  • heredity.

Many doctors are inclined to assert that vitiligo is an autoimmune disease, and these processes play a crucial role in the development of pathology. Therefore, an imbalance in the immune system deserves special attention.

Diagnostic studies of patients have shown that many of them have insufficient amounts of zinc, copper and iron in the body. Patients also complained of problems with the digestive system.

It is interesting that the doctors managed to cure vitiligo, after having treated the patients with dehelminthization. This parasite disrupts the endocrine system, which leads to a lack of vitally important elements for the body. Therefore, even harmless (as many believe) helminth can become a provocateur.

Vitiligo: stages of the disease

  1. The initial.
  2. Stable.
  3. Progressive.
  4. Repigmentation.

Let us consider them in more detail. In total there are 4 stages of vitiligo. The initial is characterized by the appearance of one pigmentless pigmentation spot. The second is the state of stability, that is, the depigmented site does not change, but does not disappear either. In the progress stage, the growth of the existing spot begins and the appearance of new ones begins. Sometimes they grow literally instantly. At the stage of repigmentation, the color of the skin is restored in the affected areas. This may be a consequence of therapy or as an independent phenomenon, which is extremely rare.

Forms of the disease

They are classified according to the location of the spots and their size. To date, several basic forms have been derived:

1. Localized:

  • Focal - more common in children, depigmented areas are located in one place.
  • Segmental - foci are surrounded by hyperpigmented skin. Predominantly on one half of the body. There are rare cases when there is a progressing stage or the spread begins outside the allocated site.
  • Mucous - the formation of spots in the scrotum or vulva, on the mucous membrane of the lips.

2. Generalized:

  • Mixed - a combination of several forms of vitiligo.
  • Acrofacial - the formation of white spots on the fingers, face and wrists.
  • Vulgar - scattered throughout the body a large number of foci.

3. The universal. Characterized by the progressive growth of white spots throughout the body and face. Thus, the skin of a person can completely discolor, as well as hair on the head, eyelashes and eyebrows. There may be small islets of healthy skin.

Also distinguished Settus nevus and postinflammatory vitiligo. The photo of the first (located above) variety clearly shows what it is. The new formation of a red or brownish hue slightly rises above the skin and is surrounded by a depigmented spot. Requires observation by a dermatologist, but disappears on his own. Similar pathology in melanoma, so if a doctor has doubts that it is precisely Settus nevus, a surgical procedure is performed to remove this part of the dermis.

Post-inflammatory vitiligo is a consequence of skin diseases. For example, it can occur after eczema, psoriasis, lupus erythematosus or neurodermatitis.

Vitiligo: treatment

This process requires a lot of patience, because it takes a very long time, and the result is quite difficult to achieve. There are cases when depigmented spots pass independently, but such a phenomenon is extremely rare.

Initially, the doctor must identify the cause of vitiligo. Treatment depends on it. If there are abnormalities in the functioning of the body's systems, the doctor directs all forces to eliminate them. A drug that would cure vitiligo has not yet been developed. But the methods of therapy do exist.

When the cause is not yet identified, it does not make sense to treat vitiligo. The initial stage will eventually turn into a progressive one, and there will be more depigmented sites. In this case, the effectiveness of drug treatment is observed only in 40%.

It is important at this time to support the patient from a psychological point of view. Dermatologists prescribe sedatives, because stress and other mental states can aggravate the disease. The next is proper nutrition. The doctor makes a diet that will help a person restore metabolism. It is also necessary to improve the condition of the digestive tract. Among the procedures known is photochemotherapy. On the affected areas of the skin an ointment containing a photosensitizer is applied, after which these places are irradiated. In addition, for oral intake appoint:

  • Containing placenta funds - in the composition there are substances that contribute to the rapid formation of pigments;
  • Copper-containing preparations help stimulate the production of melanin pigment.

How is the treatment prescribed for children?

Vitiligo (the initial stage - the photo below) in children is not treated by procedures because they have very sensitive skin, and any effect can badly affect the health of the baby. Such babies are necessarily under the supervision of a dermatologist.

Through vitiligo, the body can signal the presence of helminths in it. In this case, the treatment is specifically helminthiasis, which leads to skin pathology. In other words, as in adults, the therapy is accompanied by a concomitant disease.

Children of older age groups and adolescents can be assigned: multivitamins (group B, iron and zinc), exposure to ultraviolet light on problem areas and copper sulfate. But all this is possible only after examination by a doctor.

Treatment with traditional medicine

When a person realizes that he develops vitiligo (photo, the initial stage is below), the first thing he thinks about is treatment with folk remedies, but not about what one should visit a dermatovenerologist. This is the main mistake, because only a qualified specialist will be able to prescribe the only true therapy. From all that was written above, we can conclude: vitiligo does not develop simply because it is a consequence of some violations in the body. And if the systems function incorrectly, in the future it can lead to much more serious problems.

On the Internet, quite a lot of folk recipes, but almost all of them are ineffective in the treatment of vitiligo - the reviews confirm this. It is also important to remember that a person who does not possess the necessary knowledge can easily confuse this pathology with another.

The complex approach plays an important role in the treatment of skin disease. The dermatologist makes an individual therapy plan and directs the patient to the tests, prescribes procedures, taking medications, sometimes resorts to traditional medicine. In order not to waste time, it is better to consult him immediately.

Prognosis for treatment

Repigmentation without treatment occurs in only 5% of cases, and the effectiveness of therapy is noticeable in 20%. Such dynamics can hardly be called positive, but if you approach the process comprehensively, the probability of recovery increases several times. The main thing is to tune in to the result and be patient.

Is it possible to prevent the disease?

The organism is unpredictable, but that a person can have vitiligo, he does not think at all. The best prevention - to monitor food and health. If it is known that there were patients with such a skin pathology in the family, it is important to avoid sun rays (use protective creams with a high level of SPF), keep to a diet and eat more foods saturated with vitamins and other useful elements.

For a long time, vitiligo remains an unexplored and difficult to treat disease. But there is always a chance for recovery, and no matter how much time passes, one should not give up and stop therapy.

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